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OPT Victory (Medium SSTO VTOL Heavy-duty Dropship)


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OPT Victory craft file!


B9 (engines)



OPT(Spaceplane parts) (plane body)

Nearfuture Solar (Power)

Karbonite (mining/converting)

USI Exploration pack

KW Rocketry (struts)


VTSNazari toolboxes

Stationparts expansion

JSI Rasterpropmonitor

Davon Throttle Control Systems //Ship control

RCS landing aid(kill horizontal velocity) //Ship control

Vertical velocity killer //Ship control

ERS Exploration Rover System (Rover)

I noticed that Tweakscale and B9 can conflict a little bit and get create some odd base-scale, so install Tweakscale lastly IMO. The USI Exploration pack is needed to add 2 mini-karbonite drill in the VTS toolbox, this way you can use 2 pipe and a pylon to create a link between the ship and the drills, you have to set up the drills by yourself using KAS, that is.

First place a pylon, make a link with pipes, then add the 2 mini-drills to the pylon, start mining. I have a large karbonite converter located back in the ship, it sticks up alittle from the hull as I've clipped it inside the OPT LFO tank, it should be easily clickable! RCS converters is just behind the nuclear engines.

Another thing before you can have fun, rightclick the large VTOL VA1 engines, select "set control" and make sure any control is selected as off, and then make sure that the engines are keybound:

Go to the actiongroup page in the SPH, select all 4 VTOL engines, and then:

Actiongroup 1: Lower engines

Actiongroup 2: Raise engines

Actiongroup 3: Toggle engines

Actiongroup4: Toggle KY engines (select all four and make sure toggle engine is set for all of them)

Actiongroup5: Toggle nukes

Actiongroup6: Airbrakes #1

Actiongroup7: Airbrakes #2

Actiongroup8: Extend winches(select all four to make sure they're included)

Actiongroup9: Retract winches

Actiongroup10: Unplug tethers.

ASET ERS Rover craft-file

If you've installed ERS, KAS, B9, and USI MKS/OKS(found in the USI catalogue page above), then this craftfile should work too.

This Rover can be carried by Victory and dropped off in harsh terrain were the Victory may not land! Add airbags to the rover for better impact capability. Another note for the Rover, use Mechjeb's stability function located in the Rover Autopilot box, meaning if a Rover has adequate SAS torque, mechjeb will align the rovers AoA(angle of attack) to the surface and do 10/10 landings in speeds up to 50m/s, helpful when you drop the thing from the skies.

Lastly, try out Davon throttlecontrol, when you drop the Rover, use this mod to balance the sudden wieght difference, or bind your rear engines to a slider so you may increase their thrust to couterbalance when attempting this crucial moment, after all the OPT Victory is expensive :)

You should use the KY engines and the runway to takeoff from Kerbin, the VTOLs aren't fuel conservative, but are more meant to land on alien worlds with or without an atmosphere, and with a lower G than Kerbin. So it's not really suitable to operate in Kerbin for long, as the design doesn't allow that flexibility. Think of it as a really versatile spaceshuttle meant for interplanetary operations.

Also the ship needs an orbital fuelstation in order to continue from Kerbin SOI, with nukes at full tank it should have 5000-7000 D/V.

Ship attributes

Has a lab/crew module of 4 Kerbals

Can carry a heavy ERS rover or 2.5m modules in its 8m cargo bay.

VTOL capable, most efficient in non-atmospherical bodies. (300 isp atmos vs 390 isp void.)

5000-7000 nuclear d/v at full tank.

Can land on any body, any type of atmosphere, if you plan the fuel consumption right.

Comes with 2x small portable karbonite drills that must be setup for mining using KAS pylon and 2 pipe end points. Has an onboard converter and distiller.

Has the capability and space for very large droptanks, increasing further d/v after circularization.

Happy flying folks!!

Oh, please tell me if any mod is missing or if it isn't working for you!

Edited by SlimJim89
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I`m soooo going to play with these parts after upgrading my pc :D

Thanks for sharing, didn`t even knew this mod existed and along with RetroFuture these parts add alot to a more scifi feeling to ksp :D

Now just Unity 5 for multi threaded physics so we can go nuts :rolleyes:

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Love this, too lazy to install all the mods lol.

EDIT: Stationparts mod is missing, link doesnt work. (I lied about being too lazy, this is just too awesome)

Edited by Kozak
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  Wafle Master said:
Love this, too lazy to install all the mods lol.

EDIT: Stationparts mod is missing, link doesnt work. (I lied about being too lazy, this is just too awesome)

Now it's fixed, accidantally added a ')' to the URL :)

Don't miss out the control mods I just added, you can hover at 0m/s in any direction with these, and actually attach the Rover to the tethers while your ship is in the air :)

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Internet was being annoying so I just now got to finish downloading all the mods, time to try this thing out! I know I'll love it I just want to see what I can do with it lol.

EDIT: I give up, Can you just make a download for all the mods at once? :P I can't seem to figure out which mods are missing because the files arent named as the mod... which is.... really really annoying.

Edited by Kozak
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  Wafle Master said:
Internet was being annoying so I just now got to finish downloading all the mods, time to try this thing out! I know I'll love it I just want to see what I can do with it lol.

EDIT: I give up, Can you just make a download for all the mods at once? :P I can't seem to figure out which mods are missing because the files arent named as the mod... which is.... really really annoying.

Post a screenshot of the SPH when the box telling you of the missing parts comes up, I'll ID the mods for you.

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I installed kerbal joint reinforcement, tried no crash damage, it starts heavily shaking now. With crash damage on, it just explodes. The wingtips are huge suddenly, is there anyway to fix the size issue?

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  • 1 month later...

Seems that the latest version of OPT Spaceplane parts has changed the names of several parts. When attempting to load your craft (which looks awesome BTW), I get several missing parts from OPT, which do seem to exist, but under a different name.

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  • 11 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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