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Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great


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412hIcW.png What is Project Arctic? Project Arctic is an ambitious project to create a film using KSP, the Project will stretch from late 2014 onwards, and hopefully the end outcome will be a high quality interesting film for the KSP community to make.

Who am I? I am a humble car and vehicle creator in KSP, I run two companies; Vagani Car Manufacturers and Vagani-Gara. I’ve never undertook a project this large and inspiring before and I look forward to the learning curve and working with you guys/girls. J

What are we hoping to achieve? Well I’d love this to be an example for squad to show what this game can do. I’d also like to reach out and tell the gaming community what a great game KSP is. The end product should be an exciting grabbing story that makes you want to keep watching rather than drop off because we don’t want that now do we? :P

Links to stuff for this project

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPProjectArctic

Team speak link: WIP

Craft Submission Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102222-Movie-Crafts-Project-Arctic-Craft-Submission-Thread?p=1583227#post1583227

Who/ what do we need? Well we really need as many people as possible, so there are multiple jobs on offer and of course there are multiple spaces per job. Here is a detailed list of what each job does:

Director: Controls and determines what goes into the film, organises meetings and other things.

Co-Director: Want to make recommendations and give ideas to the director? Want to have a direct effect on the films direction, the Co-director maybe the job for you.

Script Writers: Interested in writing the films back-bone and knowing that you made it all possible? Got some ideas that you want implementing? The Script writer maybe for you

Voice Actors: Although not as important as the Script writers, this job makes the film have depth and an atmosphere, feel like it’s for you? Give it a shot

Recorders: The people who will give us a moving picture, your PC must be able to record at a steady FPS with a minimum of 350 parts in the scene as scenes will be varying in size.

Editors: Stitching and patching the film together into one beautiful master piece can be hard. Do you have knowledge of editing software? Become a editor and make the film come to life.

Set Creators: Do you have a creative talent; do you look at crafts and think how they could look good together? Want to make what the audience sees on screen? Then this is for you. PC will have to handle 350 parts minimum to create large sets.

Builders: Good at creating rockets, motherships, ships, planes, trains and automobiles then a builder maybe for you. However you will need a PC capable of loading and testing crafts with high parts if needed, but I’m sure we could fit you in here if you don’t.

Advertisers: Got links with the internet community or are good at spreading the word, then this might be the job for you.









-William Pigg


Script Writers-





-The Jedi Master





Voice Actors-







-One-Way Gaming












Set Creators-




Modders/Texture Replacers-






















-Spikey Mikey




Does, any of this interest you? If it does fill out a submission form like this:

Name: Job: Why do you want to do this job: Previous Work: Like crafts, videos, etc

GOOGLE DRIVE SCRIPT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vQgYkGZDM0m9cU8JacmY0VhhHJeueSTt3vbZtZWenGY/edit

Announcement Forum <-- Please join this to stay in the team, you have three weeks to join or reply to this thread or the google forum from today (17/05/15) if you do not, you will be seen as inactive and possibly moved to the inactive section

Project Arctic Brief story overview 1784- A team of explorer’s sets off to the pole, they find something in the ice, but before they can get back they go missing mysteriously. Nowadays- Another team of explorer’s sets off for the pole, there mission is to collect surface samples from the most northerly point on Kerbin. They land their plane just outside of a arctic village, the inhabitants tell them not to go any further or the gods will punish them for their sins. They decide to travel by car and so set off forgetting the advice the tribe had given them. A large alien structure emerges through the snow storm, it towers several hundred metres in the sky. They report the findings back to base. 2 Years since discovery- The site is awash with scientists and structures researching the alien structure. The structure activates and the scientists find out that it is sending a signal to another planet. A board meeting is held between all of the countries of Kerbin determining what to do. They set up Project Arctic, a one way mission to the planet to investigate the receiver. Scene finishes with a image of Project Arctic badge, which fades into next scene which has badge on side of craft. 4 Years since discovery- The ship is finished in space and has final checks, the crew docks. The scientist is the same Kerbal who discovered the structure, he is main character. The crew goes into cryostasis and the ship jumps to the location. 8 Years since discovery- The ship arrives at the planet and the crew come out of cryostasis, a shuttle is launched and lands on the surface. The surface resembles LV 426 in looks and is my inspiration. The crew use rovers to travel closer to the receiver. They come to a ridge and poke over revealing a huge alien structure with bio domes and other tech. The crew enter the structure and find it is counting down. They investigate what it is doing and who built it. Before long the team members begin to disappear one by one, the survivors eventually find their way out and take off in the shuttle. It re-docks with the mothership and finds that whatever was down there with them has managed to come aboard. After desperately trying to find out what the countdown is for they discover that it is until the receiver sends a message for Kerbin structure to self destruct killing the planet. The crew now down to one decides to ram the receiver resulting in a spectacular explosion. The film ends with the camera pulling back to reveal thousands of receivers.

Looking forward to working with you and all

Edited by Vagani
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Vagani, I have some experience in directing live streaming events and also some ( admittedly less ) experience in film editing. If you think I can be useful, feel free to PM me ( notice: due to the above, I might have times where it might be hard to do actual work in this , or even to be contacted. Caveat emptor ;) )

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Here is what I have come up with so, far the script writers will make it better and all but it is WIP

Project Arctic

Scene 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------13/11/14

Film starts with a blowing wind noise, camera looks out across the nothingness of the North Pole, camera switches to a different angle revealing more nothingness (When camera switches it makes a loud shutter noise)

Camera gets knocked over suddenly as the vehicle rushes past it, radio chatter between car and Arctic Base. The area is thick with fog

Outlander 2: Arctic Base 1 do you read, over

Arctic Base: We hear you loud and clear Outlander 2; you should be approaching Outlander 1 shortly, over

Fog begins to lift, allowing camera to see the remains of Outlander 1, debris is scattered everywhere, body panels are hanging loose and the rear left wheel is popped. Outlander 2 pulls up on the right side of Outlander 1.

Olav Kerman: We have a situation, over.

Arctic Base: Have you found Outlander 1? Outlander 2 please respond with video feed, over.

Camera becomes active, with grains and static across screen, on Outlander 2, Shackleton Kerman appears in front of camera and pans the camera round to show Outlander 1 on the left of the screen.

Shackleton Kerman: We have found Outlander 1, but Amundsen Kerman is still missing, we have found the remains of Mawson Kerman, we’ll follow the debris and see where that takes us, over.

Arctic Base: Affirmative, continue with the search, weather reports show a large storm heading in from the south and 039 degrees 450 miles from your current location, Arctic Base out.

Camera switches off; Olav and Shackleton Kerman board Outlander 2 and set off following trail of debris. Camera fades and enters with it being night time; the lights are illuminating the snow as the car follows the long line of debris. Camera fades again and enters with the sky slightly brighter because of the sun. The car pulls up along the arctic shelf that marks the end of the arctic, fog lingers around obscuring the view but a light is just visible from the bottom. With the light is a large mysterious structure. Camera pans upwards slowly to show size.

Light beam envelops both Kerbals, blocking out view and screen.

Dramatic music as title appears.

Like how I used explorers names :)

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Name: MadMooMan

Job: Builder

Why do you want to do this job: On average I spend more time in the VAB then I do any other scene, I love to build rockets and value aesthetics a lot in my work.

Previous Work: None really. I applied for a rocket builder here on the forums but they died out unfortunately.

In case you might wanna see what I have/can do, Took a few sceenshots of a Kerbinari Shuttle Mission

EDIT: Cant get the Imgur Album working, so here is the link to it: http://imgur.com/a/6fD5i?gallery#0

Edited by MadMooMan
Imgur Album not working correctly
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  MadMooMan said:
Name: MadMooMan

Job: Builder

Why do you want to do this job: On average I spend more time in the VAB then I do any other scene, I love to build rockets and value aesthetics a lot in my work.

Previous Work: None really. I applied for a rocket builder here on the forums but they died out unfortunately.

In case you might wanna see what I have/can do, Took a few sceenshots of a Kerbinari Shuttle Mission


unfortunately the image isnt working, but ill add you :)

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Name: Morthgal

Job: Script Writer

Why do you want this job: I've always like writing things, and I've always liked the arctic. Oh, and I like KSP! :D But seriously i like writing thangs. I have quite a twisted humour though, so expect there to be something a bit graphic!

I'll make something tomorrow though, It's time for my 12 hour nap! :P

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at the moment we are developing the script, the first scene without the scriptwriters is on the first page, so yeh, at the moment we only have an idea of one thing, the gigantic object that they find in the ice

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Name: Nagy

Job: Builder

Why I want this job: Building, testing, and flying planes is my favorite part of the game, especially in FAR(although I understand that might not be usable.) I also like trying to make my planes look pretty. While I unfortunately di not have any pictures to share here (I'm at school right now), I promise that I will be able to build satisfactory aircraft and some spacecraft for this project.

EDIT: I will link a screenshot of one of my craft when I get home in about seven hours.

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Name: SpriteCoke

Job: Director/Co-Director (or script writer)

Why: I have drama and creative writing experience and I currently have a few scripts for videos ill be working on for KSP. Plus, I like making videos...

Past works:

And I'm currently working on another cinematic for KSP. (I've made other stuff but they don't really pertain to ksp)

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Name: UpsilonAerospace

Job: Musician

Why do I want to do this job: It sounds like a lot of fun! I'm currently making music for the planets in KSP, but this music can be incorporated into films quite nicely. (My music is going to be in some of HatBat's films as well.)

There's a link in my signature to the music I've made so far, and I'll also link the thread here.

Looking forwards to this!


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Well ive adapted the script, as i was wondering would it be possible to use texture replacer or what not to make the kerbals wear woolly coats for their journey to the arctoc, also we need some of the part textures to be adapted to make them look a bit rougher so we can make a sledge out of them

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Name: Avera9eJoe

Job: Ship builder (main job), Script reviewer (if possible)

Why do you want to do this job: This sounds awesome, and I am in need of a task. Casual craft building isn't the greatest thing, but I I love building or collaborationg in group projects. Even if it means I don't take credit.

I'm all in! Shame I didn't see this earlier. I'd love to help in all ways that I can. ;) PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS/EXAMPLES - Here is a list of what I can help with but they are all very dependent on what they involve. I can aid as a musician, record video*, aid as a voice actor*, build rockets/planes/crafts, aid with story line, and do some advertising.

Here's an example of some basic things I can build as well as an example of my more recent recording skills* video that I've made. Vagani I'm sure you're familiar with this film:

*In the recent future I've started using the time control mod to slow down time for large part count ships and in doing so I can theoretically record high FPS for any size rocket. Without it though, I have a pretty average computer and thus non-super FPS recording. Watch the link below this to see what FPS I am capable of.

I can do voice acting if you're doing backwards English. I've done it with great success in

. That link's to what I think is the most proper dialogue scene.

Story line wise, I've made multiple plot ideas for my own KSP films and when I played Minecraft I specialized in making adventure worlds. I'd love to review and comment on your plot line if at all possible. It's a thin line between pulling it off and looking dumb in the world of film.

If advertising means placing a shout out+link in my signature or on my YouTube/Twitch channel I'd be happy.

Let's do this boys.

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