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[WIP] Von Braun's Mission to Duna


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Von Braun's Mission to Mars

Except for the interplanetary stage this project is still very much in development phase but I thought it'd be fun, to work on it and show all my failures and some scribbles I make while I am distracted at work.:blush:

My latest Saturn V has a lifting capability of 85.000 Tons to a 100x100 orbit. This will be my limit for all modules. Though I would allow me to use 2 boosters on either side of the rocket if necessary, though i prefer not to.


Launch of the second part of the interplanetary stage. Unfortunately I had to launch at night to reach the first first part without faffing about in orbit too long. Since I have to fly by Eve on the way back to Kerbin, I'll probably need all the fuel I have stashed in there.


The 3rd part of the interplanetary reaches the other 2. No fuel was used from this stage. The second stage (S-II) second stage of the Saturn, on which the interplanetary stages are stacked upside down, has just enough fuel left to de-orbit.


One of the many scribbles showing the lander and the living space/science lab with just like the real mission room for 6 Kerbals. All of which will be packed in structural parts to make it look pretty. I am not quite sure yet whether I want to double up the mission like Von Braun proposed especially since I won't be able to fly them tandem. I know i could use burn together but, that would be a mod:(


The Saturn Ib that will take the Kerbals to the waiting Von Braun Duna craft. One of the reasons I probably won't be doubling up the mission. Just for a single mission i have to launch 4 Saturn Vs and 2 Saturn 1bs.

What do you guys think?

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Only the scribble. It works with pen and paper, but let's see how it works out in the VAB. I've tried a similar lander before but it didn't work out too well :(

Getting off Duna into orbit doesn't require much dv. My Constellation ascender had room for 6 and only used 4 mini mainsails.

What issues did you have with the lander?

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It wasn't pretty :blush: I want the ascend stage to be my standard Command & Service module from my Apollo missions, so it's a bit of a puzzle to get it right and looking good at the same time. I might start tonight after one or two cold cats in the bar next door:)

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Damn, I always thought I was going to be the first person that did this here. I even had a cool name picked out and everything, Duna '69, and my Saturn V-25(S)U (Derived straight from my Saturn V replica by slapping SRBs to it like the real concept for the real mission) already done:


Rune. Cool idea, obviously :P

Edited by Rune
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first try at building the lander and the Lab/Habitat module. Nicely fits on top of the first two stages of the Saturn V and with a bit of squinting it actually looks quite alright. :)



Edited by WooDzor
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