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RnD Missions are mistaking Mun's Pol for the Moon "Pol" from Jool

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Hello Community and Squad of course,

I have come across something interesting. The explorer missions for the Moon "Pol" in Jool-System can be done by visiting the Mun's Pol. I have tried it several times last night, this bug is definitely existent.

You can achieve the "Send Science Data from space around Pol" and "Plant a flag at Pol" by visiting Mun's Pol. Can someone confirm this please?


Edited by Claw
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What's Mun's Pol? Do you mean that you can complete it by going to the Mun instead of Pol or am i not understanding.

Yes, this is what I mean. You know, once you've visited Eve and Duna, you get the missions to explore Jool, Bop and Pol. I accepted them and later started a mission to the Mün, since I didn't have every Biome of it yet.

So I landed on the (North) Pole of the Mün (Kerbin's Moon) and planted a flag and everything. I got the message for planting a Flag on Pol (Jool's Moon), same with the science part of the mission.

My guess is, that there is a spelling error in the system that mixes up Pol (the moon) and the Pole (the biome on Mün).


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So, if this happens, would a mod that adds a contract for "Highlands" or "Midlands" etc. track the respective biome on all bodies?

Still a funny glitch nonetheless, I always figured contracts would track by celestial body identifier (I remember reading somewhere each body has a number somewhere, I could be wrong), not by what the science thing actually says.



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So, if this happens, would a mod that adds a contract for "Highlands" or "Midlands" etc. track the respective biome on all bodies?

Yes, almost certainly. A similar thing happens with the filtering of science results in the archives, e.g. look at the results for different flats on Minmus, some get lumped together in the wrong sections...

This sort of issue is quite common in software that evolves over time. The code is initially written to cope with the data/features that are initially designed but insufficient thought is given to future requirements. Obviously there is a balance to be struck (you can't code for every future eventuality) but, in my experience, KSP isn't particularly worse in this area than other software though it does seem to take quite a while for such issues to be fixed...

Edit: The issue with Pol contracts is already on the bug tracker: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/3138

Edit 2: And the issue with archive filtering is also already there: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1992

Edited by Padishar
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So, if this happens, would a mod that adds a contract for "Highlands" or "Midlands" etc. track the respective biome on all bodies?

Still a funny glitch nonetheless, I always figured contracts would track by celestial body identifier (I remember reading somewhere each body has a number somewhere, I could be wrong), not by what the science thing actually says.



I would give you reputation, but it says "You need to spread some reputation around before giving it to Norpo again." :P

Certainly a very odd bug. Maybe try all the poles? Kerbins poles, Minmus' poles, Duna poles, etc and see if it works there. Otherwise people - Exploit it while you can!! :P



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