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Question: Is There A Person That Represents The World In The Case Of Contact With ETs


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we send sun. hopefully that will push the aliens away

Sun as in who I think you're talking about or the actual SUN? :confused:

Depends on how much they advanced. Considering that a species with moderate amounts of rocket technology would already be able to move throughout massive distances (74,000 years is a short time on the cosmic scale), I truly doubt a alien species would see us as pests or be so advanced that our weapons would be like big clubs. If a bunch of redcoats timewarped from the 18th century and started to attack society today, they would cause a lot of trouble and put up a pretty substantial resistance despite being bombed from the air (Orbital bombardment) or attacked on the ground.

Depends on where they timewarp to and if they just start firing on us randomly.

I'm not quite sure they would be ready to fight anyone if they suddenly apparate right in front of New York City, what with the giant buildings and cabs and hordes of people in strange clothing walking about, but disregarding that, you make a relatively solid point.

(Seriously, how much destruction could a bunch of guys create when it takes them like two minutes to reload the muskets? :P Compared to semi-automatic sidearms nowadays muskets are almost reduced to "big clubs".)

Edited by Starwhip
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Depends on where they timewarp to and if they just start firing on us randomly.

I'm not quite sure they would be ready to fight anyone if they suddenly apparate right in front of New York City, what with the giant buildings and cabs and hordes of people in strange clothing walking about, but disregarding that, you make a relatively solid point.

(Seriously, how much destruction could a bunch of guys create when it takes them like two minutes to reload the muskets? :P Compared to semi-automatic sidearms nowadays muskets are almost reduced to "big clubs".)

Depending on how you look at it, we might be around WW2-era to them at best, probably Medieval to them at worst. If we get really lucky, we'll get the trope of "Insufficiently Advanced Aliens" and proceed to curbstomp them on the ground while reverse engineering their starships. Considering the fact that our space technology has stagnated while our military technology is still growing substaintally, this might be probable. A more peaceful species that didn't evolve trying to violently kill each other has a good chance of taking in heavy losses since they failed to adequately develop technology suitable for combat inside a gravity well.

If redcoats showed up today and started attacking, they would cause casualties amongst the members of the military by at a great cost to themselves. We would cause minor to moderate losses for any military invasion against us (If they are as advanced as the ones I think you're talking about) but to simply kill us with pesticides is probably overexaggeration.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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The US Military in the 50s has formulated the "seven steps of contact" protocol. Its obviously kinda militaristic, but it depicts how first you assess the thread level, then make "covert contact", then take samples and finally make open contact (interestingly the first UFO contact report 57 reports aliens doing exactly that, too, like the protocol formulated...well well).

He he. I guess today the aliens are still in the "sample collection" stage :wink:

More seriously, people in the medival age were evolutionary pretty much what we are today. But what will happen if you add another 50000 years of evolution? The difference between them and mankind would be like the difference from mankind to chimpanzee or so. Neil deGrasse Tyson pointed this out much better than i ever could. Go to minute 8:30

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Why do people think things like this? A significant portion of the world's population already believes in aliens, they're not murdering each other over it.

A significant portion of the western (media) population, I think.

But it also seems that this western (media) population is quick to exterminate outside visitors - seeing the sudden switch from the original topic of this thread?

What do they want, why are they here?

small (regarding crew size) FTL ship - probably scientific excursion or diplomatic mission

larger generation ship - might still be scientific, for lack of FTL

very large ship - makes a desperate colonization attempt much more likely

very large FTL ship - take cover

I think even a colonization attempt might be beneficial for both sides. We have the planet, they have the technology to make/keep it inhabitable. (Unless THAT was the reason to leave their planet in the first place?)

Overall a war would cost both sides - if our military resorts to scorched earth (literally) they would have won nothing. And if they were able to terraform an irradiated planet, they might as well take Mars or Venus. (Maybe the gravity there is more like their home planet's?)

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