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Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great


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  Nicholander said:
Unfortunately I can't really help on this because I'm doing stuff for the KSP Community CubeSat, but things like this just make me happy.

It makes me happy because we're being ambitious. And awesome.

First we have the KSP Community CubeSat, and now a movie.


Thank you KSP community, thanks for being awesomely ambitious.

Thank you.

Yeah... Sorry for the unnecessary motivational speech/thing. But still, this is cool.

wait, the cubesat's actually happening? I remember when that thread started :) Im so happy!

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  Vagani said:
What are we hoping to achieve?

Well I’d love this to be an example for squad to show what this game can do. I’d also like to reach out and tell the gaming community what a great game KSP is.


  Vagani said:
Ok so I have compiled a list of mods that we could use:

-[0.25] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)

Could be very useful for making the propulsion of the mothership, it is what i was hoping would be used.

-[0.25] USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)

Extremely useful for making the base in the Arctic by the structure, what do you think?

-[0.25] NEBULA space engineering - EVA handrails pack

Well the title explains it all, we could use these on various things; the ships, the structure, ect

-[0.25] TextureReplacer 1.9.2

Useful for making suits, and planets and other things, this is a must

-[0.25] B9 Aerospace | Release 5.2.6

Excellent for making the futuristic dropships and rovers, and most importantly the structures, I think this has to be another must

-[0.25] TweakScale - Rescale Everything!

This can be used to reduce part count and add detail whilst also making ships more practical

-[0.25] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics

Hinges, rotating engines, mechs, whatever we decide this could make the ships look really, really cool. Imagine an opening door and a rover inside it

-Pro Props - Wearable items for your kerbals

We need different helmets and tools for the kerbals to use to make this film standout from the ordinary ksp suits and kerbals

-[0.25] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v2.4.4

Structures and motherships need to be large and this will help massively to stop lag and breakages

-[0.25] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.9

Very useful for the sledge and other things, grappling hooks and stuff

-[0.25+] HyperEdit - Teleporter, Orbit & Planet Editor, & More.

Some of these ships will most likely only be props and we need to get them places, the mothership has to be big enough however you don't have to worry about stuff like delta-v

-[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3)

Adds atmosphere and realism to the game, useful for landing scenes

-[0.24, 0.25] Trajectories v1.0.0 (2014-11-17) : atmospheric predictions, FAR/NEAR

Can be used as the on-board computer for cool interesting landing shots to show locations and such

-[0.25] Kerbin-Side v0.39.1

The world needs more than 1 base, so why not add more? Makes it more believable anyways

-[0.25] EVA Follower [v1.03, 05 Nov 2014]

Useful for large scenes and crews, a must in my books

-Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v6.3.5 (Sep 1st) for KSP 0.24.2

Need this for the sledge and stuff, very useful and can be used for the arctic plane

-[0.25] Chatterer v.0.7.1

Adds lots of atmosphere and adds realism

-[0.25] Camera Tools (Stationary Camera) v1.1

Useful for creating the shots that we need

-[0.25] Custom Asteroids 1.1.0

Well, if we decided to add a asteroid belt around the planet, it could make the story interesting, for example the ship becomes too damaged to do something and the only other option is to...

-[0.25][Part] Radial Engine Mounts by PanaTee Parts International

Extremely useful for the dropship, these look nice and are functional, plus they look stock

-[0.25] Universal Storage

Could be used for detailing and functionality, has a really cool used art style

-[0.25] PlanetShine v0.2.2

Again, useful for making the films eye candy

-[0.25] Near Future Technologies (17/11/14: All packs, CTT compatibility)

Everything about this mod is cool, this like B9 is a must for the film

-[0.25] Rover Wheel Sounds

Well, why wouldn't we want sounds as they are at the moment silent :/

-UbioZur Welding Unofficial update for KSP 0.24.2 & 0.25 v.04

Finally, another must, we need it for structures and ships, to make them easy to move about. The final scene will need a duplicate, non-welded ship to crash to make it look aesthetically pleasing

Tell me your thoughts on them, environment mods are also needed, we could wait for astronomer to release the interstellar pack, that looks amazing at the moment

[GRUMP]Sorry, not going to build anything for this now.

The mod list is really, obscenely long. I wanted this movie to show what SQUAD's game could do, not what SQUAD's game, modded almost beyond recognition, can do.

If you're playing with this many mods, you're not playing KSP, in my opinion. You're playing some other thing. It may be better, but it's so profoundly different from the stock game that it doesn't even really qualify.

Please don't use so many mods. It's misleading to new players, difficult for many computers to handle, and doesn't add as much as it should.[/GRUMP]


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
[GRUMP] I wanted this movie to show what SQUAD's game could do, not what SQUAD's game, modded almost beyond recognition, can do.[/GRUMP]

Yeah I was under that impression too :/. I'll still try and participate exempt of building, but I wish it was stock only too. Maybe Upsilon you and I can make our own movie? Stock?

Anyhoo, Vagani what do you have in mind for the rover design/planet environment? Is it going to be a speedy buggy, or a mobile base?

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  UpsilonAerospace said:
[GRUMP]Sorry, not going to build anything for this now.

The mod list is really, obscenely long. I wanted this movie to show what SQUAD's game could do, not what SQUAD's game, modded almost beyond recognition, can do.

If you're playing with this many mods, you're not playing KSP, in my opinion. You're playing some other thing. It may be better, but it's so profoundly different from the stock game that it doesn't even really qualify.

Please don't use so many mods. It's misleading to new players, difficult for many computers to handle, and doesn't add as much as it should.[/GRUMP]


I think the idea here is that ships would be made mostly with stock parts, but they could have one or two "extra" parts from the above mods, for coolness or simply as bells and whistles.

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  longbyte1 said:
I think the idea here is that ships would be made mostly with stock parts, but they could have one or two "extra" parts from the above mods, for coolness or simply as bells and whistles.

^This guys gets it, the mods are for bells and whistles, pick some if you want, you don't have to but we have to reflect the community as well as the game ok. The rover I don't know, everything I build looks god awful. So yes I will shorten the list so people can understand as it seems some people don't get the word ​Could

Edit:Shorten the list and added colour co-ordination

Edited by Vagani
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  Avera9eJoe said:
Yeah I was under that impression too :/. I'll still try and participate exempt of building, but I wish it was stock only too. Maybe Upsilon you and I can make our own movie? Stock?

I would love that. Gonna have to wait until winter break though... my Thanksgiving break is tied up making this. (Shameless Plug!)

  Vagani said:
^This guys gets it, the mods are for bells and whistles, pick some if you want, you don't have to but we have to reflect the community as well as the game ok.

The main thing I'm worried about here is consistency. If you want the overall quality to look the same from shot to shot, you're going to have a load of mods running.

Let me give you an example.

It's near the beginning of the movie. A Kerbal is dragging a sledge through the Artic. The Kerbal has been colored with Texture Replacer. The sledge is made with some Firespitter parts, Tweakscaled down to the proper size, and the connection between the Kerbal and the sledge is with KAS. For a uniform look in the cinematic quality, EVA Follower and Camera Tools have to be downloaded as well. That's six necessary mods, in total.

So what would happen if you took out any of the mods? A lack of consistency, that's what. Taking out any of the structural mods would make the sledge cease to work, or at least look very different. Taking out any of the Kerbal retexturing mods would make the Kerbals look dramatically different from shot to shot. Taking out any of the camera mods would make the camerawork very different.

The mods aren't just for bells and whistles, they make up an integral part of the footage. There's no way to shoot more than a couple of scenes without requiring at least a few mods.

Again, I'm going to reiterate what I said earlier; namely, that playing with this many mods is deceiving to new players and difficult for many computers to handle. I understand that you want to showcase the community as well, but keep in mind, this film is made by the community. It was started by a community member, and then other community members joined in. The plot, the screenplay, the voice acting, and even the music will be created by community members. And yet you make the statement that the film has to use mods to reflect the community. That statement doesn't seem to stack up, in my opinion at least.

  Vagani said:
The rover I don't know, everything I build looks god awful.

Um, Vagani? Has someone hacked into your account? You build great vehicles! It even says so in your signature.

  Vagani said:
So yes I will shorten the list so people can understand as it seems some people don't get the word ​Could

Edit:Shorten the list and added colour co-ordination

What I understand is, there's literally no part of the film that I could make (except for the music), on account of my poor computer and the amount of mods required. I'm certainly not the only one. You're supporting community members by including mods, but at the same time you're shutting out community members like me who actively want to help in this project. That doesn't seem all that fair.

There's no need to be irritated, by the way. I've tried my best to keep a level head, and I still want to participate in this project. I'm just raising some concerns, because I'm sure I'm not the only one having them. And yes, I do understand the word "Could."

Thanks for your consideration.


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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But upsilon, you'll still make the music, and you can still build, i dont mind stock and you build some great stuff

Edit: I shall think about the mod situation and report back with the verdict, I don't want to leave people out and I want to have upsilon and avera9ejoe working for this as they can help greatly, so report back asap

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  Vagani said:
But upsilon, you'll still make the music, and you can still build, i dont mind stock and you build some great stuff

Edit: I shall think about the mod situation and report back with the verdict, I don't want to leave people out and I want to have upsilon and avera9ejoe working for this as they can help greatly, so report back asap

yeah I hope they can work as well they are good builders Edited by CG_Kerbin
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So hopefully everyone is still reading this thread!

Bear in mind everything stated below is my opinion only -

What we need:

An update page - Something with the latest news and directions for people and only that. No response or discussion, just a "most recent final decisions" page.

Active discussion - Has anyone had one? We've got this thread, I know Vagani has been talking about teamspeak, but I've not heard anything (literally.) The steam group has an option for active group chat. I'd really like for everyone (or at least every group, directors, scriptwriters, etc. to actually talk to each other) and soon, if only to get to know each other.

A Google Drive account - I'd like the script to be on there and available for active editing/technical comments. This could also be used to have active deadlines- By this I mean, people can show in the calender when they have time to dedicate to the project, and the people who decide what's going on should have a deadline for something to come up with for them to do.

Some clarification on jobs - We've all got titles, and a rough idea on what we're supposed to do, but no tasks. There are plenty of things I can think of that go into pre-production that need doing.


- Location scouting -

We need areas on Duna and in the arctic with decent flat areas that have interesting backgrounds not too far into the distance. Please detail location (Hyperedit can be used for this) and importantly the heading you are facing for any photos you post.

- Set building -

A mission control room - I don't see how the movie would work without it. I foresee several scenes there and it can be done now as it doesn't matter where it is

- Notes on this - I recommend 5 craft files. (or more depending on how many walls you want) All the same room but each one with 1 wall removed and then the whole room. It will make filming much easier and allows for consistent set design. This should be as stock as possible, all the set builders can have a go. It will give us future ideas on interior set design. Desks, seats etc, remember height restrictions, either build platforms to raise Kerbals, or use tweakscale. Kerbals will need space to walk around and control is difficult at best, give us wide walkways please.

- Laboratory/Researchy looking room. -

Again not sure how the premise of the movie would work without one - similar rules to the above apply.

Technichal -

Mod limit - I've yet to run into a limit on mods I can use while filming, I have a pretty robust machine. However, I've noticed some concerns about this from people in other areas. We need a technical rundown from everyone on what they think their limitations are for building/filming etc.

Sound design - Could the voice actors send the editors get together and produce samples of their voice acting, I'd like to hear how it compares to each other in a video file when compressed by the editor. With film (it can be nonsense dialogue and the film can be anything, I just want to make sure we're not going to end up with drastically different acoustics as you'll be recording in different places.)

Again just my opinions - I hope you're all doing well and that we can all get together at the same time at some point in the near future.

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  glen.mack said:
What we need:

An update page - Something with the latest news and directions for people and only that. No response or discussion, just a "most recent final decisions" page.

Active discussion - Has anyone had one? We've got this thread, I know Vagani has been talking about teamspeak, but I've not heard anything (literally.) The steam group has an option for active group chat. I'd really like for everyone (or at least every group, directors, scriptwriters, etc. to actually talk to each other) and soon, if only to get to know each other.

A Google Drive account - I'd like the script to be on there and available for active editing/technical comments. This could also be used to have active deadlines- By this I mean, people can show in the calender when they have time to dedicate to the project, and the people who decide what's going on should have a deadline for something to come up with for them to do.

Some clarification on jobs - We've all got titles, and a rough idea on what we're supposed to do, but no tasks. There are plenty of things I can think of that go into pre-production that need doing.

Ah hello! In regarding your "What we need section", I suggest we use a single google doc for all this. I've made and used google docs for a number of KSP collaborative projects before and they've all worked extremely well. I'll have a prototype document here in a second.


- Heavy editing in progress. Please join in editing if you want

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Alright I just wrote up my thoughts and expansion on Vagani's edited first scene. Here it is plain but its open for edits in the google doc.

- Music begins.

- Wind sound effect pans in from right and continually plays through the intro.

- Fade from black to a scene from the ground surface of Kerbin's northern ice cap with a heavy snow storm present.

- Switch to a close up shot of Amundsen and Falcon Kerman pushing the worn sled and in winter gear. Wind sound effects are loud. The text “1784. First northern expedition†shows on screen.

- Jump to scene of Amundsen watching the path ahead and Falcon is pulling the sled. Falcon yells forwards "How much farther to the pole, Amundsen?". Amundsen says "I can't say in this storm, Falcon. We'll have to turn back soon if this storm keeps up!"

- Switch to a higher altitude shot of Kerbin's polar snow and ice cap, showing the barren landscape. Wind effects are quieter from this distance. Movie title appears as the music continues to play in the background.

- Switch back to the two kerbals and loud wind effects again. The two explorers walk forwards through the blizzard for a short time.

- Footstep sound effects cue and a sound effect of ringing metal/bells begins to play. Amundsen walks to the right of the screen and is soon followed by Falcon. Dialogue for “What's that sound?†appears.

- The group walks to the top of the nearest hill and pause. The camera pans past the sled, past the two kerbals, and over the hill to reveal a gigantic metal structure/pillar standing in the middle of the next icy taiga. As the camera passes over the hill and reveals the structure the music intensifies to bring out meaning in the structure.

- The scene ends with a gigantic beam of light shooting out of the tower into the sky and then the screen blinks off to a black screen as the intro song ends.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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wow, yes sorry i've been away I was just recording the video for my christmas pack. Glen.mack once again proves his value, the technical rundown is vital for planning. And Aver9eJoe that intro is simply...


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  Morthgal_dwarf said:
Damn that's cool, although I'm not sure what mods are being used... I think, from observation, its Firespitter, KAS and, I think its called EVA Kerbals or something like that, i dunno.

it's EVA follower, but it could make the sleigh work if u guys need that

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  glen.mack said:
An update page - Something with the latest news and directions for people and only that. No response or discussion, just a "most recent final decisions" page.

Active discussion - Has anyone had one? We've got this thread, I know Vagani has been talking about teamspeak, but I've not heard anything (literally.) The steam group has an option for active group chat. I'd really like for everyone (or at least every group, directors, scriptwriters, etc. to actually talk to each other) and soon, if only to get to know each other.

I've found Google Groups to be very good at setting up makeshift forums, mailing lists, and whatnot. It can be as slim or as bloated as you like.

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  Vagani said:
wow, yes sorry i've been away I was just recording the video for my christmas pack. Glen.mack once again proves his value, the technical rundown is vital for planning. And Aver9eJoe that intro is simply...


Sarcasm? XD I tried basing that edit off of you're first scene paste from a few pages back. I hope it's what you meant. Nik that control room is amazing! The sled test is amazing! The truck is amazing! Super cool guys.

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  Avera9eJoe said:
Sarcasm? XD I tried basing that edit off of you're first scene paste from a few pages back. I hope it's what you meant. Nik that control room is amazing! The sled test is amazing! The truck is amazing! Super cool guys.

No sarcasm, it is great, and yes we are still accepting

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