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[Testers] Parts Compilation Kit


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This is a "mod" that I want to have that has all the parts from every parts pack and puts them in one space so if someone (like myself) needs to test a craft- we have every parts pack and will never been taken off-guard.

This is also here for those who just want to have everything in one place and remove what they want.

I just want every mod maker to please link their parts pack to me in the section below so testers can use this and not have to hassle with getting 5000 parts mods.

Mods In pack:


Last Updated: 11/17/14

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Oh boy...

Is this an attempt at a mod pack, or just a collection of mod links? If the former, I suggest you look into prior community reaction to such things. If it is the latter, I fail to see how it would provide something that doesn't already exist.

There are also a number of potential issues that need to be addressed. First off, assuming that every modder who makes a part pack will take their time to add their stuff to your list is...ridiculous...at best. If you want to make something like this, you cannot expect everyone to just come and drop everything necessary at your feet. Second off, what do you define as a part pack? What about mod parts that require a plugin to function? Your list will effectively include almost every mod in existence. Third, how do you plan on getting KSP to run with that many mods installed? How does this speed up the process at all?

Have you seen the KerbalX initiative? It is a craft sharing site intended to simplify the sharing of modded craft by automatically detecting the mods used in them. Perhaps you should check that out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93548

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  MonaBabii said:
I'm sorry but I don't think I understand what this actually is... It basically sounds like >This< to me, but I'm sure I'm wrong. Would you mind explaining a little bit more in-depth what exactly is that you're trying to achieve?

I'm wanting every mod in existence because there are plenty of mods that I must google a part code from in order to find the source of- and I cant guarentee that people will jump through the hoops to make an account and upload to KerbalX 100% of the time.

So yes- I Want every part pack- what is a part pack? Anything that with a stock game would fail to load- if it requires a plugin it will be part of folder as "required-plugin".

I want this to be a group effort- understanding 90% of the community will not assist me out here- so I will use my side of the forums to help me so don't worry about that.

Also- this is not for the average consumer. This is for a person who wants to test anything and everything without having to track down B9, then KAS, then interstellar, then a brand new mod that its only at "unknown file uploader.com", so this will cut it down and slow KSP to a crawl but that's the sacrifice you make- also- you can narrow down the game's part navigation issues with Part Cataloger. Use it...really. Which will come free in optionals folder.

And no- this is not a "new" parts pack. It is a combination of everyone elses so that I can have it in one place.

Even though I can get help from elsewhere- having help from this side of the forums would help...

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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Honestly, KerbalX has some weight behind it, and it's a much more elegant solution than a zip with a bunch of out of date mods in it. And I don't mean that flippantly; maintaining what you're suggesting could be a full time job and I still doubt you'd keep up.

I understand what you're trying to achieve, but I think you're also forgetting that there are a fair few mods which either prohibit or ask you very nicely not to redistribute in 'parts packs' (mine included shortly).

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  lo-fi said:
Honestly, KerbalX has some weight behind it, and it's a much more elegant solution than a zip with a bunch of out of date mods in it. And I don't mean that flippantly; maintaining what you're suggesting could be a full time job and I still doubt you'd keep up.

I understand what you're trying to achieve, but I think you're also forgetting that there are a fair few mods which either prohibit or ask you very nicely not to redistribute in 'parts packs' (mine included shortly).

Well Im talking about the mods whom may never be updated. Again- this is... call it a "dev" pack. Its not meant for the average consumer.

For example- btw true story-

Someone hands us a shuttle and says please fix it... we upload thinking its a stock craft and this part error pops up: NBrcs5block

We have no idea what it is- it could be weeks, or months before the guy shows back up and we need to have it done by then.

So instead of me having to hope that google has an answer (which it did... thankfully). I have this.

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  dtoxic said:
well nice idea you have there but me personally,

this link is more than enough for me...so i don see a point in your part pack :) but hey hope you get it sorted out :)


That's nice and all but that still leaves a good portion left out... some of these mods you have to go to the ends of the earth for...

If people don't step forward- it means this weekend I have to go through and sort, and add and DOWNLOAD every single part mod in this section of the forums and I will sweep it clean... but that's at least a week if not more of sorting, downloading etc. So I prefer to not do that... (that's NOT including the ones ONLY on Curse and no mention on the forums, KerbalX only, and other smaller mod hosting sources).

So that thread leaves a lot to be desired.... FOR TESTING UNKNOWN CRAFTS.

Remember guys... it can come down to an OUTDATED B9 engine that causes an issue. That is what I'm after- I'll do the outdated versions hunting- I just need a list of WHAT to hunt for which you'll give to me in a list (again the other thread will last me a short while before I must dig through this thread... page after page after page after page after page after page...)

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Originally I thought you're suggesting a mod that would "export" a *.craft file with all the parts it requires in one nice little package that you can zip up and share. Your friend could then unpack that zip file, dump all the files into their GameData, run the game, and load the *.craft file with a 100% guarantee that all required parts exist.

Now that, would be a more elegant solution to the problem you're describing, in my honest opinion, without requiring you or anyone to download and install all parts that ever existed ever or manually keeping track of part IDs.

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Well, the problem becomes "Will this mod pack even load?" And the answer is absolutely no god damn way. Many mods either require 32 bit and get squirrely upon loading in 64 bit, or are too massive to load by themselves in 32 bit. I can sometimes reach my own operating ram limit working in 64 bit without a texture resizer, and I guarantee that you could exceed the RAM capability of your machine before you could load every mod ever uploaded to this site. Even the top 35% most popular would still leave you struggling and most likely crashing every 10 minutes. I think you're out of luck there mate.

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  irishmanerrant said:
Well, the problem becomes "Will this mod pack even load?" And the answer is absolutely no god damn way. Many mods either require 32 bit and get squirrely upon loading in 64 bit, or are too massive to load by themselves in 32 bit. I can sometimes reach my own operating ram limit working in 64 bit without a texture resizer, and I guarantee that you could exceed the RAM capability of your machine before you could load every mod ever uploaded to this site. Even the top 35% most popular would still leave you struggling and most likely crashing every 10 minutes. I think you're out of luck there mate.

This is exactly what I was going to say.

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It's also just beyond me, as a mod maker, to test every situation. I can't test my mod on every hardware configuration... and I don't think the answer is somehow shoving one of every PCI card ever made into one machine and trying to make it boot into Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. :)

At the moment, my plan as a modder is to build and test as well as I can on my machine... and then let the community try it out and report bugs. If they run into something, then I'll track it down. Since this is all for fun... a mod doesn't have to be tested in every possible situation and have every bug squashed before you let it out the door, like a piece of professionally developed software (ideally, but rarely ever) would.

And part conflicts aren't that common... 99% of parts should just work no matter what. Plugins are what can make things iffy, because they change the core functions of the game. An example - if an autopilot plugin were trying to land your ship... and only watching the stock atmospheric pressure to know when to fire the parachutes, and it didn't know that a better-than-stock aerodynamics plugin(something like FAR) had zeroed out that number and was doing it's own calculations... you might smash into the ground. So the guys that make those two plugins need to talk to each other about how to make sure that the autopilot either looks at the new number or that the aerodynamic mod puts a simulated number in the same place that stock keeps it.

I think it's a noble goal you're working towards, I just don't think your current approach will work. It won't just slow your machine down. There's a hard coded limit to how many megs of textures and models can be loaded into memory before 32 bit KSP just shuts down... and it's easy to reach it playing casually, let alone intentionally loading up more mods than you plan to use.

In my opinion, a better approach would be - you could make and curate a thread that lists all known mod conflicts. So instead of me having to read through the whole DRE thread, then post in that thread and wait for a response... I could come to your thread and read the first post and see - these three things can conflict with DRE... things that do this. Always install this AFTER that. Sometimes parts that do this won't work if there's one of these on your ship. etc. That would be REALLY useful for mod makers in the testing phase!


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  artwhaley said:
It's also just beyond me, as a mod maker, to test every situation. I can't test my mod on every hardware configuration... and I don't think the answer is somehow shoving one of every PCI card ever made into one machine and trying to make it boot into Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. :)

At the moment, my plan as a modder is to build and test as well as I can on my machine... and then let the community try it out and report bugs. If they run into something, then I'll track it down. Since this is all for fun... a mod doesn't have to be tested in every possible situation and have every bug squashed before you let it out the door, like a piece of professionally developed software (ideally, but rarely ever) would.

And part conflicts aren't that common... 99% of parts should just work no matter what. Plugins are what can make things iffy, because they change the core functions of the game. An example - if an autopilot plugin were trying to land your ship... and only watching the stock atmospheric pressure to know when to fire the parachutes, and it didn't know that a better-than-stock aerodynamics plugin(something like FAR) had zeroed out that number and was doing it's own calculations... you might smash into the ground. So the guys that make those two plugins need to talk to each other about how to make sure that the autopilot either looks at the new number or that the aerodynamic mod puts a simulated number in the same place that stock keeps it.

I think it's a noble goal you're working towards, I just don't think your current approach will work. It won't just slow your machine down. There's a hard coded limit to how many megs of textures and models can be loaded into memory before 32 bit KSP just shuts down... and it's easy to reach it playing casually, let alone intentionally loading up more mods than you plan to use.

In my opinion, a better approach would be - you could make and curate a thread that lists all known mod conflicts. So instead of me having to read through the whole DRE thread, then post in that thread and wait for a response... I could come to your thread and read the first post and see - these three things can conflict with DRE... things that do this. Always install this AFTER that. Sometimes parts that do this won't work if there's one of these on your ship. etc. That would be REALLY useful for mod makers in the testing phase!


Ah now that's something I can correct-

When I say tester- I mean testing a crafts ability to FLY... in game stuff. NOT load-ability and stuff.

Again this is NOT meant for the modding community (however I will ofc keep all licenses once provided). Its meant for the Rocket Building Community so that you can build without the constant errors popping up.

Also- I'm a problem solver. Saying it can't be done just begs me MORE to make it happen.

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