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A story about the two computer people who went to a different world


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This is a story about the two computer people who went to a different world, that has only the ten hundred most used words in it. Here it is.

Some people who like space made two computer people, and then put them in space. The computer people went to another world that was very small, and was made of ice and ground-stuff. It took a long time. When the computer people got to the other world, they broke into two different pieces. The people who like space meant for them to do that, so it was not bad. One of the computer people went down to the other world, but the other one stayed above it. The world was really small, so things on it were not very heavy. To make sure that the computer person didn't fall off of the world, the computer person had a thing that was like the guns that people use to use to kill really big water animals. These guns fire at the world, and stick inside it. That didn't actually happen, because those guns didn't work, but the computer person didn't fall off the other world, so it was okay. The other world was really far from our world, so it takes a long time for the people who like space and the computer people to talk, but since the people who like space told the computer people what to do before they left, the computer people didn't need to talk with the people who like space that much. The computer people sent pictures of the other world to our world. Those computer people are the first to ever go to a world like that.

I made this story with the up goer five word change thing

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That is pretty obvious :P I have started another one, but this is actually a pretty tiring exercise, since the words are fairly unpredictable. A lot are simple, but some very useful and somewhat more complicated words are in there too.

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