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Runway explodes on load...

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I am having a bit of a conundrum atm. I just recently upgraded to .25 and am currently working on a transport SSTO. Everything was working fine but I realized I needed a bit more lift with the aircraft. To resolve this issue I added an additional set of wings. Since I added the 2nd set of wings every time I load onto the runway it spontaneously explodes. Previous to adding the additional wings I was able to load and make it to the end of the runway just fine. Is there some sort of weight limit for the runway that I am missing?

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There's a bit more to it that sheer weight. For me, it makes a difference wether I click on the runway to load a vesel, or whether I go through the SPH - load - launch routine.

That said, it's a nasty thing and you either have to make buildings (temporarily) indestructible or install a mod that will make for a more gentle onset of physics (Kerbal Joint Reinforcement does that). The latter may be more useful in the long term -- on high-G worlds like Eve or Tylo, if you ever leave your lander alone and return to it later, it may be smashed when gravity comes online all at once.

Edit: fixed mod name, thanks Spheniscine.

Edited by Laie
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There's a bit more to it that sheer weight. For me, it makes a difference wether I click on the runway to load a vesel, or whether I go through the SPH - load - launch routine

That's interesting. Could you specify which causes more/less problems?

I have also created a series of bug fixes that includes a fix for this. It's similar to the padlock mod. The problem is that when the physics loads, your craft gets dropped onto the runway/pad. This instant spike is viewed as an impact by the game, which results in a runway/pad explosion.

Non-mod fixes include making smaller craft, or using launch clamps to hold the ship off the ground. Then release them after physics load, or in a series so that your craft is slowly settled onto the ground.



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For me this did not resolve the issue though I believe now I am having another odd issue... The second set of wings I added are just "falling off" at load... It is a large craft but should not be that large I don't think... I am going to add more struts to see if that resolves the issue...

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For me this did not resolve the issue though I believe now I am having another odd issue... The second set of wings I added are just "falling off" at load... It is a large craft but should not be that large I don't think... I am going to add more struts to see if that resolves the issue...

We need pictures for that.

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For some reason previously I was not getting a log of what was going wrong. This time I checked however and had an entry stating that the PWing Control Surface was having a structural failure connecting with the PWing Mk2. I removed the control surface and all was right with the world... This game can sure cause som odd glitches from time to time :P.

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There's a bit more to it that sheer weight. For me, it makes a difference wether I click on the runway to load a vesel, or whether I go through the SPH - load - launch routine.
(typos galore... sorry.)
That's interesting. Could you specify which causes more/less problems?

Going through the Hangar was safer. Straight to runway lead to explosions even with comparatively lightweight craft. But I didn't explore this in great depth before toggling destructible buildings.

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Going through the Hangar was safer. Straight to runway lead to explosions even with comparatively lightweight craft. But I didn't explore this in great depth before toggling destructible buildings.

That is not normal game behaviour. I've been launching dozens of 100 ton spaceplanes without trouble; most of the folks reporting runway explosions were Whackjobbing at the time.

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