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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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thanks first of all for this great mod.

Got 0.6 it working and if i am right solar panels charge the batteries which in turn replenishes the Z02 right?

my question is how does the powertech zoxygen recharge panels work? they seem to be producing Z02 when in contact with the sun but it doesn\'t seem to be going to the main Z02 tank. Is there something I\'m missing here?


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does v0.6 compatible with Power Tech?

I do have part called \'EPS PowerTech Solar Panel\' in my part list, however, can\'t use it...

it just keep sayin\' \'This part type isn\'t available in this version of KSP\'...

I have a space station with a large battery, and eight of the Power thingy addon solar panels, but it doesn\'t generate Z02, even when pointing at the sun! Help.

Finally understood how EPS works and made my panels to work with it. I\'ll release the new version as soon as i get my copy patched (Damn patcher! Damn server overload! Damn mobile internet!) to test 0,16 compatibility. Or maybe I\'ll still make a release today if the patcher fails again. I got a report that the satellite works in 0.16 with the current plugin, so the panels should be OK, too.


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Yea I just tested both modules officially broken now lol. All we can do is wait for new release as the current one is completely incompatible with .16. Great mod, several of my designs are actually waiting on a patch.

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Want to post just to say, im really eager to try out this mod, and i will be happy when its fixed. It looks great, and i hope there are some new features to go with EVAs.

Good luck, im glad there are people like you that want to make other people\'s gaming experience better.

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Hi Everyone!

Just giving a very quick update:

After rewriting a lot of code in the mod, i am confident i can put up an update in the next few days (possibly tomorrow).

Sadly, a lot of things changed in 0.16, one of these is the way Kerbals are accessed. As a result, i can\'t make them turn blue or react to being sufficated at the moment... :(

After 3 days of trying different ways to access the Kerbal ai and headref, i see no point in delaying the new release any longer on account of this,

so the next version will be without blue kerbals...

I\'ll ask around for a solution, maybe the gamedevs can help me with this one!

On the positive side, there are new things to look forward to: If the crew sufficate, they will die and be removed from the ship, if all die, the ship will loose control like all kerbals were on EVA.

As a result, 'dead' ships can be reclaimed if a rescue team is sent to recover them!

I also added a longer version of the laserdrill for the new legs.

Regarding Zo2 on EVA Kerbals, as far as i know, Kerbals are not moddable in EVA at the moment. That will be a feature for the future...

I\'d like to thank you all for all your support, i\'ll be uploading the new version soon!


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Being able to reclaim 'dead' ships is pretty cool.

Perhaps instead of the Kerbals going blue (does anyone actually know what happens to a kerbal during asphyxiation?) a flashing red warning above their pics saying something like 'Warning Zo2 Levels Low', perhaps even a range depending on Zo2 levels like low down to critical or something.

Looking forward to being able to kill off er play god er keep my Kerbals safe and breathing in space once again.


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Regarding Zo2 on EVA Kerbals, as far as i know, Kerbals are not moddable in EVA at the moment. That will be a feature for the future...

It\'s possible, just find their vessel, and apply a part module to the first part of it (that AFAIK is the Kerbal itself).

They you can do pretty much everything you can do with a normal part module.

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Guest butt head

so does this mean that kerbs on eva have unlimited zo2 and if they all get out then none will be used allowing for a landed pod to empty its crew and remain for ever if needed or wanted? and there is the ability to make parts that allow you to store more kerbs in a signal ship will they take zo2 as well(damned aerospace has only crew holding module that iv seen)

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