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[1.2][v0.9.7]Kerbal Live Feed - Interstellar Flight Inc (FORK)


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New version available, Download link updated in main post.

Version 0.8.8

Added Building tracking at Space Center so you see which building a player is using at Space Center

Tweaks to chat display scroll back and window size.

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So if someone has a mod that adds a custom part (mechjeb for instance, though naturally there are plenty of more ambitious ones), what does this do?

Will it determine that the person's ship uses parts you don't have, and not attempt to calculate or render it? Will it simply hide the ship completely if so, or would it replace it with a flat little icon that indicates "missing part" like a crossed out gear or something so you could still at least follow its location? Or would it not have any such safeguards and just cause issues for the person trying to view the ship?


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  • 2 weeks later...

since no response to my messages. stavell can i get a unbann on the server. didnt know u had no hard cap on the outside gui for chating so went over the limit and server banned me. since there a lock on how much u can type ingame thought outside gui had it to. been almost 5 days now without any communication from u even thou u been on forums in that time

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sorry about that, I thought I had a limit in client I will unban and also fix the client.

- - - Updated - - -

New version available, Download link updated in main post.

Version 0.9.1

Added Chat Length Restriction to KLFClient so players do not get banned accidentally when using Console as chat interface outside of KSP

Edited by Stavell
New release 0.9.1
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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh, Stavell, I think I've traced down some nullreferenceexceptions and fairly horrible lag down to KLF. Whenever I leave Kerbin's SOI after playing for a while, I get some bad lag and spammed with thousands of nullrefs. It stops when I remove KLF - I'll get you some logs here in a little while, I'll test it on a clean install.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  lagcity613 said:
Oh, Stavell, I think I've traced down some nullreferenceexceptions and fairly horrible lag down to KLF. Whenever I leave Kerbin's SOI after playing for a while, I get some bad lag and spammed with thousands of nullrefs. It stops when I remove KLF - I'll get you some logs here in a little while, I'll test it on a clean install.

Looking into that to see what I can find.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have a 1.0 compatible release ready, I'm having major server issues - and to help give the websites the most possible bandwidth I holding off release until the problems are corrected and I bring the KLF Server back online.

Thanks for your Understanding ( I estimate last week of May for KLF Restore to service)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Seems the Switch in the rack has 2 bad ports, and should be fixed in the next 5 days. At least that is what Tech support is telling me, My network bandwidth is about 10% of what it's suppose to be :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  SergeantBlueforce said:
Perhaps you should distribute server files so other people can host a server while yours is down. I would host one, but I don't have the resource to host it dedicated.

I'll second the request for server files. I would love to use this plugin to play with my family, but I'd rather not do it on a public server since some of them are quite young.

Any update on 1.0.x compatibility?

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