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[Alpha] KerbLog 0.2 WIP (Nov 12)


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KerbLog, Captains log style in game mission records.



The first text field is the name of the log, currently the default is Log.

The second textfield is the name of the folder in the Logs folder you want to put it, press the folder button to create a new folder.

The large text area is the string that will be saved, current max chars is 3000, but could be configured to more/less.

The two bottom buttons are sort of self explanatory, the first saves the log to a .txt file, the second clears the strings.

How to use.

In the KerbLog folder, there should be a folder called Logs, by leaving the folder text field blank, it saves to the Logs folder. If you create a folder, make sure that you have that folder name in the folder text field when saving.


Have a .cfg for window size, etc.

Better GUI.

This is my second plug-in, so feedback is appreciated.


Change log 0.2.
*Added Load GUI
*Added Timestamps, which will return Mission Time or Universal Time depending on whether you are in flight or not.
*Redid GUI using GUILayout from fixed GUI.

Source is included in the DL.

License is GNU GPL. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License

Edited by Robotengineer
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Can you maybe enable this mod to display the craft description?

Because many craft are shared with the action groups explained in the craft description.

It would be very usesfull if it would display the craft description ingame.

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