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The next announced mod to get into stock ksp


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  EvilotionCR2 said:
I kinda think that the devs are getting a bit lazy. Like really, implementing two mods in a row? The original spaceplane parts were also from an implemented mod. C7.

Why reinvent the wheel?

  Alephzorg said:
Could it be linked to the big feature announced for 0.26, for which the destructible buildings are the starting point?

Possibly, but something biome-related seems much more likely. From what I gather, the new feature covers new ground -- no mod has gone there yet. However, there's a host of biome-related mods. Custom Biomes would be an obvious bet (takes a lot of work off squad, and is easily integrated); ScanSat would be excellent from a a gameplay perspective, but I don't dare to hope for it.

And then there's always the chance that it's something different altogether. Kerbal Engineer or Alarm Clock would both make sense.

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I just had a thought, with stupid_chris somewhat losing interest I wonder if Squad decided to pull the trigger on RealChute. It's a mostly complete mod, it adds a functionality that would fit well with stock, the current parachutes are limited.

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  Alshain said:
I just had a thought, with stupid_chris somewhat losing interest I wonder if Squad decided to pull the trigger on RealChute. It's a mostly complete mod, it adds a functionality that would fit well with stock, the current parachutes are limited.

That would have been arranged very quickly. Interesting idea though.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
That would have been arranged very quickly. Interesting idea though.

The only thing that makes me think probably not is that RealChute is essentially a procedural parts mod which I don't think Squad has shown interest in.

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It is not Stockalike Station Parts Expansion

  Nertea said:
Huh, cool. Well, it's not this mod :P. Unless I've somehow missed a whole whackload of emails.
  Astronomer said:

Hello, Tsar! :sticktongue:

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  Alshain said:
The only thing that makes me think probably not is that RealChute is essentially a procedural parts mod which I don't think Squad has shown interest in.

Not entirely, it can modify the stock chutes. Though, perhaps it's going to be one of the IVA mods.

  Alshain said:

Some of these things you guys are suggesting are a "be careful what you wish for" type thing. I don't want engineer stock because it keeps getting better. There are new data points being added every time a release is out (I love the new intake air readings) and that would almost assuredly grind to a halt if it were implemented as stock. If they are going to be implementing anything, hope for something that is pretty much complete and incapable of much more expansion. Alarm Clock falls in the same boat, V3 beta is a massive improvement over the old V2, it's still getting better.

Actually, this is a good point. Now, there's a number more I'm hoping it's not.

Edited by Tw1
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  Tw1 said:
Not entirely, it can modify the stock chutes. Though, perhaps it's going to be one of the IVA mods.

Right, but it's still procedural, it just makes the stock chutes procedural. I guess it depends on if you call the chute itself a "part" as opposed to the chute casing. Though it does have the ability to resize the casing too.

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  Alewx said:
Maybe not one of Astronomers packs but the mod that is essential for it, EVE?

The catch there is that EVE is a plugin, and AVP is textures... i.e. artwork. The would be more likely to develop EVE on their own and add in art assets as that is what they have done with every acquired mod to date as far as I am aware.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
If plugins are not going to be incorporated that pretty much leaves part packs only.

I'm not sure "no-plugins" is a hard rule, though.

That makes it indeed quite difficult, but with SP+ they had to make a kind of firespitter plugin otherwise the cargobays would not work.

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Why would they add Custom Biomes? It's not particularly difficult to add new biomes to planets, there's no reason why they would need some additional tool to do so. And adding the ability to customize biomes in stock would basically invalidate all of the stock biome-specific science results. These results have to be matched by name, so changing the biome names would prevent them from ever being used.

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I haven't played with Fine Print personally (because I don't play career mode a lot) but I think that it would be a great addition from what I've seen of it. Final Frontier might also be nice, my kerbals need some recognition for their achievments! :D There's quite a few nice mods that they could implement, especially Ven's Stock Part Revamp. :cool:

Frankly, I'd rather not see KER. Part of what makes stock KSP feel the way it does is the trial-and-error when designing rockets; getting dV, TWR, and burn time readouts for every rocket on every body eliminates that.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
If plugins are not going to be incorporated that pretty much leaves part packs only.

I'm not sure "no-plugins" is a hard rule, though.

I wouldn't call it a "hard rule" but Maxmaps said they prefer to develop code under their own control. As a programmer I understand that. Art assets are "what you see is what you get" but importing someone else code can introduce problems that are hard to track down and end up costing you more than developing it yourself. Simply evaluating it's quality before importing it can be costly.

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...nah, it's probably just biomes from the custom biomes mod.

  FleetAdmiralJ said:
Rows said in KSPTV chat that it was NOT going to be the CustomBiomes mod, but someone else who was helping them with the biomes. Whether that's another mod or just someone they picked up, I don't know.

Ok, at last one good news.

  Shuttle said:

Would be nice, even if only for a point lights alone.

  Robotengineer said:
My guess is Ven's stock part revamp.link

Extremely unlikely. Devs so far been very, very reluctant to implementing anything that might possibly raise system requirements in any significant way - and this mod does.

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