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Real travel of planets


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Many of you know it already I guess but the earth doesnt travel in a straight circle like its in the game at the moment. The earth doesnt even start at the same point after each year. This video is pretty good to explain it:

So Iam asking myself will there be 'real physics' like this put into the game in the future where every planet has an orbit like in real life?

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Yes precession effects are difficult to code into the game and also they dont effect the gameplay anyway since they only take effect after thousands of years. However it would be nice if they put in elliptical orbits which rotate around the sun as shown in the video.

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The CG of the video is a bit misleading, as it makes it look like the orbit is highly eccentric, which it is most certainly not; the difference in Earth\'s Apoapsis and Periapsis is 0.03 AU or basically 3 percent of the distance between the Earth and Sun.

To put that in KSP terms, if you were in a roughly 100KM orbit, it would be like having Apoapsis of 101km and a Periapsis of 98km; and that pretty circular looking in game

Also, our eccentricity is caused by the gravity of the Gas giants acting upon us, and since Kerbin is currently alone, it would not make sense for it to be eccentric currently.

There is also something to be said for maintaining a semblance of simplicity since this is a game. The more complexity is added, the less accessible it is going to be for the masses; while us nerds might appreciate that, the bottom line of squad might not.

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There is also something to be said for maintaining a semblance of simplicity since this is a game. The more complexity is added, the less accessible it is going to be for the masses; while us nerds might appreciate that, the bottom line of squad might not.

But I would hope that at least some of the other planets will have elliptical orbits (much like Nova\'s proposal). Think of it like levels in the game. If you rescued the princess the first time you ever played Super Mario Brothers, you probably wouldn\'t have played it very many times.

The Mun is easy to get to because its close and has a circular orbit. Other planets with circular orbits would be a bit more difficult. The most difficult planets to reach could have elliptical orbits (and maybe even non-zero orbital inclination). Even more complexity (i.e. levels of difficulty) could be added if those planets in turn had moons.

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Before modifying the current orbits and speculating on the difficulty, I would really like to see another planet added to try even getting into orbit around first. Has anyone been able to 'clone' kerbin and have it orbit with different parameters? While I think that code could be hard it might be possible to do if someone is bright and knowledgeable enough. (not anything close to a code monkey or I would attempt to look into it)

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Although then the single line of the circle would never meet - not warranting it as a circle.

Since the radius is infinite, the circle doesn\'t have a defined shape. It\'s just fun to think about it, kinda like that one shape that has finite volume and infinite surface area.

I think we\'ve gone a little off topic.

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