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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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  Kolago said:
I think there is something wrong in ModuleWheelFix.cfg or ModuleWheelFix.dll!

Thanks for the report. I'm reworking a lot of these modules right now. :)

  Avera9eJoe said:
I'm unsure if it is fixable, but is there any way to get the new landing gear to spin? Is this a bug, or just not finished yet?

I don't know off hand either. I'm not sure if the wheel was put in as a separate model piece, or if it's somehow a static part of the model. I'll write this down as something to look into though.



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Just reading through the most recent release README, I found this:

  - Fixes fairing decoupler force (small fairings are too high, and large fairings too low)

Would it be possible to make it so that all fairings separate at the exact same rate of speed, so they appear to be one fairing? That would make a LOT of people happy if it is possible. It would probable become a pretty well used mod too...

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  Avera9eJoe said:
Would it be possible to make it so that all fairings separate at the exact same rate of speed, so they appear to be one fairing?

Are you referring to the sub panels? That specific note is in regard to the three sizes of fairings.

I would say it's probably not possible to change the ejection force on each fairing panel. However, I am working on something that may allow a bit more control over the fairings. It's already possible to control how many panels around the base, but I'm working out if I can control the panels length wise.

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It appears as though I've found another bug... maybe. xD

It seems as though drag isn't being occluded for parts in a line. At least with this craft in this stock instance: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118881-Does-drag-effect-every-non-wing-part-on-a-craft-regardless-of-nose-cones-node-stacked-parts-pics?p=1897117#post1897117

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  Claw said:
Yep, you did. :D It will hopefully be rolled into my fixes tonight.

WHAT?! You're my hero!!! Dangit I can't give you more rep!

EDIT: That's a very serious bug actually. Like. Really serious...

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  Cdr_Zeta said:

I am a noob here...why is this thread so important and stickied? Is this a MOD?


Its a bug fixing mod for some more or less minor bugs that the game testers overlooked :D

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If we must blame someone for problems, it should probably go on Squad management, not game testers. We don't know how many private builds of KSP were built and sent from Squad to the testers for feedback, adjusted, and sent back for another round of testing until the deadline hit. This thread (link) asks that we give Game Test volunteers a break and thank-you, for the work they put in.

Also, this from the recent patch notes:

  HarvesteR said:
We've just published KSP v1.0.1. This is a small revision patch to address some of the most noticeable bugs we encountered since the release of 1.0.

Some of these we knew about for a while, but couldn't fix in time for the release (as we approach publishing time, the risk of code-breaking and delaying the entire release outweighs any benefits in the potential fix), others we found out about during the weekend livestreams, and some others we found from your own feedback.

This patch isn't meant to cover every single bug, of course, just the more relevant ones. We're going to keep on with the bugfixing and tweaking as we move into development of version 1.1.

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  Avera9eJoe said:
EDIT: That's a very serious bug actually. Like. Really serious...

I'm not ignoring this bug. I was just unhappy with the fix I've implemented, so still a WIP. :)

  StainX said:
Thank you Claw!

Thanks for all the work you put into fixing stuff!

You are quite welcome! :D

On a side note: There might be a misconception that all the bugs encountered post release were not found during the development process. Unfortunately (as posted above) there wasn't always time to fix everything, especially if there are higher priority problems that need to be addressed. Some of this can be seen in the public bug tracker, which is loaded with things that have remained at the bottom of the priority pile for quite a while. :(

I also have the bonus of being able to rapidly release things, and not get hung up in a full development process. :P



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By the way Claw, the bug I reported in 0.90, the one where the 3,75m decoupler didn't want to decouple when struts connected it with the stage it was on, is still with us in 1.0.2.

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I just ran into the sticky launchpad bug while trying to make a craft to hop around Kerbal for science in career mode. Launchpad level 2 using the first landing legs. I downloaded and added this stock bugfixes mod and the problem persisted. After looking at the release more closely I realized that the stickylaunchpadfix.dll is not actually included with the 1.02 release, manually adding in the one from the 1.0 release doesn't seem to do anything either (maybe modmanager required?)

Edit: as I was posting this/waiting for it to get approved you updated the mod. So thank you very much Claw

Edited by Dregius
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More updates. Again, make sure you delete your old Stock Bug Fix install!

Significant Change: ModuleManager is once again needed and is packaged with the download. Major additions include fixes to landing gear drag (drag was higher with gear retracted) and Mk3 cargo bays now properly occlude things behind them. Also includes a couple minor physics fixes (including fixes for the size 3 decoupler).

  Avera9eJoe said:
EDIT: That's a very serious bug actually. Like. Really serious...

Mk3 Cargo Bays now properly occlude parts behind them. Your Mk3 cargo beasts should have a bit of an easier time getting up to speed!

  thegreatgonz said:
Any chance we could get EVAEjectionFix back? I'm still getting Kerbals violently ejected away from the ship when they go EVA in 1.0.2.

I'll take a look. It's easy enough to compile and release, but I'd like to see the circumstances where this is happening, so I can confirm my fix does what it should. :)

  mitko said:
By the way Claw, the bug I reported in 0.90, the one where the 3,75m decoupler didn't want to decouple when struts connected it with the stage it was on, is still with us in 1.0.2.

You are in luck, I was just including this fix with the most recent download. :D



- - - Updated - - -

  Dregius said:
I just ran into the sticky launchpad bug while trying to make a craft to hop around Kerbal for science in career mode. Launchpad level 2 using the first landing legs. I downloaded and added this stock bugfixes mod and the problem persisted. After looking at the release more closely I realized that the stickylaunchpadfix.dll is not actually included with the 1.02 release, manually adding in the one from the 1.0 release doesn't seem to do anything either (maybe modmanager required?)

Edit: as I was posting this/waiting for it to get approved you updated the mod. So thank you very much Claw

It's back in there, in release v1.0.2b. :D Let me know if it isn't working (and include a .craft if it's stock).



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  Dregius said:
It doesn't seem to be working.

I take it from these pictures that you are referring to the stick launch pad? It currently only functions with engines...and that's because I haven't seen it with other parts like this before.

(And welcome to the forums! :D )

  Psycho_zs said:
Have you forgot about radial decouplers crossfeed fix?

Yes and no. I am running through the thread to collect up loose ends, but I might actually implement this in a slightly different manner. Though I don't imagine most people actually use the crossfeed through the decouplers on purpose. I can add this to the next release.



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  Claw said:
I take it from these pictures that you are referring to the stick launch pad? It currently only functions with engines...and that's because I haven't seen it with other parts like this before.

(And welcome to the forums! :D )

Thanks. Yes I was referring to my previous post about sticky launchpad. I ended up just using debug to give me funds to upgrade my launchpad, good to know it should work with just the engines though.

Edit: after some further testing the LV-909 even gets stuck on the Level 3 Launchpad. I haven't tested any of the other beginner engines, but I would assume they might do the same (this is with the 1.0.2b stickylaunchpadfix installed)

Edited by Dregius
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  Dregius said:
Edit: after some further testing the LV-909 even gets stuck on the Level 3 Launchpad. I haven't tested any of the other beginner engines, but I would assume they might do the same (this is with the 1.0.2b stickylaunchpadfix installed)

The sticky pad is a tier 2 problem (because of how the model is built). The Level 3 pad has not been reported as sticky before. Maybe double check that you have a high enough TWR. You can also check to see if it's the pad by dragging your rocket to the side in the VAB (outside of the white ring, toward the doors) and launching. It should start out off the pad. If it launches there, then I'd be interested in getting a copy of your .craft.



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I noticed that the sticky launchpad fix description says it may no longer be needed. I think it still is.

I don't have the fixes installed ATM and on Saturday I had a rocket which wouldn't take off, which would when attached to a launch clamp.

I will be installing the fixes, its worth it just for that particular fix.

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  Dregius said:
Newbie mistake, Kerbal Engineer was reporting a sufficient TWR for takeoff until I realized it wasn't calculating for atmosphere.

No problem. :)

  Andrew_C said:
I noticed that the sticky launchpad fix description says it may no longer be needed. I think it still is.

I don't have the fixes installed ATM and on Saturday I had a rocket which wouldn't take off, which would when attached to a launch clamp.

I will be installing the fixes, its worth it just for that particular fix.

Ah, that's my fault. I thought I updated that info but must have only done so in the readme. I will fix it up. You are correct. Several others have reported it as well. Thanks for taking the time to read the OP and letting me know. :)

  mitko said:
Thanks Claw, this mod and MechJeb are The Mods for me.

Awesome! I hope the fixes are helpful for you. :)



- - - Updated - - -

  Dregius said:
Newbie mistake, Kerbal Engineer was reporting a sufficient TWR for takeoff until I realized it wasn't calculating for atmosphere.

No problem. :)

  Andrew_C said:
I noticed that the sticky launchpad fix description says it may no longer be needed. I think it still is.

I don't have the fixes installed ATM and on Saturday I had a rocket which wouldn't take off, which would when attached to a launch clamp.

I will be installing the fixes, its worth it just for that particular fix.

Ah, that's my fault. I thought I updated that info but must have only done so in the readme. I will fix it up. You are correct. Several others have reported it as well. Thanks for taking the time to read the OP and letting me know. :)

  mitko said:
Thanks Claw, this mod and MechJeb are The Mods for me.

Awesome! I hope the fixes are helpful for you. :)



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