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Community Mun Base 2.0

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Caeser15, its your go

Actually Senoog put me on the stock list again since there\'s 16 people in front of me it\'ll give plenty of time to prep, relax, and get sorted before then.

Adding you now!

can u paste me to Flight Queue, i must help with moon base!

Which Mun Base? Stock or Modded?

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Sign me up for the stock base!


I can\'t fly worth anything.

Remove me from the list, I blew up everything.

Keep Trying, It will be worth it!

I think we need to move Caesar15 to the bottom of the stock list, it has been more than 2 days

I have too agree.

Launch window Missed, moving on to the next player!

Caesar15 - Please book another flight, if you want to contribute again.

MC3Craze - Its your go!

Please take the Persistance File from my Original Post! As its the Latest version.

Happy Flying.

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I saw I was next on the list as Gojira felt he had to drop out, so I have flown my turn.

I have landed the Observation and Evac Tower at the base, It provides excellent 360 degree views of the area and can be used as an evacuation lifeboat should anything start exploding, and with the Kerbals tendency to build everything out of high explosives that\'s always a possibility.

The base is getting really laggy for me so this is probably my last ship, even taking the screenshot was difficult.

The Tower uses the White monkey kitchenware pack : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4437.0

Also I sent Bill out with some paint to tart up the Mune Buggy as it was making the place look bad, we don\'t want too many stock parts here now do we? :)


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Aww man it\'s such a pain to wait, I have something special made for the stock base, oh well I\'ll be patient ;)

Its really annoying.

I have spent time, creating a whole up to date-ish post, an managing a community project. An 1-2 people cant even be bothered to contribute... when its there go!

Holding it up, for every one else!

Not to mention, I am excited about landing my secound rocket!

Also look forward to seeing your\'s any every other active members rockets, that wishies to contribute!

Please know, I do monitor this thread every few hours!

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Sorry guys, I haven\'t got a chance to play KSP recently, move me down a couple ticks on the list.

Couple ticks you say? S:| Not sure my morals like that. Surely if you\'re moving down, you gotta move all the way to the bottom, otherwise it won\'t be fair on the person you just butted in front of. I was just thinking about this recently. I believe we need to sort out a proper and fair procedure for this kind of thing.

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Previously anyone who missed their 48-hour turn got bumped to the very bottom, and I think the same was done for anyone who asked to be moved down on the list.

MC3craze, your 48 hour turn started on April 4th and was already 2 days overdue when you asked to be 'moved down a few' - I guess Seanoog must be busy, but seriously - I\'m checking in daily from INDIA so that I don\'t miss my turn. I think it\'s bottom of the list for you, per missed turn rules.

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Well, I have gone ahead and landed my ship using the persistent.sfs file from the OP. I hope that is OK. If not, please ignore my file and move me to the end of the list...


Looks like my ship was afflicted by the reappearing strut bug... :(

Let\'s just say that it is an antenna or something. :D

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