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Found Glowing Dot on surface of Minmus


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Hi all, never posted here before, but this may be important:)

Today I came across this Glowing Dot while driving on Minmus.

Must be some kind of graphics anomaly.

It's not super visible, but illuminates your craft when crossed.

Took some photos

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Another pass

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This is where it was, barely visible white patch on surface

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All my lamps are off and have no mods installed.

Anyone else saw that or do I need to go and see an optician?

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Those mysterious balls of light are called MBLs (Mysterious Balls of Light) will appear anywhere in the vicinity of your spacecraft.

I tend to see them clustered around my launch pad and runway. Ancient Seafaring Kerbals called them St. Kelmo's Fire.

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Reminds me of some strange lights I saw from Duna orbit. At first I thought it was a graphics glitch with the sun shining through the planet, but the sun was much further left. They vanished as I continued my ejection burn.


Some Kerbals believe the lights are spirits of lost kerbals trying to lure other travelers down into crashes. Maybe what you'e found is something similar

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Reminds me of some strange lights I saw from Duna orbit. At first I thought it was a graphics glitch with the sun shining through the planet, but the sun was much further left. They vanished as I continued my ejection burn.


Some Kerbals believe the lights are spirits of lost kerbals trying to lure other travelers down into crashes. Maybe what you'e found is something similar

i had this happen to kerbin on my old computer when ksp was aproaching a crash or low on ram, the sun was shinning through kerbin and the light was off slightly, i will probably land at the coords given at minmus and see if i see it on my new computer, once i get a remotetech network to reach there...

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I've seen several of them on Mun and Duna. One of my current theories is that they're left over (somehow) from a ship that turned a light on or off at that location. The more I think about it, tho, the less that makes sense... usually I find them in places I haven't been to yet.

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All of these glowing dots reminds me of something: the Moho fairies. From what I was told, a KSP streamer was rovering all around Moho, I believe heading to one of the poles, when the streamer encounter numerous lights on the surface. Perhaps Moho fairies and the lights in this thread are one and the same.

Sadly, from what I've been told, the original thread that documented the Moho fairies was probably destroyed in the April 2013 event. There is a mention of them in a thread after that, but only a mention: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33955-Did-we-find-all-of-the-easter-eggs-yet/page9

They're also mentioned in the KSP Easter Egg Stocktake thread where I asked about them, but beware, spoilers will await if you read too far!: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60551-Spoiler-Easter-Egg-Stocktake-0-24-2/page8

Edited by turkwinif
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It would be really nice if there were more things like this all over the system. Really subtle on the ground but visible from high altitude. If you walked over one (you would have to be stood still on eva) then vibrations would come through your boots and a tinny sound clip would be played. Maybe just a single number (in many languages)

If you visit the `special places` in sequence it activates a firework display on Eeloo, the last place you have to visit...

There could be one at the base of the mountains near KSC that says "Ten..."

I`d download THAT mod (might suggest it)

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Reminds me the lights from 2010 second odyssey... There must be a monolith nearby... :o

According to SCANsat (SCANsat v8.0 on my 0.25.0 install), there is but one Anomaly on Minmus... and it's just East of where smn2222's rover is in the last picture of the third set he posted, up near the top of the mountain (near where his lander shows) on a slope... 23d46'28.91"N - 60d2'28.79"E

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According to SCANsat (SCANsat v8.0 on my 0.25.0 install), there is but one Anomaly on Minmus... and it's just East of where smn2222's rover is in the last picture of the third set he posted, up near the top of the mountain (near where his lander shows) on a slope... 23d46'28.91"N - 60d2'28.79"E

That's where my rover was going, to the Minolith (monolith+Minmus;)

It glows at night too

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And yeah, was a long wait that 99998 previous post, but worth it :D

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When I was driving a rover around Eve, these dots would appear at a regular interval. Something like every minute, or couple of minutes. I never actually timed it, but they seemed to come like clockwork. They would appear right under the rover, and stay at the spot that they appeared. They never appeared to be any kind of harbinger of doom, but that's hard to test since Bill always made the sign of the Krucifix, "Just in case."

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