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Hello Everyone, I'm Rayge. I was hoping for as many tips you could supply put simply. so, try to keep a low count on the big words. cx but absolutely anything that could help me in my kerbal space program adventure would be welcomed!

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Hello Everyone, I'm Rayge. I was hoping for as many tips you could supply put simply. so, try to keep a low count on the big words. cx but absolutely anything that could help me in my kerbal space program adventure would be welcomed!

Glad to have you aboard Rayge!

How much progress have you made so far in the game? An idea of what you already are (and aren't) able to accomplish would do a LOT to help narrow down the tips to things that would be specifically useful for you... :)



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Glad to have you aboard Rayge!

How much progress have you made so far in the game? An idea of what you already are (and aren't) able to accomplish would do a LOT to help narrow down the tips to things that would be specifically useful for you... :)



Well, i can orbit the sun (my biggest achievement) but i really want to know how to land on planets and make a rover and stuff. I would love to create a moon base. I also have made a space station that is in a sun orbit (only cuz i failed to orbit kerbin.) but really landing on planets and things, and orbiting.

- - - Updated - - -

The tutorial in my signature doesn't give much detail about how to fly, but it has a lot on mission and vehicle design ...

The best place to look for tutorials is The Drawing Board, or just browse the tutorials section of this forum.

Thanks :D ill check all those out!

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...landing on planets and things, and orbiting

Vanamonde must be in modest mode - his How To Reach Orbit, And A Rocket That Can Do It is possibly the best place to start.

"Landing on planets..." is just a tad tougher; take it step by step (with luck my tutorial will help there). Important things to note about interplanetary - after you've been to the moons a few times, if you aren't too impatient - i) DO NOT land on Eve if you intend to come back, ii) Duna is about the easiest to get to and return, iii) planetary-alignment is important, relatively-efficient/easy missions are only possible during a "transfer window", iv) Kerbin->Mun or Kerbin->Minmus are similar to Sun->Any planet, v) Mun<->Minmus is similar to A Planet<->Another Planet but a lot easier to practice.

Read lots, watch videos where the text isn't clear. It does all make sense after a while. Rocket science isn't that hard after all!

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Well, i can orbit the sun (my biggest achievement) but i really want to know how to land on planets and make a rover and stuff. I would love to create a moon base. I also have made a space station that is in a sun orbit (only cuz i failed to orbit kerbin.) but really landing on planets and things, and orbiting.

It sounds like you're just burning straight up, and expecting to get to orbit Rayge. You know you have to perform a gravity-turn (that is, slowly tip over until your are burning horizontal during your ascent) to make orbit, right?

Orbit is basically the state of moving so fast *horizontally* that you continuously fall and yet always miss the ground. Once you're there, getting *anywhere* is usually just a matter of speeding up, slowing down, or burning at a right-angle to your velocity so as to alter the inclination of your orbit.

If you see this message on time, I *highly* recommend watching my KSP Twitch live-stream which I'm going to be starting up in a few minutes. I'll be starting off by launching a Mun Lander to Kerbin orbit, which should be *highly* instructive if you're struggling just to get to orbit yourself...



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