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Engine Air Intake Ballancing

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As many of you are well aware, when you have more than one jet engine on a plane in KSP that the air intakes (when they can't fullfill both engine's requirements for intake air) will supply only the first placed intake on your jet, leading to a dangerous spin that can only be corrected by using either an odd number of engines or by throttling down.

My question to you is, are there any mods that can be used or anything that could be tweaked in the game files to remove this feature?

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Also note the much simpler way to avoid the problem: use an odd number of engines.

You should be shutting engines down as you ascend in order to extend your flight ceiling, so that by the time you get to flameout altitude you only have one or two jets still running anyway. If you're running even numbers of jets it'll be two, and asymmetric flameout is a danger. But if you have an odd number of jets, the last-to-be-shut-down engine is on the centreline, and asymmetric thrust is no longer a problem.

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