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Switch symmetry mode to that of the part you pick

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Exaple: open editor, make a rocket of 1 fuel tank. Switch symmetry mode to 2, put radial RCS tanks on a rocket body. Change symmetry to 4, put RCS thrutsers on the rocket. Pick the RCS tanks to re-locate them. Their symmetry mode becomes 4, you change it to 2, place them. Pick RCS thrusters and move them. Symmetry mode was 2, and if you forget this, you'll put only 2 RCS thrusters.

This is a constant annoyance in the editor that you have to switch symmetry mode or sometimes forget and place 1 asymmetric part or what's worse, relocate a fuel duct in asparagus, without noticing that symmetry changed, and you placed it only on one side. The deffect then is discoverable only 1-2 minutes into the flight when the rocket goes out of control.

I hope this can be fixed in 0.26.

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Nice suggestion, and something I never thought of.

I can't count the number of times I've gotten to my destination and found I only have 2 landing legs, or during launch I find my rocket's off center due to only having one goo container. Heck, recently I launched with only one SRB attached to the side of my ship! Note: That launch did not go well :D

This is a simple straightforward suggestion that is at WORST just as prone to problems as the current system, and for me at least it would save a lot of brain-derp mistakes I make in the VAB.

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