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Guest Space Cowboy

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While very cool, this should probably have gone in the Space Lounge or Science Labs sub-forums... or you could create a challenge out of it and put it on the Challenges sub-fourm :)

Heh, it IS in the challenges...

But... rules? objective?

Just posting a video does not a challenge make...

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As you are seting the challenge, you can be as strict or open as you like... for example, if I were setting this challenge, it would probably be along the lines of:

"Re-create the X-10 in KSP - see the video for what I'm looking for - Only Aesthetic/Engnieer/Autopilot mods (maybe have a different leaderboard for mods like FAR and NEAR, keeps it open for everyone). Scoring: 'x' points for getting as close as you can to the X-10 design and make it fly (can be out of 10, or 100, whichever scale you prefer) then 'x' multiplier for managing to make it so that it can get to x planet/moon (Usually, the harder to get to planets and moons have the higher multipliers, so Mun would only be a low multiplier like 1.5, further away planets like Eeloo, 10). So say someone made the closest they could to the X-10, and scoed 10/10 (if using a score out of ten) but can't get it to orbit - then that is their score, no multiplier. If they get to the mun, and have scored 10/10, then that's 10x.5=15, so immediately reaching the moon results in a higher score."

If you don't make up your own rules, then feel free to use the example ones above (feel free to tailor to your needs/wants) but not even a 'I want to see how close this can be recreated, winner is voted by the community' will mean no-one does anything, and you may as well have just posted it in science-labs and said 'this is cool!'.

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