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Community Mun Base 2.0

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The MODDED Community Mun Base 2.0

Welcome to the modded base. Anyone is welcome to join, but you may have to download some mods.

Current Base

No current images

Click on the image to download.

Topographgic Maps

(courtesy of togfox)




Past Flights

Undamaged-No damages.

Lightly Damaged-Small damages, able to fly.

Medially DamagedHeavy damages, able to fly.

Heavily Damaged-Unable to fly.

Out of Fuel-Little/no damage, little/no fuel.

1. Munar Recon 3 - trbinsc (Unmanned)

2. Little White Pill - sal_vager

3. Munar Defense Module MK1 - Gojira

4. Super Laika Class Lander - sirscott

5. Fawlty Towers - khyron42

6. Mune Buggy - sal_vager

7. Mun or Bust 17 - trbinsc

8. Observation and Evac Tower - sal_vager

9. MunBace 1 - Gojira

Flight Queue

1. Seanoog

2. minespy

3. Jamini

4. sal_vager

Carts Mod V1.2

MechJeb Autopilot

Down Under Pack

C7 Pack, Experimental and Gear

White Monkey Pack + Hope Shuttle

Bace Pack 2.0


1. All flights must be flown, with the latest KSP build. Presently KSP 0.14.4

2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the Mun Base upcoming flight List. You do not need to submit a craft.

3. All flights must be flown in order, please no skipping.

4. At the end of your flight please post your Persistance file and what mods you used, as well a picture of the base.

5. If you do not post a file within 48 hours without notifying me of why, you will be placed at the bottom of the queue.

6. If you screw up, you can try again in the same turn.

7. Have Fun!

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The STOCK Community Mun Base 2.0

Welcome to the Stock Community Mun Base:

Anyone is welcome to fly - Please request a flight.

Public Announcements:

24. Mr_Orion - In Progress

Latest Mun Colony Pictures:

Houston We Have Landed:

- Landing Zone Alpha: Bill\'s Plateau (8 Craft)


- Landing Zone Bravo: Jeb\'s Crack (3 Craft)


- Landing Zone Charlie: Bob\'s Bottom (3 Craft)


Todays - Unique Lander Design

APOLLO-02 By Seanoog, A Larger version of the APOLLO-01 Craft, now much larger lander, with the safety of extra Fuel + RCS tanks.


Landing Zone Alpha:

Landing Zone Alpha - Bill\'s Plateau, is just South of the equator, located on a plateau of a two small craters. Offering some great vista\'s of Kerbin - So what you waiting for explorer?


Landing Zone Bravo:

Landing Zone Bravo - Jebs Crack, is just North of the equator, on the oposite side too LZ Alpha. Landing is in vally that is flat in the centre, offering some great views.

Landing Zone Charlie:

Landing Zone Charlie - Bob\'s Bottom, located at South Pole, providing some amazing terrain, from flat plains, to 200 Meter deep crators, with almost sheer cliffs. Landing is at the a very small plataeu between two cliffs. Deffinitly only a landing zone for the brave an experianced. Only the foolish would try landing in a crator! Sadly no Penguins here...

Mun Colony Flight List:


Key: Pilot - Position - Craft Name

1. Seanoog - Landed LZ Alpha - (SEANOOG) APOLLO-01

2. Sal_vager - Landed LZ Alpha - USS Palomino (sal_vager)

3. Apotheosist - Landed LZ Alpha - Munar Scout (Apotheosist)

4. GOOMH - Landed LZ Alpha - Lunas Domum 1 (GOOMH)

5. Caesar15 - Launch Window Missed

6. MC3Craze - Launch Window Missed

7. Awaras - Landed LZ Alpha - Horizon (Awaras)

8. Khyron42 - Landed LZ Alpha - SS Dependable (Kyyron42)

9. Gojira - Launch Window Missed

10. sting_auer - Launch Window Missed

11. God

12. Seanoog - Landed LZ Alpha - (SEANOOG)(LZ1) APOLLO-02

- Landed LZ Bravo - (SEANOOG)(LZ2) APOLLO-02

- Landed LZ Charlie - (SEANOOG)(LZ3) APOLLO-03

13. greghorst - Landed LZ Charlie - Southern Arctic Boogaloo

14. Sal_Vager - Landed LZ Bravo - Radio Telescope Unit One

15. TNTGODZZ - Landed LZ Charlie - Heavily Damaged

16. Ciber - Launch Window Missed

17. Salda007 - Landed LZ Alpha

18. Apotheosist - Landed LZ Bravo

19. sjwt - Landing Delayed.

20. trbinsc - Launch Window Missed

21. GOOMH - Launch Window Missed

22. Exovian -Launch Window Missed

23. khyron42


24. Mr_Orion - In Progress

25. Scratch

26. Gojira

27. greghorst

28. Seanoog

29. Sal_Vager

30. SmiteZero

31. Damonjay

32. Apotheosist

33. Dobrodav



Mun Colony Flight Guide-lines: Updated 08.05.12

1. All Flights Must be flown, with the Latest Supported KSP Build. Presently KSP 0.14.4

2. All Flights Must be flown, with STOCK Parts Only.

3. All Flights Must be requested in advance, to be added to the Mun Colony Flight List.

4. All Flights Must be flown in order - Please No Skipping.

5. A 48+ Hour Window will be given - From my notification. Pilots Must have made an attempt to Land in this time frame.

6. As long as an attempt has been made, pilots may request further time, to succesfully land.

7. Pilots who missed there Launch Window, are welcome to request another flight.

8. Land your craft intact... Remember some one might want to test fly your craft later.

9. At the End of your flight please post your Persistance file. (It will then be accessible to others, an uploaded to Original Post.)

10. Please take pictures, for your own record. But also to help tell the story of your brave Kerbals voyage.

11. Pilots are free to choose any Landing Zone (Alpha/Bravo/Charlie) At there discression.

12. Pilots will be encouraged to Land at alternative LZ\'s, if one or more may become over crowded, in the fareness that ALL members can enjoy an contribute to this community project.

- Always Have Fun.

I will endevour, to keep the Latest Persistance file + High Resolution Picture, included at the bottom of this Post.

If members have any questions. Please feel free to PM me, or Post in this thread.

Happy Launching and Landings.

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I will join! What is the list of suggested mods? I cant see the rules or picture in that post.

I am sure trbinsc, hasn\'t been able to upload a picture yet.

I am having issues with Image shack atm.

Please be patient both posts are still a work in progress.

Stock Flight list also?

Can I help? :3

How would you like to help?

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Sign me up for the stock base! I can totally make it o the Mun with enough parts to constitute as a base.

Added to the Stock List.

Sal_vager, your turn!

Persistance file attached to my Post. - Have Fun.

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How long should we give each person to land on the base? 1-2 days? Hopefully nobody is gone for too long and makes a roadblock in the list.

I\'ll PM, each member, giving them a reminder.

But, I\'d hazard a guess, upto 2 days max, them bump them to the bottom of the list.

May be different for the Modded one.

I fear for the NAN bug...

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I request a spot on the Unmodded mun base please.

Added to the Stock List - Please be patient, as it will be several days (Estimate) before you can fly.

PS: Welcome to the Forums. 8)

EDIT: Come on guys, lets start requesting flights for the Modded version.

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Added to the Stock List - Please be patient, as it will be several days (Estimate) before you can fly.

PS: Welcome to the Forums. 8)

EDIT: Come on guys, lets start requesting flights for the Modded version.

But stock is cooler :\'(

How much has to be left behind to constitute as a base?

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But stock is cooler :\'(

How much has to be left behind to constitute as a base?

Stock is cooler! 8)

I define a Mun Base, as a collection of usable ships. (Not a junk yard of stranded Kerbals)

I only landed a small craft, to begin with. An will land further craft, once its my turn, of ever increasing size an complexity. However big your ship is, is totally up to you...

Its not a competition, but a community project. ;)

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I have successfully landed my stock USS Palomino deep space exploration vessel at the Seanoog starport :)

I used a lot more fuel than I expected to, the craft didn\'t like 0.14.3 at first, I had to add four more struts, have any parts weights been increased?


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Added to the Stock List - Please be patient, as it will be several days (Estimate) before you can fly.

PS: Welcome to the Forums. 8)

I understand, I\'m a long time lurker since .11 but when I saw this project I just had to jump in. :)

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I have successfully landed my stock USS Palomino deep space exploration vessel at the Seanoog starport :)

I used a lot more fuel than I expected to, the craft didn\'t like 0.14.3 at first, I had to add four more struts, have any parts weights been increased?


Ohh, how fancy I have a space port named after me! 8)

Shame its not my very own Mun Kerbal Space Centre. ;P

What did you think of the landing sight?

Original Post is been updated, an a PM sent to Apotheosist.

Sal_vager, booking another flight?

I understand, I\'m a long time lurker since .11 but when I saw this project I just had to jump in. :)

I appreicate your patients, an as soon as its your turn, I\'ll let you know.

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Sure I\'d like to try again once the base has grown a bit, I want to try to make something interesting using the cart trick for sideways and inverted stock parts.

The site is fine, I forgot to look for Kerbin and I wish there were stock landing lights, so far no one has even made spotlights that point down, so any modders out there, I\'d really like cart style headlights that point downwards and are surface attachable :)

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