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Outsourced R&D seems very powerfull


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I have setup a 30% Outsourced RnD.

From the tooltip it says it will issue me 1 science pr 33496 funds/credits spent.

If i then take a mission to explore Ike (or any other for that matter) i can now see that completing this mission would have yielded me 233.000 funds, but that this is reduced by 100.103. It does however award a mindstaggering 2986 science.

This not related solely to the Ike mission, i got almost 5000 science out of doing the Mun and Minmus explore missions.

Admin building setup: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29598046967222975/6ECB47A7151FC398FF520A3191C3C3A2F65265E8/

Mission control: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29598046967227146/AB731E4B700BE18954480B4C6F4A1C0A547602D9/

I have MCE, and FinalFrontier installed as mods. But from what i can read these mods don't do anything with Admin.

Is it bugged, not scaled or working as intended?

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This is about the fifth thread I've seen on the same subject... from what I can tell, it's a placeholder for now, as Squad have stated they will (from 0.90) be going over everything and doing lots of things they have neglected so far...

So, buckle up with the rest of us, and look forwad to the changes coming in future, instead of focusing on what we have right now :wink:

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  Richy teh space man said:
Working as intended I'd say, they probably will be balanced more in the next updates I guess though.

But if the tooltip is correct and it's 1 science pr 33000 funds i earn, then it should only be awaring me 2-3 science more for the mission to Ike. Not 2-3000.

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The fact that outsourced R&D is unbalanced is a very common topic of conversation.

Current fix I have: I simply don't use it, some people have edited the configs to make it balanced though, but I haven't done that.

Simply put: it's VERY unbalanced, to the point that pretty much 99.9% of the player-base thinks so. I haven't used it simply by player stories! :D

EDIT: Oh, it doesn't say 33,496 credits, it says 33.496 credits. That's a decimal point.

Edited by Norpo
comically missed the point
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  Kebra said:
But if the tooltip is correct and it's 1 science pr 33000 funds i earn, then it should only be awaring me 2-3 science more for the mission to Ike. Not 2-3000.

IIRC, the stock conversion rates are ~ 0.026 - 0.033 sci/fund, or about 1 sci/30-40 funds (values taken from 'strategies.cfg' file). The tool tip may be giving you wrong info, but the system is working as intended.

Edit: as noted above: there are already a lot of threads on this.

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