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So I'm landing...

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I'm landing my new spaceplane, the Phoenix II. Philly is in the command chair. He's flown it several times now, and knows the plane rather well. She has her shimmies and shakes, but he loves the bird he designed.

He's come in from a near perfect reentry, from approximately 90km up. Retro went smooth, reentry was nominal. Glided in towards the landing strip at the KSC (Old Stripey, he calls it), and touched down just a touch hard. The gear bowed in a bit, but the ship recovered and continued on down the runway. The ship slows to 40m/s, and he gingerly applies breaks... she begins to slow further. Suddenly, there's a loud BANG!!! A wing segement suddenly disappeared, and there's an explosion off near the VAB. One of the minor buildings detonates. The tower reports that the port side wing segment hit it at extreme velocity. There was no indication of this segment actually moving between the two points in space. It suddenly was gone, and there was a boom in the distance.

Philly, with nerves of steel, manages to wrangle the suddenly unruly spacecraft back under control as it veers off the runway and onto the grass, struggling. He finally stops it as the fire trucks and rescue vehicles roll out to assist...


So yes, this really happened. I have NO idea why. It shocked the heck out of me and I barely managed to get things back under control and salvage the situation.

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You should definitely take note of what mods (if any) you have installed, too. The bug is so poorly documented due to its sheer randomness at this point that it's not even known if it's caused by mods or if it's something that can happen in a 100% stock save file.

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Think I ended up deleting the log files, sadly. Had bigger problems. Managed to figure out the crash, it was due to a video driver or something crashing. A reboot fixed it, thankfully. If I happen it again, I'll document the crap out of it, and I'll be on lookout. REALLy shocked the crap out of me when my 'Gorram Buffer Panel' exploded.

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  SkyRender said:
at this point that it's not even known if it's caused by mods or if it's something that can happen in a 100% stock save file.

It can happen in a pure stock game. It happened to me, and I made a bug report about it, but I guess it's going without a fix since the space centre is going through major changes next version anyway.

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