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[1.0.4] Endurance (from Interstellar) [DISCONTINUED]


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Having pretty much just found out about the closure of KerbalStuff (where the download of this mod was previously hosted), I feel I should let you guys know what I intend to do & the future of the mod etc. I will not be reposting the mod as it currently stands since it is, in effect, defunct; very few of the parts work as intended in the newest version of KSP and I see little reason to continue distributing a broken product.

I'm currently under a fairly large amount of pressure due to university work and it probably won't abate much any time soon, so for the foreseeable future I'll be stepping back from this mod. I'm also somewhat losing interest because, by its very nature, Endurance was a kind of 'cheat-mod,' in that once you got the ship into orbit, there was almost no challenge in getting anywhere, and I feel this somewhat goes against the spirit of the game. I'm also increasingly becoming against 'kit' part mods (i.e. mods which can pretty much only be used to build one specific spacecraft) as I feel it limits the broad scope of creativity which KSP is all about. In addition to this, I no longer have many of the files I used when creating the mod due to them being scattered on several computers which I no longer have access to. 

If anyone would like to continue the development of the mod from what files I do have, there is a google drive repository which had several things put up on it every now and then. I can't remember what is and isn't in there, but there are a few blender files and textures and stuff like that, so feel free to download them and do what you want with them (so long as you give credit). 

Huge thanks to everyone involved in the project or who has commented or downloaded or just generally been around. Was brilliant to have so much support! Special thanks go to xxhansonmaxx, zekew11, Shryq, InsanePlumber, Jasseji and akron without whom getting this far would likely not have been possible. 

I can't remember exactly how many people downloaded the mod but I remember it being a mind-bogglingly huge number, so thanks to everyone, it was great fun to get involved in modding and I'm sure I'll be sticking around and doing some other (smaller, less complex) projects in the future! 





We must reach far beyond our own lifespans.

We must think not as individuals, but as a species.

We must confront the reality of interstellar travel.



Download is hosted on Kerbal Stuff.




This mod is intended to recreate, visually and functionally, the Endurance spacecraft from the movie 'Interstellar.' It implements parts to construct the Endurance ring, with highly efficient magnetoplasma engines and a modular design that allows for multiple configurations of the ship to your mission requirements. Construct the ring in the VAB (or load up our stock craft file) and launch it to LKO, before docking advanced Ranger and Lander vehicles to it. Both the Ranger and Lander act as SSTOs and feature detailed, Raster Prop Monitor integrated IVAs.

0.5.0 UPDATE: Ranger is much smaller part count wise now!

IMPORTANT: In order to have all the landing gear in one part I have had to use ModuleAnimateGeneric instead of ModuleLandingGear. This works well but has the drawback that by default the legs will not deploy on pressing G. To make this work you must go into Action Groups and assign 'Toggle Landing Gear' to the Gear command, and make sure the legs are set to start deployed. This is already set up in the stock craft file.

0.4.0 UPDATE: Now you can build bases using the parts provided, which slot into the recesses in the back of the main Endurance modules. If you have Kerbal Attachment System, use it to store base-building equipment inside the cargo module. The pack comes with a large, KIS placeable flag and mini KIS storage containers styled after those in the movie. The base building modules include a science lab, an inflatable habitat module, a unique science experiment and a cargo container.





Giant ring outfitted with Habitat, Logistics and Engine modules

Capable of transporting 2 Landers and 2 Rangers across the solar system

Super-efficient plasma thruster engines

Multiple docking ports for visiting vehicles


Cargo lifter SSTO

Carries cargo modules from the Endurance to the surface for base building

Crew of up to 4

IVA with RPM integration


High-speed atmospheric crew shuttle

Super-efficient engines allow SSTO capability

Crew of up to 4

IVA with RPM integration



Super-advanced 2-seat shuttle

All one part!

Fully equipped RPM IVA







This mod is designed to function with:

Kerbal Inventory System

Raster Prop Monitor

NOTE: You do not need these mods for this pack to function, but without them your game-play experience will be greatly reduced.

This Kerbal Stuff pack contains other mods I recommend to use with this pack, with the exception of Kerbal Inventory System which you must download separately.

Upcoming features:

-Adapters to launch the Ranger on a rocket

-Life support integration


-More base utilities/scientific instruments


Created by

benjee10 - Models & textures

zekew11 - Implementation

Shryq - Ranger IVA Implementation & Ranger (up to v5.0)

xxhansonmaxx - IVAs

InsanePlumber - DDS Conversion

Jasseji - KIS migration

Awesome flags by Akron!






Edited by benjee10
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If you like, I'd like to collaborate on the CFG-side of things. Didn't do a alot there besides part-tweaking, module-manager-stuff and similar, but I'd be great to learn a few things. If you already got that covered, no sweat :)

While I can model a bit, it's by far net enough (for my taste)... And texturing is completely out of the question.

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@Cy-one: Thanks, that'd be really helpful (once I start putting the parts in-game, if I can ever fathom Unity)

Did a first texture pass on the Habitation Module. Pretty basic, no specular map, normals derived purely from the diffuse texture. The priority at the moment is getting the base Endurance parts into the game in a usable fashion, so I'll probably end up doing a second art pass alter to neaten everything up. Just textureless models look too ugly even for testing purposes IMO


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Looks nice so far.

As I've not yet watched the movie, I have a question regarding

These modules will all feature recesses in their backs into which Utility Modules can be slotted. These can be detached and docked to the Lander, which transports them to the planet. They are simple box structures which range from storage modules to habitation modules to science labs.

As far as I understood, the Endurance would be kinda disassembled in orbit and the modules flown to the ground by the Lander. I currently have two different ideas how to kerbalize this (or something similar, which could also be how it happens in the movie :D)

1) The ship actually doesn't get disassembled. Instead, each pod ("Utility Module"?) has some kind of cradle/attachment/carrier-bracket. Small [-formed part that is part of the ring-assembly. The pod undocks from this bracket and gets flown down by the Lander.

2) Full dis-assembly, the whole ring gets slowly split (undocked) into single modules, which then get ferried down. Downside of this is that the ship is kind-of only able to do a one-way-trip. With the above idea, one could use the ship to fly some cargo (hab-modules, etc) to a planet or moon, land the pods and return for another go. With half the ship missing, the rest would probably not have the structural integrity to not break apart once the thrusters fire. Well, and some parts wouldn't be connected at all :D

As I've set up my computer recently, I'm lacking 3D-software, so here's a 2D-sketch in all of the glory of mspaint.exe


those "cylinders" are only placeholders with the purpose of showing where the connectors to the neighboring modules would be.

The design I used there would have the cradles and pods form a simple/flush shape when docked (to better match the design of the "real" Endurance). The docking mechanism would be exposed once the pods undock from the ship/the cradles.

Edit: "If I can ever fathom Unity"

That step is as far as I know actually optional. I fiddled a little bit around with some self-made-parts and could put them right into the game without going through Unity. I just exported the parts somewhat specific from Blender. I can't remember how, but that should be research-able.

Of course, that's really not the best solution :D But for simple parts without animations'n'stuff, it should work.

But I've seen some really helpful people around here, so... I don't doubt you'll find a way ;)

Edit Brainstorming:

A few Ideas crossed my mind. Implementing those would most likely be up to me for the largest part, but anyway.

As some of those modules are meant for a planetary outpost and you already mentioned TAC LS, I'd like to expand on that idea.

Similar to this mod, the hab-modules (or maybe separate utility modules) could function as "real" interconnecting modules once landed and outfitted. After a while, they could form a self-sustaining colony (without a lot of work on our side, as USI_Tools already exist, together with FSTextureSwitch, or how it's called).

I really love what Angel-125 has done with the TextureSwitch, as it minimizes part clutter.

Also, using some of the engines RoverDude introduced in (iirc) Karbonite Plus, the ridiculous thrust/ISP of both the Lander and the Ranger would be achievable without resorting to "own cheaty engines" :D

Our versions could still use a dual chemical/plasma-mode, with both being still very efficient and powerful, but still kinda... balanced, at least a little bit.

What would you think about that?

Edited by cy-one
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YES!!! You deserve all the Rep in the land sir!!

Please please make this compatible with the numerous Saturn V mods out there i.e Lovad, FASA, OLDD. Obviously not a priority in the beginning but once its starts becoming a useable model please consider making it compatible.

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Hi all! Thanks for the positive comments!

@sp1989: The hope is to eventually give the Ranger an adapter to allow it fit atop a (probably 3.75m) stage, so it should work with the Saturn V mods. The main focus at the moment is the core Endurance spacecraft itself though since the Ranger and Lander are pretty complex and I'm pretty short for time for now at least.

@cy-one: Even after seeing the movie I'm still not entirely clear on how or what the Lander brings down from orbit. In the shots where you do see it carrying things it always seems to be some sort of crate which is definitely smaller than the main modules, and following that all the modules are still attached to the ship. So I don't think the modules are actually disassembled. Looking at the 3D model on the Interstellar promotional site there do seem to be crate-like objects slotted into the backs of the modules. I've extruded a large hole into the backs of the modules into which I expect a docking port would go and the cargo crate dock to that. This would then be undocked and docked to the Lander which would carry it down to the surface.


However, your idea of having the inner ring as a bracket and detaching the bottom half of the modules is really cool and I can see it being a lot easier game play wise, plus you get more cargo at a time. I could see that being a kind of 'upgrade' to the slot method, perhaps something for later on in the tech tree.

In terms of mod integration, I'm in favour of keeping it as stock as possible, i.e. no dependencies (TAC & KAS would be optional) but a version with integrated Karbonite support would be great. It'd give some more purpose to the setting up of a base on the planet as well as you could bring down mining gear and such.

More updates soon as I should hopefully be able to get the Command and Cargo Modules textured today.

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the ranger/lander engines are probably beyond anything that can be considered "balanced" for KSP... but I don't see anything that can't be done with just stock part modules. some creative license will have to be taken. So far this looks great!

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Another round of brainstorming/response :D

I'm not yet far enough into the movie to have seen how all works out (they just flew through the wormhole... not enough time to watch the movie :D), so...

I personally love the "slot-in-ring", but that's just naturally, it's my idea :D

Anyway, speaking of dependencies...

That's kinda why I proposed the idea I mentioned.

Following "scenario":

One habitat-module

- Stock: Crew Capacity X

- via MM: TAC LS

- via MM/TexSwitch: USI-Colony-Stuff

One utility-module:

- Stock: mighty powerful energy generator (for the plasma-engines)

- via MM/TexSwitch: Karbonite-Stuff

One drive-module

- Stock: ridicolous thrust/ISP (charge/LFO)

- via MM: still ridicolous thrust/ISP (charge, Karborundum/LiquidHelium)

via ModuleManager, (for example) three modules could have a stock-behavior, but could be expanded if the USI-Mods (RoverDudes stuff) are present. That way, not even TAC LS would be a dependency. But the whole mod gains a ....load of utility, longer playability and interconnection with other mods if the user wants to download those mods or already has them.

That would be roughly how I'd do it.

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As promised, the Command and Cargo modules are textured:



Both modules share a single texture with habitation module to reduce ram usage. One change I think I'll make though is making the windows into actual geometry (though not for the colliders hopefully) since they look a bit pixelated at the moment. The hatches need sharpening up too, but right now priority is just getting all the assets done.

@cy-one: I wasn't aware that MM was so powerful, but looking into it that seems like the best course of action. Keeping it playable for as many people as possible but still giving the option of utilising other mods. I like it!

@akron: I notice you've made some lovely Interstellar flags for KSP. Would you mind if I bundled them with this mod when it releases? It'd be a nice little addition. You would of course be fully credited.

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Maybe to early forthis, but in the long run:

I'd try to "kerbalize" the style just a little. Take a look at B9, or SPP (but preferably B9 :D). While the style of B9 isn't stock, it does fit well. Because "edges" usually have some kind of wear/tear and similar things.

Would be awesome if the finished models would fit right into the game, even if they're a little "oddly shaped" for KSP.

Just a side-note, btw...

If you're taking a multi-part-approach for the ring (instead of a slot-in-ring as in my idea), there are two things to consider...

1) you'd need some tiny models for strut-end-parts. We then could adapt the "invisible struts"-idea from B9. A multi-part-ring would wobble like hell, especially under thrust.

2) You'd need some nice optically fitting counterweight-parts. If mirrored through the center, the ship isn't completely balanced, as one side has more weight due to the center/ring-connection-tunnel. This wouldn't be the case if the tunnel and centerpieces are part of one large part.

Looks nice, so far, btw :)

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I think it would be easier for both making it and using it, to have the whole ring be just one part, with docking nodes. Just have the game treat it all as one large short cylinder in a sense. That would also help balance weight from fuel usage. The whole ring could be one part with various functions in the config. The problem with short wide craft in general is they get top heavy and end up in a nose dive, especially when thrust is coming from the same level as the bulk of the weight.

You really almost can't build the ring any other way than what was intended either, since each end between segments will have a specific angle, only allowing you to fit 12 modules in the ring. If people want more of a given resource, they could use other parts to extend its capability.

I remember when someone came out with a stargate long ago that came in a bunch of segments, but it was just too many parts to sift through and work past in my parts tree, and extra work to piece together for something that was always going to be the same final form when assembled. Having to possibly strut segments of the ring would kind of break the theme aesthetics of the ship too.

I mean the ring alone would have to be like what......24 individual parts to have to piece together? 12 modules and 12 connectors between the modules....then attaching the docking ports, then the vehicles, etc...you're looking at about 30 parts or more for the end user to assemble the craft! That's like a whole page of the parts tree, that may also have other parts in between them in the tree....making you have to flip pages of the tree just to sift through the parts you need. Plus you have to think of the future, because the more complicated a mod is, the more updating it may need in the future. That means you may have to go back and run dozens of parts through unity, or reconfig them, etc....multiple times, otherwise the mod dies.

I'd say a ring with resources and functions, docking ports and engines, landers and rangers are plenty for people to play around with and add onto.

There are some things you simply don't need to make modular.

I swear one day KSP is going to become soo bloated with modular-ity that it'll take 50 parts to assemble a command pod. ;)

Edited by trekkie_
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  benjee10 said:
@akron: I notice you've made some lovely Interstellar flags for KSP. Would you mind if I bundled them with this mod when it releases? It'd be a nice little addition. You would of course be fully credited.

Go for it! I'd be honored

Looking really good by the way! I also agree, anywhere you can kerbalize it a little bit and cut down on part usage I'd do so. It'll fit much better in-game and have better performance. I'd be willing to sacrifice the "realism" of building the Endurace piece by piece in orbit if it runs better in-game. Can't wait to see what you do with the Rangers/Landers

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I'm liking this design more and more. Haven't seen the movie yet, but due to this thread and enthusiasm from others about the movie, I have seen a few pictures of the ships. I think I'll try creating something similar on my own (not a mod, just in-game construction, I mean) using the Wayland 'Warp Ring' part from a while back, which I still have in my inventory. However, if and when this mod is available, I'll most certainly be downloading it! :D

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Hi all! Thanks for all your comments.

Re Kerbalisation, the textures are pretty much placeholders for now - once the thing's up and running I'll work back into them and get a stockalike look (it'll probably be along the lines of slightly more metallic looking spaceplane plus parts, I like the black heat shield borders on those).

I'd never intended to make the ring one part since the thing is so ungodly big - zekew11's collaborating with me on the Unity side of things and he's managed to get a test version of the habitation module in KSP, and it alone makes the NASA SLS parts look puny. I can see the full ring causing construction problems due to the sheer size of it, and getting it to orbit would be challenging to say the least unless you were to use extraplanetary launchpads or something like that (once again I'm eager to keep it stock as much as possible.) Obviously however having it being one huge component would simplify the orbital construction side of things and probably be a huge performance boost. I'll make a test part of the full ring and send it to zekew11 to see how it behaves - he's pretty busy at the moment from what I understand so don't expect anything soon, but I'll get back to you on that.

Thanks Akron! I'll add them and your name to the OP.

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  benjee10 said:
Hi all! Thanks for all your comments.

Re Kerbalisation, the textures are pretty much placeholders for now - once the thing's up and running I'll work back into them and get a stockalike look (it'll probably be along the lines of slightly more metallic looking spaceplane plus parts, I like the black heat shield borders on those).

I'd never intended to make the ring one part since the thing is so ungodly big - zekew11's collaborating with me on the Unity side of things and he's managed to get a test version of the habitation module in KSP, and it alone makes the NASA SLS parts look puny. I can see the full ring causing construction problems due to the sheer size of it, and getting it to orbit would be challenging to say the least unless you were to use extraplanetary launchpads or something like that (once again I'm eager to keep it stock as much as possible.) Obviously however having it being one huge component would simplify the orbital construction side of things and probably be a huge performance boost. I'll make a test part of the full ring and send it to zekew11 to see how it behaves - he's pretty busy at the moment from what I understand so don't expect anything soon, but I'll get back to you on that.

Thanks Akron! I'll add them and your name to the OP.

Well that's what testing is for. One thing I know about KSP people is resourcefulness and the ability to get just about anything into space. That being said yku could always scale it down which I don't recommend. You could make craft files for each part, obviously not rockets but payload crafts files in a recommended assembly order. Finally you just post a caveat "hey this hard to assemble, deal with it. If you need testers please let me know. I am not a modder but I have quite a lot of in game ksp experience. I guess due to the size they really did need a Saturn V.

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