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Please folks appreciate the mod makers

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If you run mods in KSP. Please remember that when the game updates, the mod makers have to update the mods they made. The modding community has become quite large and quite a few mods are dependant on other mods. So in some cases, a mod maker might update thier mod but it wont be fully functional until the mod that the first one is dependant on is updated. We must remember that these folks are putting thier mod out there for free and are not being paid to do it. These guys are doing this because they want to. Most of them have families, jobs, and everyday lives just as we do. So give them a break and some time to get your favorite mods up to date. I'm sure that a little patience and a thank you would be appreciated by them and would get you a quicker response than complaining that they have not updated fast enough for you.

I'd like to give my personal Thanks and tip my can of beer to Squad and especially to all the mod makers out there for turning this great game into a fantastic game. If your like me and don't have money to donate to the mod makers. Leave them a little Thank you note here and let them know that you understand that updating takes time but their work is appreciated.


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We all love the mod makers, even if we occasionally express it wrong and misdirect our frustrations about upgrade incompatibilities.

I appologize if I'm ever rude to mod makers in my manner of suggesting an update, and stress that it's not intentional, and cannot repeat enough that I am eternally grateful to the mod makers!

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Nah, it's probably best to loudly complain when authors don't do their free work fast enough. Or release counter-mods that deliberately undermine pre-existing mods against the wishes of their authors.

I really shouldn't have to say that was sarcasm, but it was, on my part, at least.

And while I think a decent majority of the community does have a good deal of respect and appreciation for the work that the hundreds of different mod authors put into this game, not just in dev time, but support as well, there is a disturbing trend of people who want what they want and they want it right NAOW!!1! And by golly, they're going to get what they want whether or not it's in everyone's best interest or not, because they're entitled to exactly what they want.


We do have an awesome mod community and I really hope that it stays that way. Let's please try to not alienate all the great folks who put so much time into the game for all of us.

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Here's a suggestion, to assist those that do tend to gripe about 'mod update lag' - take your game off auto-update, then check your mods' histories within a few days of each game update, and when they are updated, then you download your game update and mod updates. Then come on the forums and thank people :)

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And while I think a decent majority of the community does have a good deal of respect and appreciation for the work that the hundreds of different mod authors put into this game, not just in dev time, but support as well, there is a disturbing trend of people who want what they want and they want it right NAOW!!1! And by golly, they're going to get what they want whether or not it's in everyone's best interest or not, because they're entitled to exactly what they want.

I like to call these folks "Varuka's". In case you don't know, Varuka was the girl in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that always wanted it NOW!!!

No appreciation for what they have or patience for what is coming next. Just the ever present now....Give me, Give me, Give me.

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You're not only wrong, but also posting in the wrong thread. Please take your concerns there.

This is America and, your entitled to your opinion. The thing is, you only partially quoted from Boomerang and, he makes a good point. How many good mods fell off the grid because of some unappreciative ranting that the mod maker got tired of hearing. Why would someone continue to work on something for free that some idiot wanted to complain wasn't happening fast enough? Lucky for us there are quite a few mod makers that do just that on these forums. My guess is that you probably do appreciate them and, might just be nit picking through Boomerang's post.

I thank you for your input though.

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This is America and, your entitled to your opinion.

While I'm all for the freedom of speak and all, can we not do the whole American patriot act here? Some of us did not do recite the pledge every morning.

And thanks for the sentiment I guess.

You can also help finance our dilettante life with the donation button. That way we can have an other round of champagne in our secret modders club where we meet to laugh at our users post.

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Thanks modders, without your work I would have stopped playing KSP a long time ago.

While this thread is a nice gesture, you can do more to help modders than just saying thanks even if you have no modding skill yourself. Be explicit and thorough in your bug reports (and provide logs!), help newbs with their questions about the mod (saves modders' time and frustration), recommend good mods to others, and most of all, be polite and respectful. The last one you should be doing with everyone anyway. :)

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Sarbian, I did not mean to offend you or any one in my post. My intent was only to point out that, everyone every where has a right to an opinion. In the case I was referring to the original poster was only partly quoted and taken out of context. By the way, I really like the work you have done on mods.

I would like to also say that my intent on creating this thread was to have one place where people with very little money, such as myself, could express our thanks to the mod makers. I also wanted to get people to understand that you, as well as the other mod makers have a life outside of making mods. They should try to understand that updates to mods will come out as soon as possible and, complaining it's taking too long does no good.

I know that myself and, others would gladly donate to our favorite mod makers if possible. In my case, I'm a disabled veteran that lives on a small pension that barely gets by each month. I thought this thread would be a way I could bring attention to you guys and hopefully those that can donate to you for your efforts would do so. I guess you could say it's the only way I could donate to and, show my appreciation to you all.

So, I say thank you and keep up the fantastic work.

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How about cutting the appreciation nonsense and appreciate the work they do every month?

I can't afford to launch fireworks every month!

And i don't think my neighbors would understand if told them what i was celebrating.

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Exactly. I tried once just to make one more part, was a kraken summoning broken disaster. Imagine the people who make gigamods with 100s of parts. The ones who make mods like ATM for people with sucky computers. Modding is hard. Appreciate the awesome work these guys make.

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This is a global forum mate. :)

I understand your point. I just happen to be an American. I just believe also that all people, no matter where they are from, have a right to think what they want. No matter what their government or other people might think. This does not always make it right. We have strayed off of the topic here though so, please disregard the America part and I officially, here and now correct it to be as follows. Every being on this planet. In whatever country, territory, or Province. Has a right to their opinion. Be it right or wrong.

So to all the mod makers, no matter where you are from. Thank You.

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