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Asteroids / Stable Ordbits

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So just wanting to pick someone else's brain/experience with this. Im trying to bring asteroids (yes hopefully plural) into orbit around the mun, but have been struggling to bring to get them to stay in orbit, they just keep shooting off into space. Even with kerbin i cant get them to stay, eventually they just end up escaping. I drag them from their orbit around the sun, into kerbin SOI then into Mun SOI and establish an orbit. Then I release them and after so long they just escape.........

Is this a code/game related issue or am i doing something wrong?

Edit: Yay typos in title block.......

Edit 2: Gotta love those ordbits......

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Is the orbit comfortably above the highest point of the terrain? If not, it could crash.

Is the orbit clear of the atmosphere, if applicable? If not, drag will bring it down.

Is the orbit comfortably within the Sphere of Influence of the primary? (The planet or moon being orbited) If not, it will escape. The tracking station may show orbits as closed when they actually extend outside the SOI.

Is the orbit well clear of the orbits of any of the primary's satellites, such that it can never enter the SOI of those satellites? If not, sooner or later it will be affected by said satellite. In the case of Kerbin, this means orbits crossing or even coming close to that of the Mun are a Bad Idea.

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If you're truly placing the asteroids' apoapsis inside Mun SOI, then they're probably getting a gravitational assist from the Mun. That wouldn't be a stable orbit. Screenshots of your tamed asteroids' orbits in map view might help.

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when you say you release them are you saying your disconecting the capture craft totaly from the asteroid leaving it alone in its orbit? If so the rock may be geting cleaned up as debris. Leave a probe core attached to the rock via a claw and the cleanup routine should never touch the rock. Asside from that possibility there should never be a reason for the asteroids to just escape asumeing its truely a stable orbit. Particularly around mun as long as the PE has no chance of hiting the ground and the AP well withen the SOI it will stay there indefinitely. Around kerbin if your orbit is high enough to reach mun or minmus's SOI there is the chance of it geting kicked out of the system eventualy but otherwise a stable orbit for a ship will be a stable orbit for an asteroid.

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