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Kerbal History Remastered.

Guest Fyre Flare

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805.2-806: The "Final Few" (Survivors from Cratery Coast) Launch 28 interplanetary ships from different locations around the new Koruscant. The launches go undetected. They secretly rendezvous in orbit above minmus and travel to laythe, where the Krepublic has no idea they are there.

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807.4: Cratery Coast (Still in a Crater by the coast) has discovered Cupruniom, a radioactive element that can't be detected. It was discovered by accident. They arm themselves with it.


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Cratery Coast Anti-Kenator Kruiser gunners smile. They are completely undetected.

808: Cratery coast has finally managed to build complex rockets, and a probe to Pol. The Krepublic wonders where the probes came from. They begin to search the wrong side of laythe.

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808.5: Cratery Coast, now aware of the strike that will arrive in one month, launch escape pods and everything they can carry back to the hidden Space craft orbiting Vall. They sacrifice stealth for speed. They once again escape. They look on sadly as the place that saved them, good old Laythe, is obliterated.

809: The Kerbals at Cratery Coast create a force field that creates gravity and lasts for 10 years, and protect their spacecraft.

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810: The hidden space craft around Vall is successful in concealing its presence from all its would-be attackers... except for one. One being whose sight pervades the darkness and can leer through any cloaking device - one being whose eternal presence has forever haunted the empty void - one ever-vigilant, unforgiving, and unstoppable force of destruction: The Kraken. There is a horrific, sickening noise, and then a horrific, sickening silence. All that remains of the Vall space colony is a field of torn metal scraps strewn over the icy surface.

812: An autonomous probe captures the first ever photograph of The Kraken. After the first several Kerbals who examine it descend into varying degrees of insanity, it is locked in an underground vault for safekeeping until the most dire of circumstances.

812.5: The earliest known ancestor of Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Kerman is born: Bebedill Kerman. Together with Von Kerman's grandson Wernher Kerman, he founds StrutCo, a corporation specializing in reinforcing braces and other parts to increase the safety and structural integrity of spacecraft and other vehicles.

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814: The Cratery Coast's hidden crafts force-feild sparks out prematurely. They are venerable. They narrowly escape the Kraken and go full power to Duna. They hope things will finally be better, but there will be no Cratery Coasts. Only Craters.

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(Well, considering that Duna doesn't have lakes or anything...)

815: A companion to Karbonite, Karborundum is discovered. The scientists researching it try to connect it to a Karbonite engine prototype and quickly discover a new type of engine. Unfortunately, this engine or "Torch Drive" goes off in the lab and burns it (and the surrounding forest) down.

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820: The Kerbal's Republic of the Crater is furious that it's not recognized. It annexed the majority of the islands on Kerbin with it's strong army. It also colonized the dead kraken on Bop.

(The Kerbal's Republic of the Crater is northeast of the Eagle empire of 794.)

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821.059: The parents of the kerbal who dropped the KerbKream start a rally. They try to destroy Kerbin, but fail.

822: Scientists finish the Karbonite Torch Drive, MK 2. They launch into orbit and power up the drive... then speed off at about 2G. Fairly quickly, the craft accelerates to 0.95 c. It is bound for the Kamelanic Satellite Galaxy and will arrive in 10020. They will survive because of cryogenic freezing and experimental mind uploading.

(Perhaps they will survive the extinction of the rest of the Kerbals, if they aren't forgotten...)

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826: After "The Few" from Cratery Coast arrived at Duna, they used High gain radio antennas, and learned about the Kerbal's Republic of Craters. They got very mad and decided to go back home to destroy this copy-cat nation. But first, they were going to gilly.

827: Cratery Coast arrives at Gilly, and bombards the Republic of Craters using orbital bombardment. All the Kerbals on Gilly die. They then burn towards Kerbin, and will arrive in 832.

828: Kerbin's tectonic plates shift, making Kerbin look like this:


(Also, use this map, it is updated and clear.)

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