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Hover challenge MK2 / Everyday I'm Hoverin'

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So a while ago, like, 2011, a "Hover Challenge" was set to see who could hover for longest in the most stable position. Because the game has evolved, with new parts and physical characteristics - not to mention the fact that the forum now supports images and you don't have to download them - I'll go ahead and create a more updated and pleasing version! So, with that bit out of the way, let me introduce...


You can call it "Everyday I'm Hoverin'" if you want

Now the rules are very simple:

- Hover for as long as you can in any form of VTOL

- If your horizontal speed exceeds 60 m/s, then it won't be classed as hovering and you will be disqualified

- The point above which you hover can be anywhere within the KSC grounds. So if you're over the highlands or the water, then you're out

- Try to stay under the 2,000m limit

- Screenshots/video of the following events are needed:

- The craft at rest (after 'launching' it)

- Lift off

- (optional) sustained flight

- landed (command pod must survive)

- Time in the air

- Dropping parts are allowed, while parachutes aren't (although you can use them as an abort mechanism)

- The craft must use fuel to suspend itself - RCS, Liquid fuel, Oxidizer. In other words, no inifinigliding.

- Xenon gas is the only fuel you can't use

So how about some examples? Well, I have one - just a modified stock VTOL (replaced the nose cones with a launching platform)

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Oh, yeah, mods... let's see here...

- Anything that adds visuals/100% pointless but fun stuff (Distant Object, Final Frontier, Planet Shine, ect.)

- KW rocketry

- B9 Aerospace

Anything else isn't allowed, although leave suggestions for mods below and I'll see what I can do...

There isn't a points system, so it's just an entry challenge. However, there are separate categories for entry, depending on fuel type (Liquid fuel, liquid fuel & oxidizer, RCS / Jets, Rockets, RCS)

Rocket entries:

TJPrime - failed to give end flight results

Jet entries:

The_Rocketeer; The Kestral Jumper - failed to give end flight results

RCS entries:

None, as of yet

Edited by TJPrime
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I'm sorry, but most of my VTOLs built with jets can hover for well over fifteen minutes, and I've created infinigliders that can stay up for an infinite amount of time (Take as many Elevons as you can and stick them on a Command Pod; rotate the pod to get into the air; stay up until you get bored. ... PROFIT!). I would recommend modifying the rules so that the craft must be LF+O or RCS powered, so that there's at least a little challenge to it.

Otherwise, nice challenge! I'll probably partake at some point or another :)

[EDIT: Also, can you drop parts or deploy parachutes? From your attempt, it looks like 1) yes and 2) no, but I'm not 100% sure.]

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I've done Kerbin circumnavigations with hovercrafts, using liquid fuel they can last a looong time on the air, hours even. If you really want to keep the jet engines on the challenge make it separated tiers: LF - LF+O - RCS.

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Suggestions (feel free to cherry-pick):

1. a rule for using downward facing engines only, no forward thrust (so no ion gliders). Horizontal engines are allowed but must not be activated (see flight below)

2. max horizontal speed (speed over land) limited to 10m/s (much more restrictive and challenging than current)

3. max altitude limited to 500m (as above)

4. disqualification if 1.4-Gee is exceeded (probable ground-bump)

5. bonus points for performing stunts, e.g. barrel rolls, hovering under bridges, laps of the VAB etc.

6. Jets and Rockets only, no RCS VTOLs.


This is not just a test of design specification, but pilot skill and endurance. Your VTOL may be capable of 3 hours hovering, but can you pilot a hover that long?

VTOL jets are much harder to control than VTOL rockets due to thrust delay. Suggest they have separate categories.

My Kestrel Jumpjet:

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This was a demonstration rather than a serious attempt, but shows some of my suggestions applied. I will submit a serious endurance run at a later date.

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Yes, VTOL seems a bit unstable in stock. I'll experiment with tweaking when I have some time, might make a submission in this behemoth if you'll permit me :wink:

Having said that, I'd take my Kestrel for maneuverability and general performance :cool:


I retract my previous statement. Fantastic, sir... fan-flipping-tastic.

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Edited by The_Rocketeer
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  The_Rocketeer said:
Yes, VTOL seems a bit unstable in stock. I'll experiment with tweaking when I have some time, might make a submission in this behemoth if you'll permit me :wink:

Having said that, I'd take my Kestrel for maneuverability and general performance :cool:

So try this one instead: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1527539&viewfull=1#post1527539



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I win :D

I can hover with this thing for 8+ hours (that's when the fuel runs out), it's so big it breaks the VAB, but it's pinpoint accurate to land... here she is just over the VAB. I just touched it and it fell down. Do I really have to do it for this long?

If you don't believe me, try it: http://www./download/22dcy57ex0v4yqg/WAL+I.craft



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Weeell, this is a record-setting exercise, not just a design exercise. So yes, you need to fly it for that long.

Also, I'm pretty sure the Kestrel would give you a run for your money with optimised drop tanks. Currently the VTOL engines are throttled to 60% power, so it could take off with a lot more payload.

I'll submit an entry soon. Game on :kiss::sticktongue:

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Hmm.. too bad the challenge doesn't allow KOS.. xD.

Otherwise I would just build a massive asparagus-staged jet hover device and program it to hover within 20 cm of the ground for hours.

On the other hand, that probably isn't the optimal strategy. The Oberth effect says it's probably best to blast up to 1999 meters, deploy parachutes, wait several minutes to fall back down, then repeat by getting out, walking around, and repacking before you hit the ground.

Edited by Pds314
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  zekes said:
I win :D

I can hover with this thing for 8+ hours (that's when the fuel runs out), it's so big it breaks the VAB, but it's pinpoint accurate to land... here she is just over the VAB. I just touched it and it fell down. Do I really have to do it for this long?

If you don't believe me, try it: http://www./download/22dcy57ex0v4yqg/WAL+I.craft



What did you build that beast for ?!?!????

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  zekes said:
The idea that for some reason it would be useful to lift 300 tonnes of stuff... i really don't know why.

ROFL I have a few of those moments.......and then when you finish X hours of building.. On to the next insane creation

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  Gravaar said:
ROFL I have a few of those moments.......and then when you finish X hours of building.. On to the next insane creation

IKR? It's amazing it acutally work at all, i mean 32 jet engines pulling 200 tonnes of fuel into a hover? XD Just a typical day at Zokesia Skunkworks.

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