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Project Alexandria: a history of spaceflight done in Real Solar System


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I saw that he had edited the texture. But in one of previous Alexandria videos he was removing text from the rockets in the VAB like any other part in game and I can't find mod that allows you to do that.
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[quote name='olitk00']no alexandria today??[/QUOTE]

It's half done. In my last Ares I mentioned it should take two more weeks or so.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Cuky']I saw that he had edited the texture. But in one of previous Alexandria videos he was removing text from the rockets in the VAB like any other part in game and I can't find mod that allows you to do that.[/QUOTE]

You must be thinking of my decals. I found a mod by googling "kerbal decals" once.
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[quote name='Cuky']I saw that he had edited the texture. But in one of previous Alexandria videos he was removing text from the rockets in the VAB like any other part in game and I can't find mod that allows you to do that.[/QUOTE]

Cuky, I only saw your post now. The mod is NEBULA Decals [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100984-0-25-NEBULA-space-engineering-Decals-Update%21-Quality-fix-more[/url]. It works for 1.0.5 and any version below it, you just need to update the Firespitter.dll plugin.

Happy launchings!
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Glad you did Pegasus. :D I loved seeing the Saturn I one more time.

During Voshkod, as a person who's studying the Russian language I was humming along with the Natl anthem. USSR, Communism may have failed but you achieved several firsts.


PS: Tired of Green Kerbals, here's a human mod. (Just a texture)


Edited by davidy12
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Gemini VIII had the first docking, Luna 9 was the very first successful probe landing on the Moon, Gemini X was the first flight beyond LEO, Venera 4 was the first ever Venus probe that Earth didn't lose contact with, although the lander was crushed before it could land, Gemini XII was the first perfection of EVA and it was the final Gemini mission, and Luna 10 was the very first probe to orbit the Moon.

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Awesome sauce Bob! I learned more than I thought I would! And as usual I have some tips for the next episode. I think you should do Soyuz 1, Apollo 1, Apollo 4, and Apollo 5 at least. You can come up with more missions if you want. These are just some ideas. Anyway, good luck man! And thanks again for the newest episode! I learned a lot, and I hope to continue learning in these videos!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On January 2, 2016 at 0:46 PM, davidy12 said:


Soyuz+Saturn V= :D:D:D WHOOOOT!!!!

You and me both man! I also hope he can do Venera 4. That was the first attempted landing on Venus. Although the lander was crushed by the atmospheric pressure before it could land.

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30 minutes ago, Sanic said:

Apollo 1 Hype!


Is it just me or is the Gemeni program getting really boring to watch? (No offense intended, it's still really well done)

I think he's just going to talk about it.

I'm more excited about APOLLO 4!!! WHOOT!!!!

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1 hour ago, Sanic said:

Apollo 1 Hype!


Is it just me or is the Gemeni program getting really boring to watch? (No offense intended, it's still really well done)

You say that like there is more to see. You didn't watch all of my 1966 episode? :( 

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4 minutes ago, Sanic said:

I've watched it twice, though only once the whole way through (to the Luna 9 fails).

Ah cool. The way you said "is getting" it made me think you were expecting more Gemini flights. During my 1966 episode I summed up ever remaining Gemini flight. There are no more.

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