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Texture problem with Kerbin's night side.

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Was hoping someone would know how to solve this, or at least what mod it's associated with. This happened after I installed RemoteTech, Trajectories, and Procedural Parts, but I'm not sure if any of them are the whole cause, or just interacting with the Visual Enhancements mod. I do not have Better Atmospheres installed. Normally I'd start uninstalling mods one by one, but this seems like something someone would have seen before, and if that's the case it'll save me some time.

Edit: When viewing the ground from the in-game view, the ground on the night side seems to be covered with city lights, only stopping at the water and certain elevations that go above them. It's definitely something to do with the Visual Enhancements mod, but I have no idea why it started now or what the 3 mentioned mods have to do with it.


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Update: Deleting the trajectories mod resolved the issue. That's where the problem was, but I may not close this yet. I'd like to try to resolve the apparent compatibility issue. Mods, should this thread stay open, or would it be better to ask on the Trajectories release thread?

Edit: ...and the issue is back. Now I have no idea what's going on.

Edited by Dizzle
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yep. I have the same problem. Deleting some mods seems to temporarily fix the issue, but it soon returns. Even when the mods remain disabled.

A solution to this would be great.

Mods used:

Kerbal Engineer

Docking Port Alignment

Station Science 1.3.1

DMagic Orbital Science v9

Crew Xfer

Kerbal Construction Time


Environmental Visual Enhancements 7.4

Astronomer's Visual Pack - Edge of Oblivion

Enhanced NavBall


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  • 6 months later...

I am having the same problem. I replace the textures and it works for a while, then all of the sudden his happens again. Don't know why it's a recurring problem. I have Astronomer's Visual Pack - Interstellar V2 installed and followed the instructions on how to install precisely. Not sure if it is a conflict with AVP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey CrasHReBoot, I have the SAME problem. Have been looking for a solution forver. I don't know what is causing this. Sometimes this bug is not occuring, even when I play for 5 hours or so, and sometimes it happens right away when I return to space center.

I've noticed that when this happens, also the textures under the KSC are stretched in some strange way, and the clouds form EVE are less dense when viewed from Space Center...

I hope somebody will find the solution for this, because right now only restarting the game fixes this issue.

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I had this issue a while ago, I noticed that sometimes, when I added a mod or another, this would happen... there was no correlation with the mods I added, just the fact that I added more mods, regardless of which...

I suspected that something could be going wrong during load, so I made a little test..

I've renamed my "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folder to "zEnvironmentalVisualEnhancements", to get it to load last.. Since then, I've never had this issue again...

Note1: Do not rename the "BoulderCo" folder

Note2: I've done this with EVE 7.4, never tried with the 'Overhaul' dev version.

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  • 3 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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