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Probably the worst kraken I've ever experienced


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Well, it was weird.

I was flying the B9 Kornbluth with MechJeb spaceplane guidance on at 3000 meters. I decided to timewarp to get up there faster. For a millisecond, all of the individual parts of my plane were scattered across the screen and then I was flipping through space. I believe this is a recognized kraken. I stayed, watching it for a while, and then the screen went black. The altitude meter was blank, the speedometer said NaN, and the navball literally went dark. I'm traveling so fast Jeb is screaming in horror, and he doesn't do so lightly. I'm not joking. Jeb was screaming. All the RPM displays went totally dead too. I tried to eva and the game crashed with a crash log. Wow. Thank you so much, kraken. You've just added a few more pounds of totally worthless mystery to my life.

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Interesting second post!

Pics, or it didn't happen :wink:

This is most likely the physics Kraken at work, there's a reason a warning pops up first time you try to go at 4x physics warp... how many parts does this B9 Kornbluth have?

Edited by Cmdr. Arn1e
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