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Hello, greetings from Brazil!

I want to thank you for SUCH a game which is not finished yet but already is awesome.

Btw i\'m not as awesome as this game but i managed to leave Kerbal and complete almost 1/4 of its orbit. then i fell down which is good since i could came back safety. :)

Thank you again.

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Greetings from England!

I made my first successful return trip to mun today, using the demo and stock parts. It took me quite a few attempts, but the satisfaction it gave me is something i haven\'t experienced in a game in a long while. I am suitably addicted, and shall be donating/purchasing the updated version very soon.

Thanks for the awesome game :D

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hey guys and girls; i am extremely new to KSP (got the demo from a local magazine so dev\'s owe another purchase to NAG magazine). Anyways i was wondering how you get new parts, install mods, land on the moon etc. Also i just came from playing the demo so I was curious if you are planning on putting other planets like mars venus mercury etc? I did read the tutorials but wanted to know what are the best basic rules to building a successful rocket and how to measure efficiency? Oh also i wanted to say the game is awesome and i\'ve started supporting small dev\' groups ever since minecraft :D

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Welcome to the KSP Forums!

You can find tons of mods in the Addon Releases and Projects Showcase and plugin mods in the Plugin-Powered Addon Releases forum

Additional planets are planned to be released in the future. For now, they are working on the features needed to make use of said planets first.

Happy Launching!


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys!

I am a new Kerbonaut, I have been following this community for just few days, so I am still crawling back through old posts and discover lots of useful information.

I am a doctor in Electroning Engineering, so I have no specific knowledge about space engineering and mechanics, but I have a good enough basis to more or less understand things that are being discussed here. Now I am enjoying my first craft building and space traveling with my 13 years old son.

This nice Space Simulator could be easily used as a didactic instrument to schoolboys (maybe of the age of 16-18).

I have some knowledge of 3D modelling (I use 3D Studio Max) and C++ and Java programming, so maybe some day I will try to do some modding.

Thanks to all those who founded this Space Program and all those who are supporting this community.


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Hello from the UK to all Kerbanauts!, just backed the project, looks like an incredibly interesting project to be a part of..... now I\'m off to crash some more rockets.

Can\'t wait to see how this evolves.

Keep up the good work!

(Oh and just hit my first orbit!, woohoo!!!)

Phil :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Whats the differnce between full and demo?

Currently, the full version has: animated parts; a better terrain system; supports for mod using plugins, which can do all sorts of crazy things; and persistence, so what you\'ve launched stays launched. An update is imminent, which includes individual engine control; a spaceplane hangar building (allowing for mirrored rather than bilateral symmetry), and a bunch of other stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have a problem. I bought this game some days ago, and before that I had played the demo-version for about a week. I just want to ask, in the o.15 version, is there a bug or something? Beacuse some of my fuel tanks doesn\'t work. It is marked that there still are fuel in them ,but there is no fuel. :(

Does anyone have an answer?

(Sorry about my terrible english)


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Vespasianus, are you using a fresh install or did you install 0.15 over the demo? It\'s usually best to start with a fresh install when downloading new full versions.

Which engines are having a problem? Are they vanilla or do you had mods installed?

Are the fuel tanks still connected to the engines or has something broken that? A picture or attaching your craft file would help.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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As well as what the good Captain has said, there is a strange feature where if a game is reloaded, empty tanks show up as blue, and look full.

This is a forerunner of when we will be able to refill fuel tanks in orbit, when docking eventually arrives, if this is the issue you face then the only option is to ignore it for now as it serves no purpose.

If you indeed have unused fuel tanks that are not being used, it may be that you have blocked the flow with a stack decoupler, they used to allow fuel flow but that has been changed.

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I deleted the demo-version when I downloaded 0.15 (not o.15), so I don\'t think that is the problem. It seems like it is as sal_vager said, that the fuel tanks is reloaded as full.

Anyway, thank you very much for your help!

Cheers! :)

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hi, thought id introduce myself, for starter my real name is Michael, but that was already taken :)

bought the game the other day, last week i think, and loving it so far, finally managed to build a ship to get into space!! I so happy :D a couple of my friends also got it and now we\'re having a race to the moon :). There is one thing i\'d like to know, is there an actual mission that i have to complete or do i just set my own personal goal (like building a craft that works:) )?

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Hi arthour05 and welcome to the KSP community :)

At the moment we are free to set our own goals, or take on challenges created by other players in the Challenges forum, a real in-game campaign has not been made yet.

The Alpha of KSP is basically a sandbox style game right now so the sky (and beyond) is the limit :)

Have fun :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thought I\'d drop in a hello post! I played KSP back around .12ish and had lots of fun with explosions! I pre-ordered because I\'m amazed at the changes to the game (although at this stage Kerbin has far too many \'satellites\' i.e. junk I left up there) and think the devs deserve much praise here, I\'ve seen so many other games struggle with \'beta\' status when it\'s far too early, then core important bits lose out when it comes to proper release resulting in lost potential (the worst kind).

On the strength of the Joystick Recommendation thread I went out and got one - testing my dodgy designs is so much easier and when I lose control I know for sure I wasn\'t just mashing the wrong button :D SO thank you to all ye fellow forumites and space travellers also.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Heyy all, only just bought the game yet have been playing since about it was released but haven\'t played in the last 6 months and only bought the game a few days ago now and was wondering if there are any tutorials worth watching out there?

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