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Realism Overhaul Discussion Thread


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AFTER CRASH AND CRASH, I finally diced to install Linux, i have FASA, RN_Proton,RN_R7,RN_Salyut,RN_Skylab,RN_Soyuz,RealismOverhaul,RSS,and the most important, the RVE.

i tried these on windows what was 3.9gb on loading screen, but in Linux i run x86 64, it works fine.

And then i hit the wall, it looks like all the engine isp was wrong, the Proton only has >7000 deltv, witch 9000+ deltv was required to put something on leo, also the saturn i-b has enough deltv but second stage take 15 miuents to burn, by that time i'm already back on the ground.

now, is windows i can just use KerbalIspDifficultyScaler to make things right, and by swich settings i can avoid overpower some parts , but it didn't work un x64 bit.

so please, some one help me to find where to edit engine isp setting under RealismOverhaul,please please;.;

Edited by nathamxu
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You might want to show your ascent profile... and size payload you're pushing into space.

Also don't forget to get rid any any unwanted weight - that escape pod rocket on top of the rocket can be got rid of a a few 1000m up.


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It seems like I have a problem with Realism Overhaul and Remotetech (in the normal Kerbal System, not in RSS).

When I use RemoteTech without RO, there is a single red dot (i.e. ground station) on the KSC in the map of the tracking station and probes on the launchpad connect well.

When I install RealismOverhaul (via CKAN) however, suddenly I have a dozen ground stations on the map and none of these is located at the KSC.

That means, my remote probes on the launch pad don´t get any connection to the gound station (and therefore cannot be launched)

The RemoteTech_Settings.cfg in the RemoteTech-Gamedata-Folder definitely isn´t touched (and still shows the single ground station).

Therefore I suspect that there is a .cfg-file in the Realism Overhaul-Folder which defines its own ground stations and is executed instead of the RemoteTech_Settings.cfg of the RemoteTech-Folder.

Is there anyone who has an idea which file the culprit might be?

It is definitely not the RO_Remotetech.cfg as this only configs for a few rocket parts.

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Problem has been solved.

I somehow missed that there was a Remotetech_Settings.cfg in the root folder of Realism Overhaul.

After deleting it, the .cfg-file of Remotetech was active again and gave me a nice ground station at KSC

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Sounds like you have KSC Switcher installed.

Nope, definitely not.

It was rather the support of Realism Overhaul for the Real Solar System Mod.

As seen in the RO wiki in Q&A in the Topic of playing hints for RemoteTech:


The culprit was a RemoteTech config file in the Realism Overhaul-Folder that configures different remote tech ground stations that are located at coordinates on starting locations for earth, instead of a single ground station at the location of KSC for Kerbin.

I guess for some reason it was installed together with Realism Overhaul, when I installed it via CKAN and then took precedence over the ground station config (with a single ground station at KSC) that was located in the Remote Tech folder.

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Okay, so apparently my Google-Fu skills went on vacation and didn't bother to tell me....

I'm trying to find RO configs for Universal Storage that does not involve using RP-0 and its attendant mods. If anyone can tell me where to go looking for such a thing (if it even exists) that would be greatly appreciated.

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Does RO in one way or the other interact with TAC Lifesupport? For example by tweaking the survival time without resources?

I ask this because I just had a failed rescue mission where the survival time was extremly short.

I approached the capsule of Sara (the damsel in distress) ther first time at <= 2km just at the start of the nightside of Kerbin ...

and then during the night used my RCS thrusters so that at the end of the night I would come as close as 0.1 km to the capsule (at which time I planned for Sara to do the spacewalk into Jebs ship).

Unfortunately when my capsules approached her capsule again at 2km (~10 minutes after our first meeting and ~1 minute before she would have been saved) Sarah died of oxygen deprivation.

Considering the fact that in normaöl TAC Lifesupport Kerbals can survive for 2 hours after their O2 supply has been depleted and in rescue missions this countdown starts running the first time your ship approaches the ship of the rescuee at a distance of <= 2km (and in my non RO-1.0.4.-Install (as well as the KSP versions before) I always had ample time to rescue the Kerbonaut after first approaching his/her capsule), I wonder if Realism Overhaul somehow tweaks the survival times of the Kerbals (after their supply runs out)

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I'm having problem with KW Rocketry sizes for example the AJ10-137 [4.0 m] is just 2 metre diameter :/ but the nodes are very far away from the engine I suposse that has something to do with the size thing. Anyone has something to say? I find this bug weird

EDIT: I installed RO/RSS via CKAN

EDIT2:Solved via irc chat! I need to eliminate KWCommunityFixes folder and fixed!

Edited by CosmoBro
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I wasn't sure if I should ask this here or in the DREC thread, but I'm not sure what mod is causing the problem--it seems to be an interaction between a couple of RO mods.

I've googled and searched the daylights out of this but I can't find anything anywhere:

The aero effects (mach and heating) seem to be stuck scaled oddly. I get extreme Mach waves at 50m/s, and my rockets burst into compression heating flames at 800m/s at 10km. I seem to remember this problem before, and the fix I thought was in a debug menu somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find any AeroFX slider any more.

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Is there RO lite - that is just RO physics and rebalanced parts for rSS?

Yes, a couple of things. There's SMURFF (which I made) that makes parts lighter to get real-ish TWRs and fuel mass fractions. I want to tweak the balance a little for the next version (a week or two?), but it works as is.

Alternatively (and it actually came first, but I didn't know about it when I felt like making SMURFF) there's ROMini.cfg in the Realism Overhaul repo on GitHub which increases part sizes and thrusts (and also adjusts TWR and mass fraction) to be more realistic.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Hi, first time trying RO and RSS :)

I have this issue: If i activate the first stage engine before the launch clamps (to give it time to spool up for example) and then stage the launch clamps, the engine automatically stops. There's a message in screen that says i don't have more igniter, but it is already on so that's strange. If I put the clamps and engine on same stage it works ok.

I am doing something wrong or there's a bug involved?


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You get it because in weightlessness there is no "down", so fuel no longer drifts towards the engine on its own, and does not stay at the bottom of the tank. It is a major problem and design consideration for real-life rocketry. If you ever wondered why probes often use a solid rockets as the final stage, now you know - SRBs don't suffer from this problem. The solution is either a long RCS burn forward to push the main engine fuel "downwards", or to carry small solid rocket boosters and fire them just before igniting the main engine for the same purpose.

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You get it because in weightlessness there is no "down", so fuel no longer drifts towards the engine on its own, and does not stay at the bottom of the tank… The solution is either a long RCS burn forward to push the main engine fuel "downwards"…

But how do RCS engines consume the fuel? Do they use capillaries?

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