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Nuka Corp shuttle project ( and apparently other stuff :D )


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9 for me also, 10 is out of my reach due to cost. and my computer is getting old and didn\'t handle the demo too well.

the aircraft is a large mach 3 SST utilizing the power of 6 of the massive GE-4 (63,000lbs in full afterburner) engines, I\'ve been tinkering with it for over a year trying to get intercontinental range, while still keeping the performance for mach 3 while being able to use current international airports.

i\'ve never been able to do the textures though, best i could do was a white paintjob with a pinstripe. but even something that simple i couldn\'t make look right due to the way x-plane tries to wrap a flat image over a complex ovaloid shape, and don\'t even get me started on how bad the cockpit turned out.

to not make this post completely off topic.

rather than trying to fit the little shuttle in the big one\'s bay, how about carrying it piggyback like the SR-71/D-21 or the proposed B-70/X-15 delta. to problems the D-21 had shouldn\'t happen if you detach out of the atmosphere.

if .15 allows for everything we think it will the combo of the two might be able to do runway to orbit without any extra boosters, maybe make it so that you can extend the fuselage of the big one with some extra tanks and other optional parts.

Will look into it. Right now I\'m busy with playing my new computer :D

Are you going to make a docking port on this? I\'d love to dock this on my Space Station :D

BTW how far are you on this shuttle?

Will have docking module for the shuttle. But don\'t know If I will continue with this shuttle. With the version 0.15 is coming out. There is a lot if things I really want to have on the shuttle. With landing gear and air breathing engines. I can make the shuttle I want to make. Where it takes off like an airplane. And when In altitude and speed. It will use the liquid fuel rocket to reach orbit. and will return to Kerbin like the real shuttle.


I\'m stuck with Orbiter at this moment. So it is going a lot slower than it should :D

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You could re-design the nose/cockpit and scale everything down, its a nice looking module.

Thanks! will think about it, but think I got a better idea of shuttles.

But when I think about it. I need to learn how they work in KSP. Can use this one as prototyping for the future shuttles.

Anariaq you make me, the computer guru, look like a fool because I can\'t model for my life.

Great Job on the shuttle.


My new Idea about the shuttle. Or more like shuttles. is based on the XR family in Orbiter ( love them ) I\'m designing 3 shuttles. all of them will have 3 different center bodies. 1 for personal carrier, 2 for pressurized cargo ( for space station or Mun base ) 3 for unpressurized cargo, satellite, space station parts and other stuff that is needed to be in space ( small space tugs? ) And they will be in 3 different sizes. first can carry 50x50x150 ( all in cm. ) and second can carry 1x1x4 meters. and the biggest can take 2x2x8 meters cargo.

That is the plan anyways.

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I\'m gonna be the first person to download this. (Unless Tiberion beats me to in. :D)

Well need to finish it first :P:D

Just a little heads up on the design of the little shuttle. I know, I dont have a scanner. used an old cellphone camera. But clear enough to see what Im going after :D


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Oooh, the new one is so cute !

Could you also model the DGS-1 from Orbiter ?

Haha nice. Will call it C-Shuttle then :D

I could model the DGS-1 but if I upload it. It will be breaking the intellectual property of the original author. Need to get permission if I was going to. But gonna focus on the current shuttles I\'m planning on.

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Oops, i completely forgot about the copyright...

C-shuttle sounds good !

Or why not CLS ? Cute Little Shuttle and Carrying Lots of Systems :D

Always been bad at naming things :D And really like the name CLS or CL-Shuttle could be an option.

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Usually i\'m also bad at naming things...

But i\'m good with letters !

Hum... Cute little Shuttle, Cargo Loading Shuttle, Crash Landing Shuttle, Cargo Lander Shuttle, 'Carrying Lots' Shuttle, CLever Shuttle, Cargo deLivery shuttle, Cannot do Loops Shuttle, Cruise Liner Shuttle, emergenCy Loading Shuttle...

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I look forward to use it on the Mun-Station ^^

It will be really hard to get it down to Mun, it dos not have any hover engines. Not impossible though :D

Looking at this thread makes me want to learn Blander :(

Well you should try it. But if you don\'t have a reason to do it. You will lose interest in learning blender really fast. Though if you do. It will be worth to learn blender.

If you will try it out. I have a topic in Modelling and Texturing Discussion, where you can ask questions. And the best is http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4032.0

One of them will be S.S.T.O. ?

They all will be S.S.T.O. using the airbreathing engines to get high and fast. Before using the liquid engine to get you to orbit. That is the idea at least. But time will tell. As you may see at the drawing I did. It is just a fueltank with wings :P

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A fuel tank with wings... that reminds me the old Gee Bee Racers... pilots said it was a barrel full o\'boom with wings and cockpit !

Try to find a picture of it and imagine doing an air race with it...

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A fuel tank with wings... that reminds me the old Gee Bee Racers... pilots said it was a barrel full o\'boom with wings and cockpit !

Try to find a picture of it and imagine doing an air race with it...

Always loved that plane.

Little update after finally getting away from Orbiter :D




added the hatch



And a view inside the cockpit, though not much need to be made inside it, there is no Cockpit view in KSP, But at least I\'m ready for it in the future.


PS. those kerbals is high poly, gonna make some low poly version. Those actually have more polygons pr kerbal, than the entire shuttle it self :D

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Looks great, and I like the interior, but in 0.15 it can be a problem... Daniel is working on animated kerbals, and when you want to get out with one of his kerbals, your own is already in the shuttle. :)

But other is good, the shuttle is much better then my own.

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