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Realism Overhaul Problems

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I've been having waaay too many problems with Realism Overhaul lately, and was hoping for some advice... It seem's there's a good 1 out of every 3 time I go to the launchpad, recover the vessel, or even just randomly that the game will crash... and it really doesn't help that the game takes 5 minutes to load! (Which is totally acceptable without constant crashing)

Also, I keep getting annoying bugs that completely ruin gameplay.


Bendy Rockets (Not Intended)

Shady Shadows (Not in the mug you in the ally sort of way)

Disintegrating Landing Gear (Already shielded though DRE)

And... what is even going on in the last few... Complete and total SRB failure.

Crash Logs:


And Mod list:


*I may not be able to respond quickly, studying prevails above all else now*

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Oh my, those are some bendy rockets!

Well, first things first, I'd recommend updating to the latest Realism Overhaul, I think a few of those things should be alleviated.

For bendy rockets, could be one of two things, Nodes might not be being sized correctly, or your root part is wobbling too much. To test, install SelectRoot and rebuild around a part near your center of mass, say a fuel tank.

On the complete and total SRB failure (And the landing gear problems), somewhere in the 6.1.X release the temps for everything got set down to 800 (unless explicitly changed). This has since been fixed to a degree, looks like I need to include landing gear in the exception to that config.

I'm not so sure about the rest of it, try updating to the newest version of RO (make sure you delete the old Realism Overhaul folder) and see if that helps!

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I updated to the new realism overhaul version and checked for new realism overhaul but I still have the issue with the SRB nozzle spawning no where near the bottom of the booster. Still checking for the wobbly rocket issue... Whoops... Installed Realism overhaul update wrong, fixing now!

Edited by JT2227
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Can you reupload it without the Kerbal Engineer chip on it? RealismOverhaul adds those to the probe core by default now, and it doesn't exist in the most recent Kerbal Engineer so KSP won't load the craft.

Edit: You're in luck, I have an older download of Kerbal Engineer, testing your craft.

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Ares CTV - Abort button is fun! Flies just fine, don't see any problems with it.

Delta 1 - Sea level TWR is <1, but otherwise flies fine.

This is on a completely fresh install through CKAN, perhaps try doing that?

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