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My SiFi Universe


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So, recently I've been thinking a lot about this (like, A LOT, seriously a lot), and I have made a (almost) complete SiFi Universe, timeline, tech and all, and I've decided to post it here and update it as it goes along.


It starts in about 2020, with China landing a man on the moon, followed by the US and Russia. Next, after a few years (7), all 3 begin setting up small colonies. However, tensions begin between China and Russia, due to an accident where a Chinese comm sat was deorbited into a Russian moon base, though none died (just a lot of money). Russia deorbits a sat into their base, killing one, and so, 2 years later (2029), China and it's allies (Kazakhstan, North Korea, other small eastern Asian countries) declare war on Russia. The UN, mainly US and EU forces, retaliates. This is World War 3, and lasts 9 years, killing 60-70 million. This war saw the first use of orbital bombardment (think CoD: Ghosts). First man landed on Mars in 2045 by EU. In 2068, the first efforts to terraform Mars begin. 2072, and a form of exotic matter is found, which can only form under extremely high gravitational environments, which would make the Alcubierre drive possible. 2103, and this is first utilized to set up bases on Mars, reaching Mars in only 70 minutes. By only 2116, Mars is colonized almost completely by humans using bubble domes. 2117, and the Higgs Boson is utilized to create artificial gravity on spacecraft. 2138, and Martian colonies began to rebel, gaining independence in 2143 after a huge and devastating war involving nuclear weapons, reaches as far as mining bases in the asteroid belt, and even a terrorist attack on a commercial moon hotel. By 2205, most of the solar system is colonized, and LS travel is refined enough for trip to Proxima Centauri to take only 5 years. By 2340, several star system have been reached, and the Alpha Centauri system is being colonized. 2370s, and several exoplanets are colonised and/or terraformed. by 2400, almost all superpowers (including countries, as earth and planets haven't been united into one planetary government) have large space navies, capable of mass interplanetary battles. 2450s, and most planets have moved away from being colonies and becoming independent.

Thats all I got for now.

Edited by xXIndestructibleEVAXx
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nanomachines first see widespread use in the early 2030s, being used to cut costs in construction, and soon were used in the medical, performing delicate procedures during surgery, fighting diseases, and even removing tumors. Eventually, they begin to see military use, like spying, sabotage, and even mass invasions (most famously when one of the most powerful governments (which I haven't named) attempted to invade earth, with a force of only nano- and micro-machines), eventually being classified as a WMD under military use.

Anti-gravity was invented when a university research team found a way to safely mass produce and manipulate the Higgs Boson, allowing the creation of up to 80 Gs, but it was very, very loud (up to 100 decibels), and expensive, leaving most commercial ships to use rotating torus'

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Russia causes an incident that kills one. This is enough to drive China to war, but it takes 12 years to actually do it?

WWIII: 2039-2048

First Mars landing: 2045

The EU is supposedly engaged in a world war, with casualties on the order of World War II. What is their motivation for a Mars landing at that point? This seems a very strange priority when a handful of nuclear powers are fighting a war that's dragged on for 6 years, and shows no sign of ending yet.

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The EU is supposedly engaged in a world war, with casualties on the order of World War II. What is their motivation for a Mars landing at that point? This seems a very strange priority when a handful of nuclear powers are fighting a war that's dragged on for 6 years, and shows no sign of ending yet.

Thanks, forgot to put that!

Done, the war now starts in 2029

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Yikes. Those high speeds available in your universe, and obtainable energies, would create a society without any scarcity quite rapidly, thus there would be little need for interplanetary conflict... Meaning no space navies, but they would not be needed, because the law level in a universe with torch drives would be over the top. Implying a single federal government for the entire solar system. No one would fight each other for the same reason that modern countries don't fight each other here in the plain old modern world... Mutually assured destruction.

Think Niven Water Empires...

If you want space pirates, and independent space colonies, you are better off sticking to the rocket equation.

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GregA, there is conflict due to how difficult it is to obtain the exotic matter, as it can only be obtained in high-gravity environments, like close to the surface of the sun, were it was first discovered. Also, money. That's very important too, and the Alcubierre drives are expensive, and it still takes a lot of time to get from one star to another, meaning most LS travel is confined to moving in between planets. Similar thing with artificial gravity, its very expensive so civilians have to use alternatives. I said it was effective, yes, but not cheap! :)

Edit: also,the 'society without scarcity' is sort of like how earth is, poverty and famine is almost completely gone on earth (thanks to space farms), but other countries that recently gained independence start off in deep poverty, and have to make their own, like what happened in Africa in the 60s, when all the little colonies gained independence at once.

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