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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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The general problem here is that decoupler joints are too weak in KSP in general, RO simply makes it more noticeable. In general the smaller the decoupler you use is, the worse the problem is going to be. Do note that there are ways to avoid using regular decouplers. Procedural interstages can be made to work without a decoupler. If you don't how what these are and how to build them, look here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki/First-RO-Rocket

If your problem is that you have a long section of rocket inside a fairing, there are workarounds for that too (reminder to myself: post a description of that to wiki).

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The MPDT thruster from Near Future Technologies appears to be borked. Gave it a liquid hydrogen tank full of fuel, and it still thinks it had no fuel. RO installed with CKAN.


Had that same problem with the VASIMRs too, I'll see if I can squash it the same way. Do note that the MPDTs and PITs don't have fully realistic stats yet, those are still on my to-do list. They are in the correct ballpark though, so feel free to use them.

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Every time I launch this rocket, the stages don't work... When I stage, it's almost like there are stages in the stages... (IE, a stage with 6 launch clamps requires that I press spacebar 6 times) And then when I go to seperate boosters, only one booster comes off, and the others stay on. Only happens with this rocket.






*confirmed only this rocket

Edited by JT2227
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Every time I launch this rocket, the stages don't work... When I stage, it's almost like there are stages in the stages... (IE, a stage with 6 launch clamps requires that I press spacebar 6 times) And then when I go to seperate boosters, only one booster comes off, and the others stay on. Only happens with this rocket.






*confirmed only this rocket

These bugs are bizarre. I'm unfortunately away from my desktop this weekend, and my laptop is nowhere near powerful enough to run Realism Overhaul + all the mods required to test that out.

Some thoughts:

Looking over the output logs on my tiny little laptop screen, it looks like *something* is throwing a null reference exception every time you stage on (presumably) that rocket. Unforutnately, null reference exceptions are extraordinarly unhelpful, they don't tell you much.

The exceptions seem to happen after KJR does things, I'm not sure what's causing them, but Ferram4 is a very smart fella, I'm sure he'll get it fixed up in a jiffy!

In the meantime, it seems to be related to the number of parts in your craft, so if you want to keep using KJR, keep your rockets small and with few parts. Procedural Parts can help with that.

Take all of this with a grain of salt, since I've not had a chance to test it out myself, this is mostly conjecture based on looking at the admittedly unhelpful null reference exceptions in the output_log.

Wow...That's a lot of bug reports (many of the same problem of "stages within stages")...

Guys...Too much pressure...Give Felger some time to figure this out. :wink:

That's it! **mumbles something about pressure-fed rockets**

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Heh. Just when I started cranking RO stuff out. :) Protons are done, Antares is (mostly) done, Cygnus is nearly done and Zenit is stalled (RF issue, will likely get that sorted out soon). You're now getting the StarShine Industries Athena pack as a bonus, too, as I found it's trivial to RO-ize. :)

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In the doing it by hand way number 3

3. Unzip the Realism Overhaul download zip archive to your KSP/GameData folder.

Where is this zip file? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

It's the biggest link in the by-hand section...Right above the supported-mods list...And below the recommended-mods list.

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It's the biggest link in the by-hand section...Right above the supported-mods list...And below the recommended-mods list.

heh, as a comp sci degree holder, I want to do everything the hard way. I just used CKAN and I have to say... it was very nice. Whomever made that deserves some cred. Most of the mods I want are in there already and they seem to be updated to the most recent versions.

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These bugs are bizarre. I'm unfortunately away from my desktop this weekend, and my laptop is nowhere near powerful enough to run Realism Overhaul + all the mods required to test that out.

Some thoughts:

Looking over the output logs on my tiny little laptop screen, it looks like *something* is throwing a null reference exception every time you stage on (presumably) that rocket. Unforutnately, null reference exceptions are extraordinarly unhelpful, they don't tell you much.

The exceptions seem to happen after KJR does things, I'm not sure what's causing them, but Ferram4 is a very smart fella, I'm sure he'll get it fixed up in a jiffy!

In the meantime, it seems to be related to the number of parts in your craft, so if you want to keep using KJR, keep your rockets small and with few parts. Procedural Parts can help with that.

Take all of this with a grain of salt, since I've not had a chance to test it out myself, this is mostly conjecture based on looking at the admittedly unhelpful null reference exceptions in the output_log.

That's it! **mumbles something about pressure-fed rockets**

Can confirm it has to do with the amount of parts. More than 50-ish seems to cause this.

The problem is not within KJR itself but rather with some conflict between KJR and another mod(my guess) because I am unable to recreate it in stock, with procedural parts alone etc. I have been unable to figure out what exactly.

It's really difficult to keep rockets and their payloads under that number. At least not if you want them looking good.

Another guess, with some clues from Ferram4:

Was the bug occurring on crafts that hadn't been affected by SelectRoot, or has this been limited to crafts rebuilt with SelectRoot?

Happens with both it seems. But I'll do some testing again to make sure.

Edited by ANWRocketMan
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I really want to use this mod, but I just hit the memory limit every time I try.

Lot's of things you can do about that:

1. Delete ALL the tanks(RCS, Fuel etc.). Also delete ALL the parts you're not using: command pods and their internals, engines that you don't use, fairings and the like.

2. Use Active Texture Manager in Aggressive mode.

3. Don't use the highest quality textures for RSS, switch them around so that only hiehgtmaps are big files, colour maps and normal maps can be smaller. And only the ones you actually plan to land on need HD heightmaps. A good mixture between 2k, 4k and 8k textures can drastically reduce memory usage without damaging gameplay.

4. Add the following to your KSP shortcut AFTER the "": -force-opengl-no-singlethread -popupwindow

p.s. The last step will/can reduce memory usage quite drastically but you might suffer on performance depending on your GPU.

I'm running 50 mods with almost 50 engines, big bunch of other miscellaneous parts, bunch of science parts and so on and I max out KSP at 2.6GB in memory right now(without ATM Aggressive). My GameData folder is 1.5GB. This does require quite a bit of input from you, but it's worth it!

Edited by ANWRocketMan
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Heh. Just when I started cranking RO stuff out. :) Protons are done, Antares is (mostly) done, Cygnus is nearly done and Zenit is stalled (RF issue, will likely get that sorted out soon). You're now getting the StarShine Industries Athena pack as a bonus, too, as I found it's trivial to RO-ize. :)

Could you please add the projects you are working on to this work-tracking spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rSxyNjWSH7eWtUgRstVq_2jDGnAhTwtEiwyNIJhVALg/edit#gid=149381527 ? It would make it easier for others to decide what to work on next.

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Thanks a lot for advice, it is still wobbling a lot but now at least it became manageable and i can launch stuff at least.As i understand, only clustered engines can be interstage(at least on the second stage) Does anybody else have such problem? Cause as i ve said people actually launch rockets well. Here, for example, its not THAT wobbly

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Could you please add the projects you are working on to this work-tracking spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rSxyNjWSH7eWtUgRstVq_2jDGnAhTwtEiwyNIJhVALg/edit#gid=149381527 ? It would make it easier for others to decide what to work on next.

Added. Those should be updated to "complete" really soon (I hope to get all this done before the end of the weekend).

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I suddenly got that strange crash issue again.

I was again sitting in the editor thinking on a rocket design and then after taking away a part that did not fit well the whole game window just disappeared instanly. A crash log folder is created but there is no log in there for some reason just the error file and an empty report. The current game log was to big for me to understand anything in particular in it and it also did not contain any crash descriptions or anything it just stops. I thought at first it was an out of memory thing but it happened not even in flight and the error file shows that there was a lot of memory availible.

What can I do and what to post for information?

Help please! Thank you!

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Thank you very much. But it is still interesting whether my problem is common or not and what can i possibly do with it(setting connection stiffness of joints and couplers even to 50 in a KJR cfg didnt help very much but as i ve already said- at least it is manageable now to some extent so many thanks).

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Pretty much all physics engines have serious trouble dealing with joints when there is a light part between two heavy parts. Just how heavy are the parts on either side? If it's thousand-ton fuel tanks and a 0.5t interstage, it's going to wobble...

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Is there a way to fix that? Are not there quite common weird occasions where the rocket just can not stop wobbling simply because joints bend and wobble and certainly so does the guidance part near the top. I think in real life it would be quite impractical to increase the weight of an interstate beyond what is required for its structural integrity to stabilize the joint. Can we for example significantly increase the strength of certain joints via the configs so they can simulate a realistic big holding strength while keeping the real life size and mass?

Also is the current latest release supposed to make the tweak scale default size grid decimal with a fixed big step of half a metre and fine adjustments available instead of the stock size like it was done in the previous versions? Currently in my game installation the tweak scale uses the stock size and scale system up to five metres and then allows me to go up to no more than seven metres and not all parts work. Looks like it was not affected by the Realism overhaul config or for some reason was affected just partially.

That is not quite convenient while currently most engines models do have that thrust plate thing and their sizes are decimal and most of the other untweakable components have decimal sizes.

Edited by Kitspace
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Also if I post the error file regarding my editor and menu weird crashes will it be helpful to find the cause of the problem at least approximately? There is really no recorded log file for some reason. I really do not know why. I have no idea regarding what is happening and what is causing it and it spoils more than half of my rocket designs. What can I possibly do to fix it?

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