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Compatibility mod between Stock Part Revamp and LLL's SXT


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Title says it all really, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to be able to use Lack's Stock Extended (SXT) with the wonderful Stock Part Revamp by Ven. Unfortunately, trying to do so leads to texture issues, due to SXT referencing stock part textures, which Stock Part Revamp replaces in such a way as to make doing so impossible. I was hoping some talented modder could take a look at what could be done, and hopefully make a compatibility mod between the two of them.

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there is already a fix in place

just open the spoiler for SXT

You're misunderstanding me. As Sarbian says, the fix you are pointing out is for SXT to work in 0.25. I'm asking for a patch to make SXT and Stock Part Revamp play nice together, as Stock Part Revamp causes SXT to not function correctly due to how SXT gets its textures by referencing stock parts.

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Here's a list of the textures SXT uses: http://pastebin.com/ggRS1zfk

I've done the time-consuming part and moved those textures to a new folder (SquadBckTex)


I'm sure some MM-whiz can fix something up that'll swap ', Squad/' and ', NASAmission/' to ', SquadBckTex/'

Theoretically that should work then work (just with the extra RAM load 70 or so textures brings).

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Haven't had the chance to check this out myself, but it might be worthwhile cross referencing Lack's textures to this list of duplicate stock texture I put together. Squad isn't exactly efficient with texture reuse -- there's 154 MB of duplicate textures in a stock install.

1 model004.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model004.mbm
1 model005.mbm crewCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model005.mbm
1 pilot Seat.mbm cupolaInternal GameDataSquad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/pilot Seat.mbm
1 model005.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model005.mbm
1 model002.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model002.mbm
1 model006.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model006.mbm
1 pilot Seat.mbm landerCabinSmallInternal GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/pilot Seat.mbm
1 model006.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model006.mbm
2 model003.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model003.mbm
2 model004.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model004.mbm
2 model000.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model000.mbm
2 model002.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model002.mbm
2 model002.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model002.mbm
3 model000.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model000.mbm
3 internal shell box props.mbm SmallGearBay GameDataSquad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/internal shell box props.mbm
3 model001.mbm ladderTelescopicBay GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/ladderTelescopicBay/model001.mbm
3 model003.mbm crewCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model003.mbm
3 model003.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model003.mbm
3 model003.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model003.mbm
3 model004.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model004.mbm
3 model001.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model001.mbm
4 model001.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model001.mbm
4 model001.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model001.mbm
4 model004.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model004.mbm
4 model000.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model000.mbm
4 model000.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model000.mbm
5 model007.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model007.mbm
5 window.mbm GrapplingDevice GameDataNASAmission/Parts/GrapplingDevice/window.mbm
5 window.mbm cupola GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/cupola/window.mbm
5 window.mbm hitchhikerStorageContainer GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/window.mbm
5 window.mbm Mk1-2Pod GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/window.mbm
5 window.mbm mk1InlineCockpit GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk1InlineCockpit/window.mbm
5 window.mbm mk3Cockpit GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk3Cockpit/window.mbm
5 window.mbm mk2LanderCan GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/window.mbm
5 window.mbm LargeCrewedLab GameDataSquad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/window.mbm
5 model004.mbm crewCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model004.mbm
5 model007.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model007.mbm
6 model005.mbm mk1PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model005.mbm
6 model001.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model001.mbm
6 model005.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model005.mbm
7 model002.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model002.mbm
7 model002.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model002.mbm
7 model005.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model005.mbm
7 model001.mbm landerCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model001.mbm
8 model005.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model005.mbm
8 model007.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model007.mbm
9 model006.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model006.mbm
9 model006.mbm GenericSpace3 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model006.mbm
10 model007.mbm PodCockpit GameDataSquad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model007.mbm
10 model000.mbm GenericSpace1 GameDataSquad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model000.mbm
11 model001.mbm parachuteMk25 GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk25/model001.mbm
11 model001.mbm parachuteMk16-XL GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk16-XL/model001.mbm
11 model001.mbm parachuteMk2-R GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk2-R/model001.mbm
12 model000.mbm landingLegLT-5 GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-5/model000.mbm
12 leg.mbm landingLegLT-5 GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-5/leg.mbm
13 model002.mbm switchWithGuards GameDataSquad/Props/switchWithGuards/model002.mbm
13 model000.mbm switchGuard GameDataSquad/Props/switchGuard/model000.mbm
14 model001.mbm switchWithGuards GameDataSquad/Props/switchWithGuards/model001.mbm
14 model001.mbm pullSwitch GameDataSquad/Props/pullSwitch/model001.mbm
15 model000.mbm switchWithGuards GameDataSquad/Props/switchWithGuards/model000.mbm
15 model000.mbm pullSwitch GameDataSquad/Props/pullSwitch/model000.mbm
16 model001.mbm radialAttachmentPoint GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model001.mbm
16 model001.mbm dockingPort GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort/model001.mbm
16 model001.mbm dockingPortJr GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortJr/model001.mbm
17 model001.mbm NavBall GameDataSquad/Props/NavBall/model001.mbm
17 navBall_vectors_IVA.mbm IVANavBall GameDataSquad/Props/IVANavBall/navBall_vectors_IVA.mbm
18 model003.mbm NavBall GameDataSquad/Props/NavBall/model003.mbm
18 navBall_DV_IVA.mbm IVANavBall GameDataSquad/Props/IVANavBall/navBall_DV_IVA.mbm
19 model000.mbm NavBall GameDataSquad/Props/NavBall/model000.mbm
19 navball2.mbm IVANavBall GameDataSquad/Props/IVANavBall/navball2.mbm
20 model002.mbm NavBall GameDataSquad/Props/NavBall/model002.mbm
20 IVANavBall.mbm IVANavBall GameDataSquad/Props/IVANavBall/IVANavBall.mbm
21 model000.mbm ledPanelSpeed GameDataSquad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model000.mbm
21 model000.mbm circularButton GameDataSquad/Props/circularButton/model000.mbm
22 model000.mbm AxisIndicator GameDataSquad/Props/AxisIndicator/model000.mbm
22 model000.mbm AtmosphereDepth GameDataSquad/Props/AtmosphereDepth/model000.mbm
23 model000.mbm trussGirderXL GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/trussGirderXL/model000.mbm
23 model000.mbm trussGirderL GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/trussGirderL/model000.mbm
24 model001.mbm structuralPanel1x1 GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1x1/model001.mbm
24 model001.mbm structuralPanel2x2 GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model001.mbm
25 model000.mbm structuralPanel1x1 GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1x1/model000.mbm
25 model000.mbm structuralPanel2x2 GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model000.mbm
26 model000.mbm structuralIBeam200Pocket GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam200Pocket/model000.mbm
26 model000.mbm structuralIBeam200 GameDataSquad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam200/model000.mbm
27 model001.mbm liquidEngineMainsail GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/model001.mbm
27 model003.mbm liquidEngineLV-T45 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45/model003.mbm
28 model000.mbm liquidEngineMainsail GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/model000.mbm
28 bigfairing.mbm liquidEngineLV-909 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-909/bigfairing.mbm
28 model000.mbm liquidEngineLV-T30 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T30/model000.mbm
28 model002.mbm liquidEngineLV-T45 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45/model002.mbm
29 model001.mbm liquidEngineLV-T45 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45/model001.mbm
29 model002.mbm liquidEngineLV-T30 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T30/model002.mbm
30 model000.mbm liquidEngineLV-1 GameDataSquad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1/model000.mbm
30 model000.mbm 1x6SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/model000.mbm
30 model000.mbm 2x3SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/2x3SolarPanels/model000.mbm
31 model002.mbm 2x3SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/2x3SolarPanels/model002.mbm
31 model002.mbm 2x3ShroudSolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/2x3ShroudSolarPanels/model002.mbm
32 model001.mbm 2x3SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/2x3SolarPanels/model001.mbm
32 model001.mbm 2x3ShroudSolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/2x3ShroudSolarPanels/model001.mbm
33 model002.mbm 1x6ShroudSolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/model002.mbm
33 model002.mbm 1x6SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/model002.mbm
34 model001.mbm 1x6ShroudSolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/model001.mbm
34 model001.mbm 1x6SolarPanels GameDataSquad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/model001.mbm
35 model000.mbm crewCabinInternals GameDataSquad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model000.mbm
35 ladder.mbm Mk1-2Pod GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/ladder.mbm
35 ladder.mbm mk1InlineCockpit GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk1InlineCockpit/ladder.mbm
35 ladder.mbm mk3Cockpit GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk3Cockpit/ladder.mbm
35 ladder.mbm mk2LanderCan GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/ladder.mbm
36 model000.mbm ladderRadial GameDataSquad/Parts/Utility/ladderRadial/model000.mbm
36 ladderrung.mbm mk1pod GameDataSquad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/ladderrung.mbm
37 fueltTanks_cm.mbm Size3SmallTank GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3SmallTank/fueltTanks_cm.mbm
37 fueltTanks_cm.mbm Size3LargeTank GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/fueltTanks_cm.mbm
37 fueltTanks_cm.mbm Size3MediumTank GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3MediumTank/fueltTanks_cm.mbm
38 decoupler_and_adaptor_nm.mbm Size3To2Adapter GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3To2Adapter/decoupler_and_adaptor_nm.mbm
38 decoupler_and_adaptor_nm.mbm Size3Decoupler GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/decoupler_and_adaptor_nm.mbm
39 decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm Size3To2Adapter GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3To2Adapter/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm
39 decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm Size3AdvancedEngine GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm
39 decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm Size3Decoupler GameDataNASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.mbm

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Just because a filename is the same, doesn't mean the file is identical. Are they byte-identical files, or just named the same?

Byte-for-byte. It's kinda scary how much cruft is in GameData, even on newer stuff like the NASA parts. Also last time I looked at this stuff there were completely unused textures in a couple places.

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Ah, yeah! You did one of the dedupers for Internals, yeah?

That needs to be part of any unofficial patch, I think.

Lack: I am unsurprised that the only engine models whose textures you use are the sane ones. :D

I'll see if I can do up a regex-based MM patch to handle all that.

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@nathankell -- yep that was me. I gave up on the effort after running into cases where the game would freeze when trying to replace certain model's textures with model nodes. Thinking back I may have been trying to replace the texture with a reference that didn't yet exist in the database which, obviously, would cause some problems. I'll look into it later tonight or over the weekend. At the very least I should log the duplicates as a bug.

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That indeed breaks things, so you want to put all the shared stuff in an earlier-loading folder (and why SXT is alphabetically after Squad).

I've run through the NASAMission parts and it's working flawlessly so far. Assuming no major issues, I should have a streamlined stock ready for release sometime this weekend. After that it's compatibility with Ven's revamp and SXT.

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I now have a working MM config for Ven <-> SXT.

In particular, I have a generator for it (via xls), so as Ven's mod adds more replaces, I can tick off more textures.

I based this off what Lack posted (thanks Lack). Note that instead of the folders as Lack uploaded them, I created a 0RevampBak folder in GameData and then entirely replicate the original paths (i.e NASAMission/Parts/Size2LFB rather than Lack's zip where it's just Parts/Size2LFB). Also, I do not include any unrevamped textures (but they are zipped in case of later use).

Here's the whole package. Stuff in GameData goes in GameData; the xls is if you want to see how I did it.

somnambulist, I am waiting with baited breath. That sounds great, and should definitely go in 0.90.

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somnambulist, I am waiting with baited breath. That sounds great, and should definitely go in 0.90.

I'm pretty optimistic. NASAMission/ went from 68.2 MB on disk down to 47.3 MB -- that results in an in-game memory savings of about 70 MBs. If that ratio holds we could see a 450-500 MB memory savings!

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Hah, whoops, I spot-checked a bunch but I didn't do a full search. I'll update the patch to go by your list.

Actually, I have a better idea: I change Ven's parts that reference stock textures (via MODEL) to have a special tag, and apply the patch to everything else, SXT or no.

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