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Random flying 'discard' text

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I was flying a spacecraft in Mun orbit when the word "discard" in tiny text flew across my screen, behind my craft. It was too quick for me to get a screenshot or even be really sure I was actually seeing it.

Is there any explanation for this or am I just going crazy?

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I haven't been able to reproduce it intentionally, but it's mouse-over text from the science pop-ups, I think. For some reason, it flies off into space instead of actually being a mouse-over text.

This: I just experienced this yesterday, in orbit around Duna with a science probe. When I opened my science report the word "Discard" just flew off (It was a little slow). I was too busy laughing to take a screenshot! :D

I wonder if how fast it flies off is based on relative velocity to the parent body, or something else?

"The space discard monster roams around those who do science..."

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