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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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So how does this work with mods like TAC Life support that aren't listed as officially or unofficially supported?

Nothing happens :).

Uh, I downloaded the github version from https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CommunityTechTree and put it in my gamedata and theres no new tech tree showing up....

EDIT: Waaiiitt, do I need the main download from this thread as well?? Going to try that.

Edit2: Nvm, it's just that one file.

Do you have MM version 2.6.2+?

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Ok, I uploaded 2.0... Hope things go well!

The list of supported mods has been reset to what I know, because CTT configs will need to be looked at. If you previously had an unofficial patch for a mod you like, you need to edit it as per the first post, then inform me here.

Edited by Nertea
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Smallish bug on new save with cheated-in science. I'm not seeing the nanolaything and recycling nodes, which is locking out their child nodes. It might be a capitalization error, checking now.


On second look I appear to be missing all the new nodes, locking out their child nodes. (ubuntu 64bit) I do have a pile of mods installed, but nothing tree-related.

Edited by Sandworm
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Nodes are invisible unless used by a mod. That appears to be an issue with my config with near future construction, which *should* be putting something in nanolathing. Grr.

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Nodes are invisible unless used by a mod. That appears to be an issue with my config with near future construction, which *should* be putting something in nanolathing. Grr.

I do have the three latest NF packs installed. I am seeing the more advanced nodes and they do have NF parts in them (orbital assembly etc) but am also missing nodes that aren't connected to NF such as simpleCommandModules, a parent to commandModules.

I'm combing through the cgfs looking for errors and haven't found any. I am missing many many nodes. Some of the lines are there, and when lines are missing there are gaps mades.









Edited by Sandworm
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Ok, I uploaded 2.0... Hope things go well!

The list of supported mods has been reset to what I know, because CTT configs will need to be looked at. If you previously had an unofficial patch for a mod you like, you need to edit it as per the first post, then inform me here.

RoverDudes stuff has CTT support in it, though he needs to update the configs to the new CTT 2.0

- - - Updated - - -

I do have the three latest NF packs installed. I am seeing the more advanced nodes and they do have NF parts in them (orbital assembly etc) but am also missing nodes that aren't connected to NF such as simpleCommandModules, a parent to commandModules.

I'm combing through the cgfs looking for errors and haven't found any. I am missing many many nodes. Some of the lines are there, and when lines are missing there are gaps mades.









All of those except recycling, simple command modules, and advPVmaterials are from MKS.

I'm not using the Near Future stuff, however, with what I have, I am seeing missing nodes and the lines are there. I'm not seeing any major gaps or anything.

Nodes that are missing for me and showing the lines:

simplecommandmodules (which mod is this one?)

recycling (Extraplanetary Launchpads I believe)

Exotic Alloys

Experimential Actuators

Specialized Science tech has a minor bug in it where it has a second line that doesn't go anywhere and the arrow just points back to itself. Well, it's a left pointing arrow on the right side of the node.

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RoverDudes stuff has CTT support in it, though he needs to update the configs to the new CTT 2.0


All it really needs is for the NEEDS: Techmanager tag to be removed from the config and you should be all good. This is probably true in the case of alot of configs im gonna assume :)

And thanks for all the work updating this Nertea! You rock

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@smjjames, this is normal. Though we can hide non-used nodes, we can't hide their node connections, which seem to show up. Those nodes appear missing, but they are just unused (except for the NFC one). The only way around this would be to require mods to construct the node connections themselves, and that adds a lot to their burden.

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Your price for advSolarTech is off a bit. Should be 550 instead of 500.

I'm working on a flowchart that uses the node ids to make it easier to figure out what modders need to turn on and off. Should have it done by tomorrow. It's based off the actual tech tree and not the gliffy doc. I think it's all correct.

I'll be putting some MM files together to rearrange parts into the new tree. I cannot stand that I need to go 6 nodes deep into the tree in order to get a ladder that will let me get back into a plane. I've been to Minmus 4 times, and I still don't have that ladder.

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Dammit, didn't 't knew you were going to release, a simple quick change is required:

- Advanced Fusion Reactor requires both Fusion Power and Fusion Rockets. You will need both branches of the techtree researched before you can have access to technology that outclasses them all.

- Exotic Alloys should be optionaly be unlocked from Meta Materials

Edited by FreeThinker
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The part in the highlighted node is a station part from nertea's Station Part Expansion Mod that is officially supported by CTT. Also, the requirements are shown in the node. The nodes are just not present within the tree

I assume because they are empty?

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Thank you for the quick fix.

Unfortunately, there are still some nodes that show odd behaviour. Hope i am not too annoying :)


I don't really know to which thread i should post this, since this seems to be related to near future packs as well as CTT. Do you want these in the respective mod's thread or here since it affects CTT?



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