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Munar Eclipse at Takeoff


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Gack. Yes. I said "Munar Eclipse" to differentiate it from a "Minmusar Eclipse". It's not a problem on Earth since we only have one moon. I suppose such a culture would have to find new terminology.

I think "Kerbolar eclipse of the Mun" is the best solution.

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ANd to be very clear: In real life the Moon can fully or partially eclipse the Sun ,When Full, this is a total Solar Eclipse. When a planet or other celestial object passes between the observer and the sun (or any star for that matter) its referred to as a transit.

Since the Mun can never fully eclipse Kerbol, then I would think that there is no Munar eclipsing in KSP from the vantage point of Kerbin, but rather transits or partial eclipses.

All that said, I am not an astronomer and have never played one on TV - so I now receed into the background and yield to the astronomers in the audience for an education iin the correct terminology as applied in the KSP instance.

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I am really puzzled about the fact that so many people mix up solar eclipses and munar eclipses... Especially since the equivalent of a lunar eclipse in-game would only be visible as such from Muns surface, since shadows don't work that far. (It would be awesome to have the Mun get tinted red, like in RL lunar eclipses though)

Also: Solar Eclipses are pretty common on Kerbin/over KSC, seeing as KSC is on the equator, and neither the rotation axis, nor the orbits of Kerbin and the Mun are inclined in any way. You'll get an eclipse pretty much every Kerbin-Month (just not necessarily visible from KSC, as it could happen during night time)

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  Capt. Hunt said:
Nah, because Minmus wouldn't eclipse Kerbol, it would only be a Minmus transit (or would it be minmusian transit)
It could be either. The body need not completely occlude the other. For example, annular solar eclipses. At the scales dealt with on Earth, people tend to use "eclipse" for sun/earth/moon events and "transit" for sun/other-planet/Earth events.
  WWEdeadman said:
I am really puzzled about the fact that so many people mix up solar eclipses and munar eclipses...
Speaking as someone who knew the difference IRL, but still screwed up, I think it's just that "Lunar Eclipse" makes sense as an event involving the moon, so it's the first thing people think of. "Solar eclipse" IMO is sortof an unfortunate name.
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  • 1 month later...
  Deadpangod3 said:
its name is Kerbol...

TECHNICALLY incorrect. In-game, it is referred to as The sun, but the fanbase given name that 99% of people use is Kerbol, in case there is any need to differentiate it from any other suns (e.g mods)

I don't know of any official source calling the sun "Kerbol". If someone can link to one, that'd be great. I personally call it Kerbol, but, meh.

In any case, it's as silly as the "Mun" vs "Mün" debate, i'd like to imagine people know they're both the same thing.

-Source: ksp wiki, kerbol page: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbol

Anyways, nice screenshots! :D

EDIT: Another reason I thought of is that people refer to the system as "The Kerbol System", as "The System" sounds like it could be in context with "*explicitive self censored* THE SYSTEM!" and "The Sun system" sounds weird.

Edited by Norpo
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Well that's just downright confusing. The Wiki states "Kerbol (officially called the Sun and sometimes the Star)….", whilst the Wiki article itself is title "Kerbol", and refers to Kerbol as Kerbol throughout the article, not as "the sun".

It might make more sense after 27 gin and tonics...

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
This happens every 38 hours in-game.

There's a solar eclipse on Kerbin every 38 hrs, but it's not at KSC every time. It's a really cool image.

And there's no reason to hijack the conversation to quibble about the name of the star, guys. Call it the sun or Kerbol, everyone knows what you're talking about.

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I was about to point out how our 'Sun' isn't called 'The Sun' by astronomers. It's Sol, but someone got there for me. When it comes down to it, this is a sandbox game. I can call my Kerbin 'New Kerbollia' or something, if I want to. *shrug*. Your inner dialogue when you play this game is your own, and it's what makes this game so engaging for so many. We author our own stories.

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I've had eclipses happen while flying (thankfully, I had Firespitter installed, so my solar powered craft was using lower-drain propeller engines. Still hit zero power on my piloted plane, though) and they're bloody annoying.

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