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Play chicken? you mean by exercising my freedom to speak my own opinion? Sorry I don\'t cower under the table from boogeymen over the net. 'buy a pc' was referring to one of the users having an issue with linux I believe. Then someone told me that all computers are pc\'s to which I replied back that PC was a brand name, as well as a descriptor. No 'fan-boy chestbumping' ever took place. All that occurred was a moderator want\'s to feel big and tough and push others around. Even now your threatening me because I\'m speaking against your actions. Not cursing, or CAPSLOCKING. Calming refuting my position. You\'ve got nothing to do and want to bully others.

As readers may notice my original response wasn\'t all that hostile, simply asking you to lighten up and keep in mind that we all support ksp and are helping to shape it, and squad, into a game, and company, of tomorrow. Then, again, you threaten to take action against me. If this is the height of your day, or your expecting me to rage, sorry to disappoint.

I would advise you calm down, and simply move on. Yes, you have the right to speak your own opinion, but at no point should you take to attacking the moderator for trying to keep things under control. If you wish to continue the matter, you should do so by PM, but public disrespect of a moderator is frowned upon. Now, I realize I\'m not a moderator on this forum, but I felt it must be said.

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I\'m attacking no-one, don\'t be so dramatic, I simply don\'t let others bully me on the internet. but this all started over 'off-topicness' in relation to OS\'s which (in my oppinion) has to do with DRM and piracy. but he deleted it and posted a moderator comment explaining it. then after I posted my reply he posted this;

No, you were both fighting over which OS is better, period. Don\'t try to spin it around when one of the responses was just 'buy a pc'. But if you really want to play chicken with a moderator, that\'s fine with me. I\'ve got nothing better to do today than play EVE, so anything to break from the tedium of asteroid mining is perfectly great.

Isn\'t this off topic? And after he just threatened to close the topic for being off-topic. I know that\'s really being a dick weasel as he was replying to me but still...shouldn\'t he have been the example and PM\'ed me instead of threatening me more. That\'s the only point I\'m trying to make is that some mods feel the need to throw weight around and throw around threats and childishly strike out at others, and yet he failed to follow his own rule. Not all mods are bad, I\'ve met a few good one\'s...but in my experience a lot of mods/admins are people sitting at home with way too much time on their hands and too much unchecked power to be good for them. I\'m not raging, or insulting him. But I\'ll put a close to this. I can\'t preach about being an example and yet keep this going so I won\'t be replying to this again.

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{delurk} Yeah, you\'re stating your opinion, but still coming off as annoying and derailing the thread. Protocol says you continue with the moderator by DM. I\'d prefer it if you took it to DM too. :)

For what it\'s worth, once this game comes out of Alpha, I\'d love to see it go on Steam. I know Steam has its downsides, but I find it a whole lot more convenient than the old go-to-shop, buy-disc, go-home, install, enter-key, watch-crash, download-patches, try-again routine.. I don\'t have to worry about whether the local stores have it in stock, I can buy some obscure title at 2:00am on a whim and be playing it 20 minutes later. And when I upgrade PC\'s (or just move to the PC in my room), I simply login to Steam and voila! All my titles are available there. I don\'t have to fish out discs and install-keys.

Steam might be DRM, but it\'s reasonably non-invasive. My physical world is a mess, by I keep my virtual stuff well-organised, so I\'d much rather keep my games in their \'vault\'. I\'m aware of the risks, and I\'ll happily live with them.

And, as for the name-embedded-in-game thing. I think that would be good. No DRM, just the honours system. As you boot the game you see a certificate 'This certificate of Kerbal Engineering/Experimentation/Disintegration presented to John Smith. Ipsum Latinitum Fortudo et Pertinacia. May your Kerbals fly high and land (mostly) intact.' :) I know I never gave any copies of my old shareware Amiga games to my friends if they had my name plastered on the loading screen. Sure, it won\'t stop everyone. But nothing reasonable will.

And/or, as the first step to a KSP online world, the owners handle can appear on a stat-board on the website. Listing furthest capsule, number of capsules in orbit, number of kerbals landed, lost, and buned to a crisp. :) Maybe GFX-card, RAM, and CPU and OS info (if volunteered.) ..and maybe you can click on their entry to see the view from their tracking-station? ..even get to see a hangar-view of the ships?

Any single registrations of the game that are running simultaneously from multiple machines don\'t appear (thus no bragging-rights) and, depending on how many instances are running, might even get banned from the board. So no restrictions on your ability to run the game, just to participate in the community. I like measures that don\'t block the game, but encourage you to buy it so you can participate more.

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I know Steam has its downsides, but I find it a whole lot more convenient than the old go-to-shop, buy-disc, go-home, install, enter-key, watch-crash, download-patches, try-again routine..

Even this is rare since the data in those disks link to Steam in which you install the game through there anyway. :P

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Play chicken? you mean by exercising my freedom to speak my own opinion? Sorry I don\'t cower under the table from boogeymen over the net. 'buy a pc' was referring to one of the users having an issue with linux I believe. Then someone told me that all computers are pc\'s to which I replied back that PC was a brand name, as well as a descriptor. No 'fan-boy chestbumping' ever took place. All that occurred was a moderator want\'s to feel big and tough and push others around. Even now your threatening me because I\'m speaking against your actions. Not cursing, or CAPSLOCKING. Calming refuting my position. You\'ve got nothing to do and want to bully others.

As readers may notice my original response wasn\'t all that hostile, simply asking you to lighten up and keep in mind that we all support ksp and are helping to shape it, and squad, into a game, and company, of tomorrow. Then, again, you threaten to take action against me. If this is the height of your day, or your expecting me to rage, sorry to disappoint.

[mod]We're not a democracy, here. I read all the posts I deleted, they were worthy of being deleted because they were off-topic, as the rules have clearly outlined, and it's my job to remove them. If you have a problem with my decisions, please feel free to lodge a complaint in private with my superiors. In the meantime, it's time to stop crapping up this thread. If you have something relevant to post, please, go ahead, but any further discussion of the subject of either Mac v. PC crap or the posts I deleted will also get deleted. [/mod]

We now return you to your original programming.

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[gmod]Yup, we're done here. The issue of KSP and DRM has been made very clear by HarvesteR and Squad. As far as that issue goes, it's done for.>br> If you wish to discuss the pros and cons of DRM, please take it somewhere more appropriate.[/gmod]


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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