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[KSP 1.8.1] SCANsat [v19.1] -- Dev version [February 20, 2020]


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The Scientific Committee on Advanced Navigation proudly presents:

SCANsat [v19.1]*

*development version


<RELEASE> v18.14 |  SOURCE @GitHub| LICENSE  [BSDv2]| DOCS @GitHub | ALBUMS @imgur | ISSUES @GitHub



ZIP @GitHub


This part-containing add-on allows you to scan the surfaces of planetary bodies to produce various kinds of maps and mine relatively small amounts of sweet, juicy, 110% fresh-squeezed science (in career mode).

Warning: Make Backups before using


  • How do I get support?
    • All support requests must be accompanied by a complete description of the problem and output_log.txt files from the KSP_Data folder (and/or pictures if relevant).
    • File Reports in this thread or the release thread depending on which version you are using.
    • Issues reported in the GitHub issue tracker are given higher priority.
  • Should I use this version instead of v18.14?
    • Probably not, this version is mostly for testing stability and the updating the saved scan data to a new format.
    • There may also be bugs or unexpected behavior.
    • Be aware that this is a one-way update, reverting to version 18.x after updating to 19 will result in a loss of scanning data
  • Can we get this on CKAN?
    • No. If you can't download and install this on your own then I don't particularly want you using it.


See the release posts for more information:




Version 19.1 - 2012-2-20

- Fix compatibility with Kopernicus

- Add new scanner info group in the right click menu of all scanner parts
- Fix stock resource scanner modules

- Fix scanning contracts (maybe?)

Version 19.0 - 2012-1-29

- Warning: Save files cannot be downgraded to a previous version of SCANsat after updating to version 19.0 or higher

- Update for KSP 1.8.1

- Visual scanning mode
     - New visual scanner part (Nertea)
     - Visual map mode
     - Visual scan science data

- Daylight scanner requirement
     - Some scanners require that the surface be in daylight to be scanned
     - Requirement can be disabled in the settings menu

- Overhaul of resource scanning
     - All high resolution resources are scanned through a single scanner type
     - Existing data will be converted to the new system

- Fix some Unity script initialization errors
- Fix some minor bugs

Version 17.9 - 2017-6-28
- Fix a bug causing text corruption when using the planetary overlay maps
- Use non-localized biomes when the localized biome name is empty
- Update KSPedia entries
- More Russian translations - Thanks RarogCmex

Version 17.8 - 2017-6-13
- Fix a bug that would allow multiple SCANsat windows to open and not be able to close
- Added more Chinese translations - @Summerfirefly
- Added a few more localization strings for UI text
- Removed some log spam when using Kopernicus planets

Version 17.7 - 2017-6-2
- Fix a bug in the resource scanners
- Fix a bug that was preventing some warning popups from closing
- Point the AVC .version file at the correct remote URL

- Added Spanish translations - Thanks Deltathiago98
- Added partial Chinese translations - Thanks Summerfirefly
- Added German translations - thanks h0yer

Version 17.6 - 2017-5-26
- Updated for KSP 1.3

Localization support
- Added more localization support 
       - Part descriptions
       - Science results
       - Part Action Window text

- All tooltips and warning popups now localized using stock system
       - Russian translations by @SerTheGreat

- Native localization support for celestial body, resource, and biome names

Other changes and bug fixes
- Use TextMesh Pro for all text input fields
- Align anomaly icon so that the open circle on the question mark is over the anomaly
- Tweaks to the day/night terminator
- Fix background scanning toggles
- Fix mod resource scanning MM patches
- All celestial body lists are now ordered by distance from the sun; moons are grouped together with their parent
- Science experiments are now handled by a separate part module
     - Module: SCANexperiment
     - It has one field to define the experiment type: experimentType
     - Allows for better handling of combined scanner parts
- Fix for a science exploit when collecting duplicate data on different vessels

Version 17.5 - 2017-3-10
- Implement day/night map terminator overlays for all maps
       - Toggled with a new icon showing a sun and moon
       - Shows the sun coverage at the time of map reset
- Implement map fill cheat options
       - Allow for selecting specific data types to fill in
       - Data types apply to map reset as well
       - Must set "CheatMapFill = True" in the settings file
- Fix some UI draw order problems with the NavBall
- Fix a potential error that would prevent the big map from closing
- Fix various UI update and synchronization problems
- Various minor UI updates

Version 17.4 - 2017-3-7
- Implement MechJeb landing guidance integration
	- Set MechJeb landing target using the waypoint selection function
	- Limited ability to load landing targets

- Implement biome map legend
- Implement map legend tooltips
    - Shows terrain altitude or biome info for current mouse position over legend

- Add more map generation speed controls
	- Three levels available
	- Effect differs depending on map type

- Fix error with zoom map legend
- Fix bugs related to planetary overlay maps
- Fix bug when refreshing zoom map and locked to the current vessel
- Various minor fixes

Version 17.3 - 2017-3-2
- Implement BTDT scanner readout
- Implement planetary overlay map tooltips
- Scan width properly accounts for latitude
- Add a flashing waypoint icon when selecting waypoint site
- Add a separate option for zoom map (and RPM map) biome borders
- Fix instruments window resource selection buttons
- Fix scanning data reset button text
- Fix error in big map equatorial crossing lines
- Fix bug in zoom map sychronization
- Various UI updates

Version 17.2 - 2017-2-22
Color management window overhaul:

- Built using new UI system
- Integrated into standard settings window
- New HSV color picker
- New biome map options specific to the small map
- Text input fields for most sliders

Other updates and bug fixes:

- Reset waypoint while selecting
       - Refreshes auto-gen waypoint name
- Fixes to stuck tooltips
- Warning and confirmation windows where needed
- Fixed a potential error with Raster Prop Monitor resource overlays
- Various minor fixes and additions to the UI

Version 17.1 - 2017-2-11
Zoom map overhaul:

- Built using the new UI system

- Map uses orthographic projection to minimize distortion near the center
      - Similar to the polar map projection
	  - Can be centered at any location instead of just the poles
	  - Up is always oriented north
- Map controls for adjusting the map center
- Selection menus for map type and resource selection (if more than one is loaded)
- Option to display the altimetry map legend

- Option to lock the map view to the current vessel
      - All map refreshes will recenter on the vessel

- Three different zoom map size options
      - Full map with top and bottom control bars
      - Medium map with only top control bars
      - Compact map with no control bars
	  - Control with button in the top right
- Readout display only visible when mouse is hovering over the map

Stock waypoint generation:

- Big map and zoom map can be used to create stock waypoints
- Click the waypoint button in the bottom right of either map
      - Select a point on the map and left-click to assign the waypoint location
	  - Edit the waypoint name in the text input field (limited to 20 characters)
	  - Click set to generate the waypoint
Narrow Band scanner resource requirement:

- Fixed this requirement (which can be toggled in the resource page of the settings window)
      - Used to determine the availability of resource overlays on the zoom map 
      - Determines the accuracy resource readouts on the big map

- When using stock scanning it will search for a vessel with a Resource scanning KerbNet module in orbit around the target planet
- When using SCANsat resource scanning it will search for the SCANsat resource scanner module specific to the selected resource

Other updates and bug fixes:

- Use dot stlye texture for the big map grid overlays
- Open zoom map by right-clicking on the big map
- Implement all text input fields
      - Implement control locks when editing input fields
- Faster map generation speed
      - Maps update twice per frame (generally the same as with the old UI)
	  - Option in the settings window to limit to one update per frame
- Fixed some floating point errors in map generation
- Various minor fixes and additions to the UI
- Fix an error when the small map is opened in biome mode

Version 17.0 - 2017-2-1
Complete UI Replacement:

- All windows (except those listed above) generated using the new Unity UI system
      - Text rendered with Text Mesh Pro SDF fonts (clearer text at all sizes and scales)
      - Significant reduction in garbage creation for all UI windows
      - Option to use KSP- or Unity-style UI elements
      - Smoother UI scaling options
      - Inherits the stock KSP primary UI scale

- New stock toolbar menu
      - Toolbar buttons opens a small menu with buttons for each of the SCANsat windows

Version 16.8 - 2016-9-23

- Fix not loading background scanning vessels
- Add support for displaying new vessel types
- Detect new anomaly types
- Garbage reduction and performance improvements
     - Primarily in the background scanning mechanism

Version 16.7 - 2016-9-13

- Update for KSP 1.2 pre-release

Version 15.3 - 2016-4-15

- Additional KSPedia pages
- Add window scaling function
    - Adjust scale in the Settings window
- Window reset button will now reset all window positions and scale
- Fix bug in instruments window resource readout
- Make sure new save files apply all SCANsat default values and options

Version 15.2 - 2016-4-5

- Add KSPedia entry
- Add target selection button to big map
- Add science experiment for low resolution resource scan (M700 scanner)
    - Adjust science reward amounts
- Add new RPM storage module; Module Manager config edited to add this module to any part with an internal space
- Fix error that prevented orbit lines from crossing the East/West border in zoom maps
- Fixed potential error with ground tracks
- Fixed potential error with .csv exporter

Version 15.1 - 2016-4-1

- Fix ground tracks and landing target drawing
- Several minor Unity 5 performance updates

Version 15.0 - 2016-3-30

- Update to KSP 1.1 and Unity 5

- Known issues
   - Ground tracks don't function
   - MechJeb integration removed
   - SCANsat resource scanning requires Module Manager; it won't work without it and hasn't been tested in KSP 1.1


Edited by DMagic
version 19.1
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  federicoaa said:
Hi, the link from the github page (https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat) does not link to this post but to the v7 dev post (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80661)

You may want to correct that ;)

Thanks, I knew there was going to be something in that thing I was going to miss.

New updates; not quite ready yet, this still needs lots of work.

The next version will allow for several customization options for the height-to-color calculation used to generate the maps. The biggest of which is a range of color palettes available to choose from. There are multiple different types, each with several options for the number of colors.

For now this is being controlled through the settings menu, but the ultimate goal is to have a separate window used for color control. This will show the available color palettes, allow you to choose how many colors are available per palette, adjust the terrain height range for each planet (I have already added default ranges for the stock planets), select between a smooth color gradient or using discrete colors for each altitude range (similar to how each biome is currently shown as a single color), and some options optimized for ocean planets, like the ability to clamp certain colors to a range below sea level (this is used for the blue colors in the current color scheme).

Here you can see several of the options for sequential color palettes on Duna:


These examples show a number of different palette options for several planets:




Edited by DMagic
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Release candidate 2 is up on GitHub.

The primary change is the addition of a color/map management window. You can select from a number of color palettes (including the standard SCANsat colors) for your maps. There are also a number of options for the maps. You can adjust the minimum and maximum height range for each planet, this is used to for the terrain height-to-color algorithm. You can also clamp the first two colors of any palette to a given height, this is useful for ocean planets for making a clear distinction between the water and land. You can also reverse the color order for any palette and use a discrete stepping algorithm, rather than the smooth color scale used by default.

Each planet has also been given default terrain height range and color palettes. This should prevent problems for planets like Bop or the Mun where the terrain is almost entirely in the highest ranges of the color scheme.

There have been a number of back-end changes to the scenario module and data storage code. These should make SCANsat more tolerant of loading errors, as well as reduce log spam when something else interrupts the loading process.

Let me know if anyone comes across any bugs.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  iFlyAllTheTime said:
From the quick look I've had, seems like scansat supports kethane scanning too.

I'm wondering if I have to keep the craft with kethane scanner active for it to render the map (like the default kethane) or will it do background scanning when one switches to another vessel?

The Kethane integration doesn't work right now. But if it did it would support background scanning the same as the other SCANsat sensors.

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  DMagic said:
The Kethane integration doesn't work right now. But if it did it would support background scanning the same as the other SCANsat sensors.

So does this mean it used to or, better still, will at some point work again?

Don't need a timeline, but I was recently considering removing kethane, since I have karbonite.

But if it is being planned as a feature, I'll keep it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new update is approaching. This will complete most of the UI work, at least for the time being.

The primary change is adapting the KSC map to the standard, in-flight big map. All of the elements from the KSC map are present in the new big map, including the resource selection drop-down menu, and the planet selection menu (this one probably still needs some work to ensure that it doesn't give errors). All of the resource overlay selection will now be handled through this menu; everything from the settings window has been removed (except the non-functional Kethane database rebuild button). The in-flight map can also be re-sized the same way as before; the zoom map is also present here and has been added to the KSC map.

All of the overlay toggles along the left side of the map have been moved from text buttons to icons with tooltips (that can be deactivated through the settings menu), I think these icons are generally clear and work well enough at high dpi (I tried everything at 1080p on a 10.6" screen and 1080p on a 30" screen). A new set of icons have been created for all of the SCANsat windows as well, these are used on both the big map and the small map to open the other windows (instruments, settings, color, big/small map).

The color palette management window has also been improved. The text input boxes have been replaced with sliders to control the terrain height range and palette size. A new set of color palettes has also been added (I'm still deciding which to include for the release version), these are fixed size palettes, some of which give a more atlas-like look to the maps.

Regolith support will come whenever it is released in the next SCANsat update (v9rc4), probably after 0.90 is released. ORSX support will be dropped at that point. We'll see if the Kethane problems are fixed at that point too.

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  J.Random said:
Is it possible to show several resources at once? Say, as R/G/B components?

Possible? Yes. Likely? Not anytime soon.

The first thing that needs to be done is to convert the resource overlay into a separate RGBA texture, then it can simply be toggled on and off without having to rebuild the entire map each time. But I won't do that until I can improve the memory usage of the big map, because adding a separate texture means more RAM being swallowed up.

Layering resources is certainly possible, but it introduces lots of practical issues. Simply finding colors that don't conflict is one issue; using RGB for three resources is a solution, but then it makes gradients difficult. There would need to be an interface for selecting multiple resources, and determining how many can be shown at once, and making sure there's space for the map readout for each resource. This would also be very slow on bigger map sizes, since it would need to go through the calculations multiple times for every pixel.

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SCANsat Version 9 release candidate 3 is out; get it on GitHub

The primary changes were mentioned a few posts back, and a full changelog is available in the first post.

The in-flight big map has been replaced by an improved version of the KSC map. All resource options are now controlled through the big map and most text boxes have been replaced by icon textures.

Improvements have also been made to the color selection window UI along with an additional, fixed-size color palette type to use.

Let me know if anyone runs into any problems.

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Just to let everyone know, the science collecting portion of SCAN Sat isn't working in 0.90; I tried analyzing data of a Kerbin radar map and clicking the button didn't bring up the experiment window. The mapping part worked just fine by the looks of it, but the science gathering part is not.

Just to inform everyone.

Edit: this was with version 9.1 of SCAN Sat

Edited by Ame
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After accepting the new 0.90 update SCANsat hasn't been working for me. When I start scanning I no longer see anything on the mini or big map. The instruments tab does not show any active instruments even though I have both a multi-spectrum scanner and Karbonite scanner. I have both uninstalled and reinstalled the mod and KSP. And now after my most recent reinstall, I no longer see the buttons. I've attached a screen showing my blank windows. I tried copy/pasting the output log but it was too large and crashed my browser. Let me know if there's anything else can do to help resolve this. I really like this mod and can't wait to scan the new biomes with it


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Ouch , that's a first post !

In fact I had the same issue with 8.0 on 0.25, but my installations tended to get corrupted because I was messing a lot with the textures, setting up tons of exceptions both in atm and ddsloader, and changing part config for nicer effect ( .... pffff.... total padawan modder ). Anyway, it's now irrelevant, I'm trying 9.3!

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to the awesome developers/maintainers of this mod this mod allows me to play this game beyond the first three missions and gives reasons to use probes my gratitude is truly understated by words

i currently use this mod with kreb engineer redux and chatterer and a few other mods i would like to put in a request for this mod

could you with the next iteration of the mod please include contracts to map the universe ie a contract to map Kerbin the one to map Moho ect ect ect as that would allow me the abillity tomap the universe in career mode without dumping all my hard earned billions into it and stunting my career progress

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  WarrenSchultz said:
Is it possible to switch to stock toolbar support? Reducing another prereq would be nice. :)

May be not completely switch, but make a Toolbar support optional. Like in Engineer.

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  hawk_za said:
to the awesome developers/maintainers of this mod this mod allows me to play this game beyond the first three missions and gives reasons to use probes my gratitude is truly understated by words


could you with the next iteration of the mod please include contracts to map the universe ie a contract to map Kerbin the one to map Moho ect ect ect as that would allow me the abillity tomap the universe in career mode without dumping all my hard earned billions into it and stunting my career progress

This is exactly what I wanted to say :D

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