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Athmospheric model ? noob query

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I've just started playing KSP (today) and wondered if there is an Atmospheric model incorporated into the simulation with the usual air density, pressure and temperature changes, even a simplified one like the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) model.

I was also wondering if the science equipment will eventually actually measure something rather just a simple acknowledgement a measurment has been taken.

I've not tried a the aircraft section particularly since the aerodynamics is undeveloped but its an area I hope will be improved. I know there supposed to aerodynamics modelling improvement in the beta update is there any news what type of model that will be?

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Stock atmospheric density is a simple isothermal (heh) model, that falls of exponentially with altitude, and is conveniently always directly proportional to pressure. The atmosphere cuts off when it hits 1e-6 datum pressure.

eg: Kerbin's datum pressure is 1 atm, and the scale height is 5 km. So pressure is exp(-altitude_ASL/5000 m) until you hit 69,078 m, when it's 0. Eve's datum pressure is 5 atm and the scale height is 7 km, so the pressure is 5*exp(-altitude_ASL/7000 m) until you hit 96,709 m.

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I know there supposed to aerodynamics modelling improvement in the beta update is there any news what type of model that will be?

Atmospheric and drag models are scheduled for review during beta (in some currently unannounced update) not in the upcoming 0.90.0 update. At this time, no details about what that model will be have been published, to the best of my knowledge.

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Some of the science equipment has an option to toggle the display so you can read off atmospheric pressure, temperature and acceleration but you'll have to manually record the information if you want to use it.

There is a mod that can record this data to a .csv file for importing into a spreadsheet program. Damned if I can remember what its called tho...

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There were several of data recording mods:

1. Logomatic  very outdated, but still partially workable. Alas, legal link gone with spaceport.

2. FlightRecorder  outdated, don't know is it legally accessible. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1011-0-21-1-Flight-Recorder

3. Graphotron http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38319-0-21-x-Graphotron-2000

4. Telemachus http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24594-0-25-%282014-10-12%29-Telemachus-%E2%80%93-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser

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