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Can't copy parts with Alt key in VAB/SPH

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Fine Print


Improved Chase Camera


Kerbal Engineer

KSP Advanced FlybyWire


NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment



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Better Atmospheres + all requisites (RSS, Texture Replacer, KittopiaSpace, BoulderCo)

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Module Manager 2.5.1

Log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sh6dlp2npw91yad/output_log.txt?dl=0

Windows 7 x64, 32bit version of KSP

Now, I don't really know if this should be in the modded support or not, because I actually had this problem in the base, unmodded game as well, but since the install IS modded I figure it's best to put it here.

The problem I'm having is that I can't copy parts with the Alt key anymore. The game definitely detects the Alt key, as I can still adjust trim, force surface attachment and everything else that used that key, but copying doesn't work. I've tried to narrow it down to a specific mod, but even after deleting all installed mods and running with the base game, it still doesn't work. Has anyone else come across this problem?

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Hate to bump posts, but is there really nobody else with this problem? I've tried doing a fresh install and that hasn't helped, I really can't think of what might cause it, given that the Alt key IS working, and the game detects it for everything except copying.

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  • 1 month later...

Probably should create a new thread for this instead of necro'ing the old one, but the issue is still exactly the same. New game version, completely fresh install, both before modding and after, I can't copy/paste parts. Everything else works using the Alt key except that. This is getting really inconvenient, I can't be the only person in existence that has had this problem, surely? Google still returns nothing and I'm completely out of ideas for fixing this.

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If it happens with a fresh install, I suggest you post in the "Stock support" forum.

If I had to take a wild stab, I'd guess that your problem is not with the game but with something else. Maybe some sort of software that remaps keys for games or something weird like that. But that's a huge stab in the dark.

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Thanks for the reply. I figured it out earlier today, turns out it was a mouse problem. I set up an AutoHotkey script several months ago because the left mouse button is on it's way out and registers single clicks as doubleclicks sometimes, so I used AHK to stop that happening. For some reason it conflicts with certain things in the VAB. Not a clue why.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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