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Criticizing the development team is now a bannable offense. In case you didn't know.


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According to their rules, I can't even disclose the private message I got from Kasper (you people cannot be serious), but it suffices to say that if you criticize the devs, they'll start dumping warnings and eventually bans on you under extremely vague "Rule 2.3":

2.3 Forbidden messages

  1. Messages that contain no content except terms like “+1â€Â, “Bump†or any variation on the type of message that is used to needlessly boost threads and/or keep post counts up;
  2. Messages made for the perceived purpose of stirring up and otherwise getting a rise from users (ie, flamebaiting, troll posts);
  3. Messages that only contain images in response to a certain subject dependent to the context of the thread (ie. reaction images);
  4. Messages that purposefully change the subject of conversation in a thread without a natural tie to the topic at hand; and
  5. Messages that inquire about release dates for future versions of KSP.

How insecure do you have to be to run a forum where you ask your moderators to ban people voicing complaints in a thread asking for complaints?

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According to that rule, so long as your criticism is constructive (ie not just flaming) it shouldn't be banned. I don't know what your original post was, but if you didn't just say "fk teh devs, tey suk eaboddiafsmagfyomgwtfbbq" or something along those lines, then the warnings you received appear to be unjustified.

Also, the rule about not disclosing private messages doesn't only apply to conversations with moderators; the rule seems fair and reasonable.

After more reading of rules, it seems they might have meant to say Rule 3.4? I don't know, but if you are already on their bad side, this thread might not end well for you according to that rule. I haven't heard of any abuse from moderators besides this though, so maybe you are blowing it out of proportion.

Edited by NFUN
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Which of those five points are you reading as "you can get banned for criticizing the development team"? There's a difference between reasonable debate and constructive criticism, and outright trolling. I see plenty of criticism on these boards that hasn't gone anywhere. Sorry you can't make posts that are just stupid meme images of Michael Jackson eating popcorn or whatever.

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The devs are totally open to criticism. It's just most of the time the threads "Criticizing" them is really just a complaining post that develops into a flamewar.

Yes, there is a fine line between "Squad could do a couple things better" and "Squad sucks at what they're doing"

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There is a thing in this world called discretion. It's what we engage in when we don't want to come off as jerks, for the most part. And really, all that the rules are asking is that you exercise some discretion in your responses. There is quite a world of difference between declaring that a developer is doing something wrong and inquiring as to why things are different now. Around here, that difference can be the one between getting a warning and getting a meaningful response. Please keep this in mind when you go to write an angry rant, because angry rants serve little purpose save to spread even more anger. Try to be constructive or inquisitive in a non-volatile fashion instead.

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You really think that no one would respond to something like that? This is the internet. People will get offended, and people will care no matter how stupid, irrelevant or just plain unreadable your post is.

The only reason threads like that fall off the forum into oblivion is BECAUSE the moderators step in and lock them.

Even an honest respectful discussion can and most likely will eventually turn into a contest of who can come up with the best insult.

I can easily see this one getting closed.

Edited by shadowsutekh
quote was naughty
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Let's take a quick perusal of the front page of General Discussion, shall we?

Firstly, there's this thread, complaining about too many biomes at the KSC. Then there's this one, complaining cargo bays are too small. And then there's this one, with 16 pages of people bickering over how the devs should go about implementing the features they've announced, and why how they've been doing things so far is wrong. Don't forget this thread, complaining the devs haven't made buildings strong enough. Or this one, saying the devs made the admin building OP.

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but this forum is one of the most receptive I've ever seen to criticism. There's an entire section for suggestions. You want an oppressive forum? Check out War Thunder's. This is paradise compared to theirs. The very fact this thread isn't closed, with such a blatantly wrong title, is evidence directly contradicting what you've said.

If you're getting warnings for dissent, you're phrasing things way too strongly. Be respectful with your opinions; everyone's a lot more likely to listen when you don't seem like you're a raving lunatic.

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That's right Jodo. After all, descent is the highest form of patriotic.

I've noticed that at least one comment has been deleted (I love how in many forums deleted comments are still visible in quotes), maybe you (and us too, probably) should cool down a bit. At least now I know that deleted comments don't count towards post count.

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I have criticized Squad at times for choices they've made about the game or the direction it seems to be going and I haven't been banned (yet).

If you phrase your criticism in a constructive way and perhaps offer other alternatives, I have found that not only will your post not be edited or deleted and no infractions or warnings given, sometimes one of the Squad people will even address it or explain it (they may not agree, but that's fair). If your criticism is insulting then that's another thing.

Criticizing moderation acts publicly is never a good idea, and I think there may even be a rule about that.

Also, where is this thread asking for complaints?

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Fixed a bad word choice pointed out later.
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Whoah, whoah, whoah.

Wasn't this locked a moment ago?

Where'd technicalfool's post and lock go?

EDIT: @Kamuchi, below

Indeed, wasn't it? Something about enjoying our tears? (We must appease him with cupcakes, too!) :P

No one was supposed to see that, right, technicalfool? :wink:

But really, you shouldn't be criticizing the devs for anything. Making a constructive suggestion, as said about 8 times, is the only way to go. (At least, the proper way)

Edited by Starwhip
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If criticism were a bannable offense I would have been banned my first day. There is, however, such a thing as actual criticism vs just being rude.

Also as mentioned, anything you criticize should be of the game or the developers decisions for the game, not the developers directly or the mods or other players and forum posters.

Edited by Alshain
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Its all about the delivery.

Most people on these forums (thankfully) address their concerns and problems in a format like "I played the new update, and it the money to science contract thing seems to be OP." or "I feel that these new NASA parts are out of place, and are to powerful compared to stock parts".

Now... if you go "OMG WTF &*%^ Squad Messed up ma &$^& Space planes with the $#%@^ Update, I greatly Dislike you! ^&$(%( >:(

(I don't mean that, i love you guys so much :D )

Your probs gonna have that post removed, maybe banned if you keep doing it :/

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Here is an easy way to look at posting anything, anywhere, online that everyone should consider: "Would I like being addressed in this fashion?". Too often people forget that they are addressing other people, yes even the devs are people, with very little tact that it is appalling, and yes I am guilty of it myself as we all are from time to time. I have found myself typing out a message on the forums (here and other places) only to delete them after rereading what I have put down as I would not like to be "talked" to in that fashion, in fact today I have wrote nearly 20 posts that I never even posted just because I did not like the tone I was taking in them. Without seeing the original post we only have your word to go by as to the nature of the post, but as with most things there are two sides to every story and I sure there was merit to the post/thread being removed.

Even this post I could see being removed as it is in nature meant to "stir the pot" so to speak, and baiting out a fight with the mods on the forums (this is usually a very bad way to go about getting any answers). If you want to know why something was removed or why it was done try asking the mod in question in pm, not in a post like this, and maybe you will see it from their side of things. Much like the warning was done privately to you you should show the same courtesy to them as well. If nothing else take a break from the forums if the rules are upsetting you, sometimes time away will give you a better time to reflect on the situation.

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Ok, time for the 'Whack to wax eloquent about random things. Just because I got more coffee in me at the moment than is probably safe.

I don't doubt that folks who flame the devs and get really nasty think they're helping somehow. They are probably the product of some kind of environment where that is necessary in order to effect some sort of change. I find this extremely depressing, because that tells me that you live in a normal environment where your words and opinions go completely unheeded in normal conversation and you gotta shout to be heard. That sucks. It really does. But I have to say, it simply isn't gonna work here. In the real world. Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, people don't respond well to being browbeaten. By anybody.

Let's say I'm a dev. I come across a thread with two posts about a perceived problem. One says "rofl u guise dunno what ur doin and u all need to die in twelv fires kthxbai", and the other says, "This mechanic is bad. Here's why. Here's what happens when you do this, this is why it's broken, and here's what I think you need to do to fix it." As a normal, mostly human non-dev, even I can see that the second one is worth reading and the first one barely rates being placed on the bottom of my pet cockatiel's bird cage. If you really feel strongly that something is wrong, and you wanna gripe, then PLEASE, gripe away. Just do it in a manner conducive to the problem being fixed. Posting like the first example I noted is actually counter-productive, given that you're actually making it EASIER for me to ignore your complaint. The second one is not ignorable. It could be completely wrong, but I'd have to address it, and give detailed reasons why I think it's wrong. The first doesn't even rate a response, really.

So, TL;DR version: Griping isn't bad, but griping ineffectually is. Learn to complain with panache. Ranting might make you feel better for a moment, but getting your gripe heard and acted on and actually getting something worthwhile accomplished makes you feel better a lot longer.

INDEX: Here's what you wanna put in every single complaint:

1.) What went wrong

2.) Why you think it's wrong

3.) What you think was supposed to happen

4.) What you think made the thing go wrong

5.) The impact on the game and players with thing going wrong

6.) How you think it may be fixed or replaced or whatever

7.) How you think it would work with your fix

Post these seven points, and you're well ahead of the bug report game. And the devs will notice it. Trust the 'Whack.

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The number of users who have been banned from these forums (excluding scammers, bots, marketers ect..) is rather small, and in the years I have been hear the few users who were banned received multiple warnings, infractions,tips on how to fix the issue and in some cases almost begging to change there disruptive ways..

There is a little known fact that Moderators are not omniscient nor omnipresent and often we act on posts that are reported by our users rather than trawl the forums looking for infractions and warnings to hand out..

Below is a breakdown of the number of users who have been banned outside of the Automatic and semi automatic spam function..

12 general rule violations in 3 years, sounds rather soft handed for a form of this size if you ask me, though it could be because the majority of our users are awesome!

01 - Hacking

01 - On a temporary ban

01 - Requested by the user

02 - Did not respond to children's Online Privacy Protection Act check

03 - Piracy

12 - Rule violations *AVERAGE of over 360 posts each* including one with '1337' number of posts, I had to laugh at that..

15 - Sock puppet(Duplicate accounts)

70 - N/A Mostly Spambots some Sock puppets, all with 0 posts.

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Ok, time for the 'Whack to wax eloquent about random things. Just because I got more coffee in me at the moment than is probably safe.

Post these seven points, and you're well ahead of the bug report game. And the devs will notice it. Trust the 'Whack.

Nice and simple from the user whose fame is for just the opposite =>

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Since Frostiken decided to post a topic about this I feel free to disclose that in this particular case the post was removed for being off-topic. Also discussing moderating policy in public is fine, whereas you're asked to discuss individual decisions privately.

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