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Manned vehicles not visible in map view or tracking center

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Here's a weird one... none of my stock manned craft are visible in the map view, or in the tracking station - though when one is the active vessel, it's orbit line displays normally. I deleted and replaced the appropriate folder from /Gamedata/Squad with no effect.

Edited by DerekL1963
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At the top center of the Tracking Station view, there's a row of buttons with icons and numbers. These filter the display of vessels to the various categories. Left-click to turn 'em on and off.

The Map view has the same set of filter buttons, but it auto-hides if the mouse pointer isn't at the top center of the display.

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The Map view has the same set of filter buttons, but it auto-hides if the mouse pointer isn't at the top center of the display.
In map view, clicking on those buttons doesn't do anything for me. Left click, right click - nothing happens.

In the tracking station however, everything works as intended.

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