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[WIP] Eskandare Heavy Industries, DEV THREAD


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Eskandare Heavy Industries' Ballistics and Chinese Take-out Division

Russian Missiles for Bahamuto Dynamics Armory

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Work In Progress

SU Series cockpit - Alpha (No IVA yet)

SU Series Nose Cone/Antenna - Alpha (I may add ScanSat)

SU Series Fuselage A "Kobra Style" - Alpha

SU Series Fuselage B "Fuel Tank" Alpha

SU Series Fuselage C "Tail & Engine Nacelles" - in development

Raduga KSR-5 (NATO reporting name AS-6 Kingfish) - In Testing

Vympel R-27 missile (NATO reporting name AA-10 Alamo) - In Testing

Vympel NPO R-77 missile (NATO reporting name: AA-12 Adder) - WIP

Vympel R-73 (NATO reporting name AA-11 Archer) - WIP

More Coming Soon!

Also, making my own version of the Sukhoi parts, based off of the old Red Star Sukhoi mod for .17 (yes, way back when) minus the ejection seat.

NATO, Non-Russian [WIP]

Boeing AGM-84 Harpoon (Because I thought there should be one) - In Testing

Real life slowing me down with work and the holidays, but I am still working on my project. Here is a sneak preview, via my notes, of what I'm working on.

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BahamutoD: For getting me started, helping me with the project and making the plugin this mod is for.

SpannerMonkey(smce): For support, help and inspiring me to make an addon to BD Armory

AlphaAsh: For getting me back into moding and 3D modeling.

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I modified the Sidewinders cfg from BDArmoury for the AA-12 a while ago, and I am using an old texture from another mod for the missile itself because it just wasn't right for a AIM-9. If you would like I can send you a copy of that file in a PM.

Here is a few pics of it next to an AIM-120 and the AIM-9 from BDArmoury.



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I modified the Sidewinders cfg from BDArmoury for the AA-12 a while ago, and I am using an old texture from another mod for the missile itself because it just wasn't right for a AIM-9. If you would like I can send you a copy of that file in a PM.

Here is a few pics of it next to an AIM-120 and the AIM-9 from BDArmoury.



I had planned on making my own model for the AA-12 only because there are some little differences between the two.

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I had planned on making my own model for the AA-12 only because there are some little differences between the two.

If I could make my own model I would, unfortunately time and lack of skill prevented me. And I realized I named it the wrong thing... it should be AA-11/R-73. Because that is the missile I modeled it after. Doh!

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If I could make my own model I would, unfortunately time and lack of skill prevented me. And I realized I named it the wrong thing... it should be AA-11/R-73. Because that is the missile I modeled it after. Doh!

No worries, much of those missiles were based off an AIM-9 the Russians captured.

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Looks promising.

Assuming you're using Blender, you should apply smooth shading to the mesh and add edge splits to hard angular areas - that would make the missile body less faceted and more aesthetically pleasing.

Good point and yes I am using Blender, still getting the hang of it. I'll be revising the model once I have it working game. :D

Edit: figured it out! Thanks sumghai! :cool:

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Damn good cockpit, not to sound greedy or whiny, but if you could make a piece together kit of the entire plane that'd be great; as in cockpit, noise, fuelsalage, tail, wings, engines etc. etc. This reduces part count insanely and makes it very simple to make in game.

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I liked the old green missile's fire effect. It seemed more... Refined, I guess.

Oh that was the smoke effect getting tested. The "big green" missile has the same fire effect as the older render, I just added smoothing to make the missile more round..

Damn good cockpit, not to sound greedy or whiny, but if you could make a piece together kit of the entire plane that'd be great; as in cockpit, noise, fuelsalage, tail, wings, engines etc. etc. This reduces part count insanely and makes it very simple to make in game.

Yes, a SU fuselage system is coming, it is based off the original Red Star Co-op mod, but more refined. :sticktongue:

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if your doing a somewhat "redux" of red star Co-op mod, you'll need the ejection seat, that was what helped make that mod so awesome. (i have a version of KSP just for it :D)

I may revisit the ejection seat. All I need to do is have a plugin that does the same for the external command seat but allows the player to see an IVA.

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actually.. redstar made the ejection seat the actual command part; the cockpit is just cosmetic. you can do the same without any plugins.

I'm aware of that. My issue is showing the pilot with the correct suit (if texture replacer is used) but show the IVA, and have an EVA without trapping Kerbals.

is there a download yet? if so can we see it please.

Working out a few issues with one of the models and the particle effects not showing up. I'll release an alpha as soon as it is ready.

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I'm aware of that. My issue is showing the pilot with the correct suit (if texture replacer is used) but show the IVA, and have an EVA without trapping Kerbals.

Working out a few issues with one of the models and the particle effects not showing up. I'll release an alpha as soon as it is ready.

I look forward to your download release. If you need any information, I used to have a fair amount of resources on old Soviet Military technology.

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Ran into a problem. For some reason after I added the Ladder, HandHold, and Airlock triggers my model stopped being displayed in KSP. Not sure what happened. I followed TT's IVA tutorial. The mesh displayed normally before... Hmmmn.

Edit: Fixed it, had may hierarchy all wrong.

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