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Seriously can we just get a Quit Game button in the Esc menu?

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definitely yes. a nice clean, no frills, only get asked "are you sure" once thing would be great.

This reminds me of a program I wrote (seems like a thousand years ago) in which I had a bit of fun with the quit function. No matter how you exited it, you got sent through 37 layers of variations on "are you sure?" in which the program begged not to be shut down.

I know, I know. but it was like one of the first things I wrote when learning visual c++ 4.0.

seems I was the only one that thought it was hilarious.

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This may be one of the few suggestions that everyone just agrees with and does not descend into a discussion about finer points of stuff.

I`ve been playing some other games lately and I really appreciate a `quit to desktop` button on every menu you can reach by pressing escape.

One more post in support here.


great idea, i like it civ-5 menu style where under the esc menu theres options to quit to main menu as well as to quit to desktop.

How strange. It is in fact CIV V I was playing...

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